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That should be no problem then. Though it seems like the total number of uniform slots varies with each team. Homer spent sometime investigating this and from what I remember, some teams can't have more than 13-14 uniforms whereas certain teams are able to have up to 15 uniforms.

In any case, you will need to install the uniform file, the font file, and the uniform portrait for the newly added uniform to work properly.

So if you add a jersey to an empty slot, do the numbers just show up on the back of the jersey or do they also show up on the front?

Or is there a specific modification for that?

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From what I can tell, if you are adding uniforms to an empty slot, it will only generate numbers in the back of the jersey. There is no associated font file to display numbers on the front.

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each team has 15 slots. for now, i've confirmed every team can use all 15. but i haven't been able to identify a consistent way to use all 15 slots without it crashing at the uniform select screen, besides using 08. for now, i would recommend using 13 per team. or if you go to eamods, checkout spungo's thread and use the uniforms.big i posted to use all 15.

as for the numbers, as redsox said, it depends on what slot you use. you cannot add them. you can however remove them if you wish as he stated. for all the empty slots, no one has actually gone through every team's slots to verify, so you will only know when you try it. as far as i have seen, i've only seen the standard names and numbers on the back in the empty slots. if someone were to go through and catalog this, it would be a great addition to our information pool.

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I have yet another modding problem.

I wanted to know how you can make modify cyberfaces to a roster when your in a dynasty.

The problem actually is that one the players does not have a face and that is stopping me from playing that game, as

my dynasty crashes after the game tries to load.

If anybody can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'd really appreciate help with the following or just point me to where I need to go:

1. I have many CTS files and would like to have a different one load each time I start MVP '05.

2. I want to remove OR update ALL of the "MVP 2005" logos that appear throughout the menus and during startup.

Even the animated logos. And how can I remove the audio during startup that says "MVP Baseball 2005".

3. Why are players names not centered over their uniform number and is there a fix...

4. How can I replace OR remove the screeen during startup that tells you when your rosters were last updated.

I hope this will help answer others' questions too. I havent seen any of these topics mentioned!

Any help is greatly appreciated~

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  • 5 weeks later...

If there's some way to edit the default wind directions for stadiums (preferably to random), I'd greatly appreciate it. Shea's a launching pad with a division full of power lefties and a default 8mph wind out to right.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi. How do I open rallydat.big? Both biggui and eagraph show it as empty (it is not).

Please do not reply with "there's a thread that Uncle Mo did about this" - that thread has vanished.

Thank you.

Edit: found the ASF import/export util that some people talked about it. For the people who had the same problems as me it is here: http://download.nba-live.com/index.php?act=view&id=2137

Edited by whitewolf
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  • 5 months later...

How do i modify the menu music on the game to put in songs of my own?

In the FAQ thread, read the section: "Is there any way to replace the menu music?"


Ditty Importer can be found in the Dowloads area: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=67

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I've done this before, gone through the whole modding process to get everything up to date. However, I got a new computer recently and all I have left is the 2 install files for MVP Baseball 05.

Thus, I am willing to give a nice donation to someone who would be willing to either

a) map out in an email exactly what I need to do/download/etc to be able to play MVP with current rosters on my PC or

B) do this via Skype and TeamViewer/Mikogo

I am very computer savvy so it's not like you would be explaining this to an idiot. I just know there have been so many changes over the years and again, I lost everything I need so if someone patient would be willing to go through the process with me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

You can email me @ samrockpoker@gmail.com and I will respond promptly. I am hoping to do this sometime in the near future, preferably on a weeknight from 530-12pm EST. I will not be available until Tuesday night, however.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How do you start a "new" Dynasty starting in 2010?

Is there any mod or anything that somehow allows you to start a Dynasty in 2010 and includes the correct stats players had from 2009, 2008, 2007, etc? It just seems weird right now because if you start a dynasty and use 2010 rosters, then all young players are like 19 years old, fully developed, and in the majors even though it's really 2005. How do you get around this to make things realistic?

Sorry about the noob question.

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A question about logo modding:

I'm using BigGUI, nFSHtool, and Photoshop.

I'm trying to create an updated logo for the Columbus Clippers. I found the logo and opened it in Photoshop. I opened the .fsh with nFSHtool, which created the folder. I resized the image to the correct proportions, then Magic Wanded the background. I copied the background as a new layer and changed the levels so that it read 253, 1.0, 255. I then opened a new grayscale, and copied and pasted only the background over it, then saved it as an 8bit BMP.

Then I took the original file, flattened the image, and saved it as a 24bit BMP.

I did the same for the other logos in the set, making sure I used the correct bits as well as image sizes. I right clicked the index of the folder to recompress it as a .fsh. I then packed it into a RAR and imported it into logos.big through TiT. I have also tried to import it through bigGUI and manually compress it.

I've tried all this and I still get a crash at the CTS screen before the CTS notification pops up.

I've searched the forums for tutorials or any help file and could find none.

Can anybody help?


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  • 1 month later...

player portrait tutorial. pics are jpg? bitmap? 16 color, 256, 24 - bit? GIF? PING?

How big 125 x 125, 256 x 256?

Do I have to go into Photoshop and clear the background?

The guys did a tremendous job on the 1969 classic!

I'm supposed to be studying for an insurance test, and I keep taking breaks to go to the game.

What I would like to do is fill the AAA, AA,and A rosters with actual players from the 1969 season.

To do so I would like to also have their protraits included, I can find the pics, I just need the

info to incorporate them into the game

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