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Florida Marlins Josh Johnson Cyberface WIP


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I once saw a better JJ cyberface on here, but I can't find it. So I figured with the others I am making I would give it a go, but I haven't been happy with the results thus far.


I figured I should make the ears a little wider from the pic and the nose a bit more narrow, but besides that I need suggestions on how I can make it look better.

Either that or if you can point me to the other cyberface, that would be great too.

Also my first attempt at using a 2X texture.

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He should be #204.

I tried a couple Marlins faces last night (Mitre and Olsen). Mitre came out decent, but Olsen didn't look like him at all. I just put a new texture over previously made faces for them.

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Looks like it's supposed to be for 8.1.

He was in the list for UR 8.0. I'll check with Shmooz if he's really in there then (or maybe I just forgot to add the correct number to him)

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