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My Evil Twin Created a Website


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I was just Googling a couple things, and I came across this site. I have no idea what language it's in or even what the site is about. Apparently I have an evil twin half way across the globe creating websites in my name...eerie.

Anyone care to translate or at least tell me what language that is?


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KNTU-OSHVSM - champions of the Ukraine 2005! It is more detailed... American command third time conquered in the tournament in Kirovograd more detailed... on the site of Euro-baseball it was published document in which they are contained very influential changes in the baseball life of Europe more detailed... The Kiev command OF "ATMA" conquered the goblet of the Ukraine 2005 more detailed... The final tournament of autumnal drawing little leagues will take place on 16 October more detailed... The finale of the open superiority of Kirovograd little leagues is more detailed... In Kirovograd was completed the superiority of the Ukraine on softbolu 2005 of more detailed... on 12 November it starts 7 children's winter championship of Kirovograd more detailed... Tournament "winter vacations" is more detailed... On the site, in the division the archive is the possibility to skachat' position about the international tournament more detailed... The season of 2006 was opened by tournament "winter vacations" more detailed... Last play day and REWARDING remained! It is more detailed... Tournament into Dzyaldovo, Poland is more detailed... Early spring tournament in Kirovograd more detailed... on 5 March was completed the winter championship of Kirovograd more detailed... the program of seminar 17-19.03.06 more detailed... The goblet Of v.Koloditskogo 2006 more detailed... documents to season 2006 are accessible more detailedly... the first victories in the official matches more detailed... Vnimaniye!Obrashcheniye to the judges is more detailed... Attention! All games of Kirovograd commands and statistics in the divisions results is more detailed... Ukrainian command finally that conquered in the tournament slou- pitch! Is more detailed... softbol'nyy tournament 4 SIMU more detailed... First victory in the championship of the Ukraine 2006! More detailed... 4 Molodezhnaya games of the Ukraine won the command of Kirovograd! It is more detailed... Our command won finale little leagues more detailed... KNTU-OSHVSM occupied 2 places in the qualification of the goblet of champions 2006 more detailed... goblet of the rector OF MGU 2006 more detailed... The first Championship Of Europe U21 Is more detailed... In the second circle took place the passages in two Kirovograd commands more detailed... Were renewed games slou- pitch! Real chance to participate in the games! It is more detailed... Statistics is accessible, the results of all games OF KNTU-OSHVSM and Diamant-sDHWOR 2006 in the championship of the Ukraine are more detailed... It came out randomly, but it left interestingly! It is more detailed... On the site of weekly Ukraine- center the article about the sequential champion title of the command OF KNTU-OSHVSM is more detailed... Surprising uikend! It is more detailed... the "depressing" indices of the chetvert'final'nykh games of the goblet of the Ukraine are more detailed... on 30 September and on 1 October - current tournament on softbolu slou- pitch is more detailed... In a semi-final series in front of the command it is above on the rating more detailed... Many players want to have gloves for the repulsing,, more detailed... 7-5 in the tournament slou- pitch conquered Ukrainian command more detailed... 11-0 and 10-6, but victories were given heavily more detailedly... National composite command 2007. Who this will be? It is more detailed... The goblet of the Ukraine 2006 won our command OF KNTU-OSHVSM! It is more detailed... Seminar LL in Donetske is more detailed... Began winter championship in battalion Major League! It is more detailed... Is played the 1st (but in elders - 2-1) play day! It is more detailed... In battalion Major League ended the first circle more detailed... Ended the first circle in battalions Rookie and Minor! It is more detailed... The sequential stage of winter championship is more detailed... "winter vacations" - international baseball tournament are more detailed... Play day of winter championship added intrigues 5/6! It is more detailed...

(I just babelfished the page and this is what I got....)

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