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Why Is The NFL Fixed??


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Think about this one for a second...

In 2001, the United States was hit by a terrorist attack, and we were back on our heels. Our rally cry was to defeat the terrorists and to seek avengance any way that we could. Patriotism reigned through the veins of all Americans. The NFL saw this, and lo and behold, the New England Patriots win the Super Bowl that year, none other than a red, white and blue team.

Last season, George W. Bush was in a downward spiral with the war and all the other efforts, the United States' economy was down once again. Jerome Bettis is from Detroit and the Super Bowl is to be played in Detroit. It is his last year. A steel mining city of Pittsburgh wins the Super Bowl, a classic "blue-collared town"

This year, New Orleans gets demolished by Hurricane Katrina prior. The feel good story is the Saints going back into the Superdome. In the Eagles-Saints game, there are numerous questionable calls and cheerleading from the press boxes. The referees hand many calls to the Saints and few to the Eagles.

Think about it.

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Be serious dude, that's a pretty heavy accusation to make with absolutely no proof.

The Steelers had been good for years. The Saints got a new head coach and the #1 player in college, one of the best college players to ever come out. And the Patriots, remember, won two more in 3 years.

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brees had a good season and carried the Saints in a weak NFC.

there's always someone who thinks that either the NFL or the MLB or the NHL or the NBA is fixed. it's the "greatest possible scandal" of all time.

it'd also be great of Bush was an alien from pluto pissed off b/c we nixed their planet status and he's here to seek revenge by being stupid.

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You don't think the government owes New Orleans something after the whole FEMA embarassment? You don't think that Jerome Bettis got to play in his hometown for the Super Bowl title is just a little bit of a coincidence. Plus in the Super Bowl last year, there were so many questionable calls that have been pointed out so many times.

Ron, I am not arguing about where the Super Bowl is played, I am talking about how it is coincidently decided before hand with the outcome.

Sean O, you don't think the "tuck rule" had anything to do with the Patriots success and the like in the playoffs?

Things just happen to fall the right way for these teams in the ideas of officiating.

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You don't think the government owes New Orleans something after the whole FEMA embarassment? You don't think that Jerome Bettis got to play in his hometown for the Super Bowl title is just a little bit of a coincidence. Plus in the Super Bowl last year, there were so many questionable calls that have been pointed out so many times.

Ron, I am not arguing about where the Super Bowl is played, I am talking about how it is coincidently decided before hand with the outcome.

Sean O, you don't think the "tuck rule" had anything to do with the Patriots success and the like in the playoffs?

Things just happen to fall the right way for these teams in the ideas of officiating.

I usually refrain from personal remarks on this message board, but I think it's called for this time.

So, let me just say something that I'm sure a lot of people are thinking.

You're an idiot.

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every league has to deal with bad calls. so i guess college football is rigged also since there were so many bad calls, (i.e. Oklahoma and ORegon with the onside kick)

yeah there was so much controverdy on that call, it was all my podcasts said for a week

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You don't think the government owes New Orleans something after the whole FEMA embarassment?

The government owes the NFL?

You don't think that Jerome Bettis got to play in his hometown for the Super Bowl title is just a little bit of a coincidence. Plus in the Super Bowl last year, there were so many questionable calls that have been pointed out so many times.

How many people are on a football team? What are the chances that any random player on a team will be from one of the major metropolitan areas in the country? My guess is it's pretty high.

It is ridiculous and paranoid to use hindsight to attribute meaning to what occurred. Have you ever heard the phrase 'correlation does not imply causation?'

Sean O, you don't think the "tuck rule" had anything to do with the Patriots success and the like in the playoffs?

Things just happen to fall the right way for these teams in the ideas of officiating.

That's called the playoffs man, which is why it's an incredibly poor way to decide who the best team is. The Red Sox would've lost the 2004 championship if Tony Clark's hit to right field had bounced 6 inches in any other direction. Was that due to some massive conspiracy?

