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Ran a Maraathon


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So my wife and I have been training for the past 18 weeks for the PF Chang's Rock and Roll Maraton in Phoenix,Scottdale and Tempe and we completed it Sunday. It was grueling. I wanted to run it under 4 hours. I ran 3:46:55 So I got under by 13 minutes. That is an 8:40 mile. I was on pace for a 3:30 through 20 but I hit the wall. I never walked... Doesn't seem right when you "run" a marathon.

My wife ran a 4:34:48 damn good time for a first time marathoner and a woman. I am so proud of her.

It was friged in the Valley yesterday. At the start of the race it was 29 degrees a record low and the lowest recorded temperature in Phoenix since 1990.

The pain that is a result of unning this thing is unbelievable, but I think it is one of the biggest accomplishments of both our lives... I urge everyone to find something to dedicate themselves something like this and work to attain that goal. It is a great feeling and is great for your confidence.

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Congratulations! Truly a great objective achieved.

My daughter has been training for her 1st Marathon at the end of this month in Miami.

I have had the pleasure of watching her prepare for this goal and it has been nothing short of amazing. She set an objective to run at least 1 Marathon in her life and her opportunity to accomplish that goal is rapidly approaching. She has reached the 20 mile mark last week and she was some thrilled with herself.

I agree, that is a solid goal to set and achieve. I think this will likely be her 1st and last but something she will be proud of and will derive great benefit from having accomplished.

I, having been in the Marines for 6 years of my earlier life, swore off on any extensive running for the rest of my life once I got out so for me it will never happen but I truly see the wisdom/benefit in such an objective.

Again, Congratulations to You and Your Wife !

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We started off running light. We ave run for years just to stay healhy but each week it got increasingly harder. Three weeks ago we ran 5 miles on tuesday, 8 miles wednesday, 5 thursday, 8 Saturday and 20 Sunday... we had been on that kind of milage for a bout a month... For the 18 weeks we ran 591.2 miles!

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Congrats to both you and your wife Pirate on this great accomplishment.

I've always been interested in running a marathon but I don't believe I have what it takes to run 20+ miles. I usually run 2 to 5 miles depending on how much time I have.

So what's next for you -- perhaps an IronMan competition?

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Now that my legs are feeling better... I may run several more marathons, maybe two more this year.

I want to do a triathalon, but I can't swim real well... as in I can't tread water or float. I can only move at the surface, but if I stop I sink. I can bike forever though. We're climbing the Grand Canyon this spring. They tell you not to do it, but were training to climb down and out in a day.

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We're climbing the Grand Canyon this spring. They tell you not to do it, but were training to climb down and out in a day.

wow, that sounds like fun, but be careful. I heard if you have to call an emergency helicopter to get you out of there, it costs thousands of dollars (at least I think that's what they said on that guided tour)

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I, having been in the Marines for 6 years of my earlier life, swore off on any extensive running for the rest of my life once I got out so for me it will never happen but I truly see the wisdom/benefit in such an objective.

I hear that. I was in the Army, and suffered a pretty serious knee injury during training that ended up leaving me medically discharged. (100% tears of both the PCL and ACL, plus bone spurs from the patella/tibia). It's a little over 5 years later now, and the knee is "totally" healed - but it still aches quite a bit after a serious run of any significant length. It's a shame, really - because I enjoyed running... not to mention the larger issue that I feel my body betrayed me and robbed me of the chance to do something I really wanted (and still want) to do - help defend my country by serving in the military.

Ah well - after the discharge I finished college at Truman State University and have moved on.

But anyway - I am being a little off-topic - so...

...CONGRATS, PIRATE! That's really awesome man - seriously. It's amazing that someone so old and archaic as you can tough out such physical punishment, and someone young and vibrant like me can't jump off a log with an 80-pound pack on my back without my knee exploding like a 4th of July firework.

lol. Just kidding man. Good luck with your future endevours.

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Great job Pirate, truly an amazing accomplishment. One question I have though is, what is going through your head when you are running the marathon? Are you trying to pace yourself, and keeping yourself calm and warm, or are you just letting your mind wander and think about the dishes, or anything to keep your mind off your body?

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Great job Pirate, truly an amazing accomplishment. One question I have though is, what is going through your head when you are running the marathon? Are you trying to pace yourself, and keeping yourself calm and warm, or are you just letting your mind wander and think about the dishes, or anything to keep your mind off your body?

Speaking for myself, I usually can think about most anything during the first portion of a run, but as I'm "hitting the wall" (as the popular phrase goes), I actually concentrate on each step, just putting one foot in front of the other, until I realize I'm "through the wall" then I can go back to thinking about whatever can occupy my attention.

Maybe I should've been concentrating harder on where I put my feet when I hurt myself. lol. (see my previous post).

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Great job Pirate, truly an amazing accomplishment. One question I have though is, what is going through your head when you are running the marathon? Are you trying to pace yourself, and keeping yourself calm and warm, or are you just letting your mind wander and think about the dishes, or anything to keep your mind off your body?

So many things ran through my mind... mostly personal pep talks and encouragement, checking out the ladies around me, thinking about what I was going to eat, but mostly just pace...

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So many things ran through my mind... mostly personal pep talks and encouragement, checking out the ladies around me, thinking about what I was going to eat, but mostly just pace...

See, what Pirate just accidentally told us was this: He was running at the pace of all the ladies.


Just kidding, man.

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I run collegiate cross country and track. In our cross country meets, we run 5 miles and during select meets we run 6.2. On the track I run anything from the 3K to 10K. I want to do a marathon after I graduate very soon, so we'll see how that goes.

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whats you 5k time? my best ever...well i only ran it once was like 45 min. not so good cause when i ran it i was on the long distance team for track, but it was only in JH.

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