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I always had problems with that program, too. I use nfshtool instead to do logowork.


I've never used it personally, maybe it has a flaw

question KG

some logos have different sized images

it is possible to use a logo with the larger images for a different team?

Drag the logo .fsh file over nfshtool to view all the files inside. Edit them how you like, and then when you're done, double click on the index file and it rebuilds the .fsh.

Or if you live on a command line like me:

Copy nfshtool to c:windows

and type

nfshtool file.fsh
to get the BMPs from the fsh file then in the file folder type
nfshtool index.fsh

to rebuild the file

Total Commander is great I tell yeah

Kraw i am still trying to use Fuzz's "Team Creator" but i am not getting any results, cuz it gives me the error message everytime i try to load the first alpha, is there any chance that if i give you the logo i want to use you could hook me up with the alphas? I know i am asking for a lot and i will fully understand if you refuse to do so.

I think and I'm really not sure but I think TY's uses multi threads

with system("") your program waits until it finished that command before going any farther, with TY's he is doing that in the background.

since your program has nothing to do until the command finished you can do it your way.

Like I said I think, I could be way off base. I just got back in to c++ a couple weeks ago after a 10 year layoff

To tell the truth, I didn't know about system(). When I searched for a way to do what I needed to do, I didn't come across it. I never learned about it in my c++ classes either.

My way does allow you to to multithread, but not when you have the WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE ); line in there.

I am trying to use the Rutgers' Kinght. I still need to learn a lot more photoshop before i can make my own logos, LOL.

Your alpha seems fine but your main image was in the wrong format

Yours was 256 colors 8 bit

needed to be RGB 24 bit

check your email, I sent the fixed file

What text book did your class use?

When I learned C++ I learned from a textbook called "Sam's Teach Yourself C++ in 24 hours".

Also I used "Microsoft Visual C++.net Step by Step Version 2003" when I was learning it.

I like vb, for .net programming, but I use C++ for other things. On a side note, I am quite impressed that kraw can code like that after a 10 year layoff, I'd probably need a month or so to get back in rhythm and code that. What kinda construction job requires C++? ;)

What kinda construction job requires C++? ;)

None, I was looking at the popstation source code with iso compression and said to myself maybe this is what I want to be doing

Not PSP coding but just coding in general

None, I was looking at the popstation source code with iso compression and said to myself maybe this is what I want to be doing

Not PSP coding but just coding in general

Yea, once I learned Java in every detail (relatively speaking, because that API is thousands of pages long, along with the source code...) I realized that this is what I hope to do some day. That's why I'm gonna major in that in college, and maybe take networking as well cause everyones pressuring me..."O look, it pays 150,000 a year, and you're still working with computers.", but it's just not the same...lol. I'm just glad that my high school offers me 3 periods a day of comp sci in A+, Circuitry, Databasing and all last year Java for 3 periods, and later network+, so I hopefully will be able to decide what I want to do exactly.

kraw, can't you use portableapps or http://www.meebo.com for instant messaging if you can't install anything?

Also, I have Photoshop, Visual C++ 2005 and Visual Basic 2005, and I intend on learning at least two of them...

I have books on Visual C++ and Basic 2005 (it might be .NET...I have to check)...

Since Photoshop is probably the easiest, do you think that I should learn Photoshop first, then learn Visual Basic, then if I possibly have time (probably never), Visual C++ 2005?

Cuz isn't Visual Basic easier than Visual C++?

And if I learn photoshop, I can actually contribute, because lots of the downloads here require photoshop, and not really any advanced programming?

So which should I learn first? And then which of these should I learn first: Visual C++, or Visual Basic?

Maybe if I read the book, I could ask less questions in a year.

Also...how come you can't just ADD teams? Why do you have to REPLACE teams if you want to make a new team?

VB is a lot easier to learn because it is the visual version of BASIC...which was designed to be the everymans language, based on it's acronym of Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. C++ is significantly more powerful, you can do a hell of a lot more with it. If It's Basic 2005, then it must be .net, cause they don't offer VB6 support or work anymore. If your looking to learn a language (I don't know how good a coder you are) then I would suggest VB, if you are experienced, and know an OOP language, then C++ is not a bad way to go. Since your asking to learn one of those two, I'm guessing you're more of a beginner, so I suggest VB.

VB is a lot easier to learn because it is the visual version of BASIC...which was designed to be the everymans language, based on it's acronym of Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. C++ is significantly more powerful, you can do a hell of a lot more with it. If It's Basic 2005, then it must be .net, cause they don't offer VB6 support or work anymore. If your looking to learn a language (I don't know how good a coder you are) then I would suggest VB, if you are experienced, and know an OOP language, then C++ is not a bad way to go. Since your asking to learn one of those two, I'm guessing you're more of a beginner, so I suggest VB.

So do you think I should learn programming first or Photoshop first?

I won't be really able to contribute with programming here...

Don't ask me...It is completely and wholey up to you. Do whatever your heart desires. I can't make this decision for you, I don't know anything about you, all I know about you is that you ask a lot of questions ;)

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