Don't start trying to find meaning behind everything, because it's a slippery slope to having a tinfoil hat and yelling about the government.

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How many people are on a football team? What are the chances that any random player on a team will be from one of the major metropolitan areas in the country? My guess is it's pretty high.

It is ridiculous and paranoid to use hindsight to attribute meaning to what occurred. Have you ever heard the phrase 'correlation does not imply causation?'

Does he SOUND like he's ever heard of a semi-complicated concept like that? No, he doesn't. And he's clearly showing that if he HAS heard of it, he certainly didn't comprehend it.

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This year, New Orleans gets demolished by Hurricane Katrina prior. The feel good story is the Saints going back into the Superdome. In the Eagles-Saints game, there are numerous questionable calls and cheerleading from the press boxes. The referees hand many calls to the Saints and few to the Eagles.

This is what you find in the dictionary under Sore Loser

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It's all just coincidence with everything that happens, but it adds up end the end.

I know the Eagles got outplayed by the Saints and Duece McAllister ran all over them, but half of the calls were questionable to say the least. Same thing with last year's super bowl



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Are you joking me? Your still arguing this? OK, now explain to me how 2 wrong calls justify the NFL fixing its games? By that reason, KC didn't win the 1985 world series, it shoulda been St. Louis', but no, MLB is fixing it's games too. Damn those lying bastards, assuring us that these games are real, why do I even watch anymore, this is like the WWF.

Here's some proof for you that the NFL is fixed. Al Davis is still the owner of the Oakland Raiders, they're punishing him for all his indiscretions.

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i don't think the NFL or any stuff like that is fixed

there were a few questionable calls last night that i didn't like at all (a shoulda been holding on jeremiah trotter on the last first down and the "illegal contact" during the big sack that woulda made it 2nd or 3rd and really long... and don't get me started on last years super bowl)

i think that the bad calls are more of a bias thing than being "fixed"

i'm an eagles fan so if i were reffing a game... my calls would probably go eagles way more than the other teams way not matter how hard i tried to be even... it just happens

and chill man... eagles are gonna be good next year... shepherd, mcnabb, and kearse are all gonna be back... and not to mension 21 of 22 starters from last nights game

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I am not being a poor loser with this, I am just pointing out things that have been brewing for a while about professional sports, most importantly in the NFL. I am not using the MLB or any other sport, because it does not seem to be as prevalent in those sports. Plus those aren't the only two calls in that Super Bowl last year, and I am not even a Seahawks fan. I am saying all the games are real and they are being played out to the fullest, but when half of the games are being pushed in the direction of one team, it's hard to look past it.

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Help me out here guys I'm a bit confused. So was it Jerome Bettis on the "Grassy Knoll" and Brady in Depository window? That would mean that (OHHHH MYYYY GODDDDD!) Ray Lewis was the third shooter! Oh sorry forgot he only stabbs people then gets aquitted...or was it the other way around? I heard Belichick was a "Free Mason"....I wonder if he is working with Pinky and The Brain to take over the NFL.

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I think that sports are rigged but I have no proof. It's probably just because my teams either get shafted (U of M, Sacramento Kings, Packers) or just flat out suck (Mariners). Who knows, maybe it's rigged, maybe not. It's entertaining either way. Athletes are either the best at what they do or the best actors ever.

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The Red Sox would've lost the 2004 championship if Tony Clark's hit to right field had bounced 6 inches in any other direction. Was that due to some massive conspiracy?

As a Yankees fan, I would feel a lot better knowing that it was a conspiracy rather than the fact that they choked.

Can we also blame Luis Gonzalez' bottom of the ninth, winning RBI in Game 7 of the 2001 World Series on a conspiracy too? Perhaps Bud Selig was afraid that if the Yankees won four straight World Series, it would drive away fans and reduce league revenue the following year, so he had the umpire give Mariano Rivera a doctored ball....

Oh well, I can always dream, can't I? :lol:

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