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New guidelines posted.


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Please review these changes (in bold) to the guidelines before submitting a file for download :

  • All downloads submitted for addition to the MVPMods.com download
    database must contain an active mirror on MVPMods.com. Other mirrors are
    accepted in addition to the mirror on MVPMods.com, but a third-party
    website may not be the only mirror available for a download unless
    approved by a member of staff.

  • Please ensure your submission meets the guidelines laid out in
    this thread.

  • All downloads are posted pending admin approval.

  • Once approved, you will be responsible for maintaining your download.

  • We reserve the right to modify or remove your download at any time.

These changes are also posted at the top of the "add download" page and are in effect immediately.

Thanks for your cooperation,

MVPmods Staff

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Please review these changes (in bold) to the guidelines before submitting a file for download :

[*]All downloads submitted for addition to the MVPMods.com download

database must contain an active mirror on MVPMods.com. Other mirrors are

accepted in addition to the mirror on MVPMods.com, but a third-party

website may not be the only mirror available for a download unless

approved by a member of staff.

Pull all my downloads

thank you

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Christ Almighty....

This is pathetic. PATHETIC! This site has been around for three years, and every little while, this is what happens.

I have nothing against Kraw, and Hory, as they are a great asset to the modding community, but theere are other fine modders on this site, that do not act like this everytime something does not go their way.

I respect the work you both have done, and I have conversed with the two of you before in PM's, and you both seem like good guys, but this **** you are pulling now, has got to end.

I have never met two guys with bigger egos then you two...you treat your mods like they are God's gifts to the human race, and we should all bow down and kiss your asses.

Well you know what? Screw that. This site is bigger then two modders and your creations. This site has quite a few talented people, who have also made the game quite enjoyable for me over the years. I will miss your stuff here, if you pull it, but my life will not be incomplete.

I will miss seeing the MVP 07 mod here, but really, all I have to do is download the individual mods and install them myself. takes time, yes, but it is more then doable.

If you guys must act like infants, then fine. EAMods is more then empty, go over there and have a blast...not like anyone will be reading. Jesus...I hate being pissed off like this, but I am sick of all the **** you two pull. You guys make this site unbearable sometimes...and that has got to change.

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I have never met two guys with bigger egos then you two...you treat your mods like they are God's gifts to the human race, and we should all bow down and kiss your asses.


I have not posted in this thread at all.

Seriously, **** you man.

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I have not posted in this thread at all.

Seriously, **** you man.

Obviously he wasn't referring to anything you said here, since you hadn't said anything until now. Obviously people are a bit frustrated and/or angry right now.

Let's not let everything get all crazy-out-of-control.

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Let people link their downloads anywhere they want. While doing it here is much easier (I wouldn't bother doing it elsewhere) if someone wants to link it off the site let them. If someone has a really popular mod and wants to use it to promote their site, let them. Well, IMHO.

Either way, it is a privilege to upload mods here.

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DJ? you wanted a flame war? now you got it. Lock it

If the Admins of this site can't make posts about their own policy changes without certain members interacting with eachother and causing such a ****-storm... WTF is going on around here?

I don't think the admins/mods should have to lock every thread where any level of unpleasantness occurs.

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Let people link their downloads anywhere they want. While doing it here is much easier (I wouldn't bother doing it elsewhere) if someone wants to link it off the site let them. If someone has a really popular mod and wants to use it to promote their site, let them. Well, IMHO.

Either way, it is a privilege to upload mods here.

I'm in no way opposed to linking off-site, if I was, it wouldn't be an option. I just feel there should be a choice, that's all.

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What the ****, it was an admin that started the personal insults.

In any event - I was only trying to try to calm everybody down... "slow the roll" if you will (lol).

I wasn't assigning or shifting or shielding blame anywhere. I was just hoping we could AVOID letting this spiral out of control. Just like it was said before - if people (including DJ, including me) love your Mods (and Kraw's too, of course)... nobody would be even slightly worried about whether you liked the changes or not (it's important to remember: Kraw said he wanted his D/L's pulled - YOU never said anything like that)....

All I'm saying is obviously this quickly exploded into a "personal" issue - and I think we should pull it back AWAY from that ledge. That's all.

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I'm in no way opposed to linking off-site, if I was, it wouldn't be an option. I just feel there should be a choice, that's all.


I should not have gotten personal, I understand that. My point is, everytime something doesn't go Kraw's or Hory's way, the site is blackmailed into giving in to your demands.

What is the benefit of pulling the mods off this site? I guess I don't really understand what is going through your minds.

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You got NOTHING at all to apologize for DJ.

He apologized for getting "personal" when it wasn't really called for. I don't see anything wrong with that. He clearly thought he had at least SOMETHING worth apologizing for - so he did. I obviously understand the concept of mods/admins sticking together - but I don't see the need to undermine his own apology, given of his own free-will. That just adds fuel to the fire of people feeling like the admins "team up" on people.

I agree completely with the sentiment expressed by DJ - but he probably shouldn't have gotten "personal" out here in "public" when no one else had done that. And what did he do? Apologized for THAT - but not for his opinion. That seems both fair and very adult to me.

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Is there really such a problem with this? Can't we step back and reason here? Trues has not said that you can't link a mod to EAmods or any other site. He just said whatever you link someplace else, link it at this site. Is this wrong? I don't see it at all.

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If you guys must act like infants, then fine. EAMods is more then empty, go over there and have a blast...not like anyone will be reading. Jesus...I hate being pissed off like this, but I am sick of all the **** you two pull. You guys make this site unbearable sometimes...and that has got to change.

pretty harsh words considering you a moderator there.

I wasn't assigning or shifting or shielding blame anywhere. I was just hoping we could AVOID letting this spiral out of control. Just like it was said before - if people (including DJ, including me) love your Mods (and Kraw's too, of course)... nobody would be even slightly worried about whether you liked the changes or not (it's important to remember: Kraw said he wanted his D/L's pulled - YOU never said anything like that)....

you should probably get your facts straight before you post

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