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pretty harsh words considering you a moderator there.

you should probably get your facts straight before you post

Take me off the list over there. I don't frequent the site, so I shouldn't be a moderator. Simple as that.

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you should probably get your facts straight before you post

First: I meant in THIS case.

Second: I should've known it would've only been a matter of time since you've got your head so far up Hory's a$$ I can't tell where you end and he begins. Seriously. Are you two married or what? You defend his honor like your his white knight. I don't think he needs you and your obnoxious, Holier-Than-Thou attitude.

I wasn't even ripping on Hory. In fact, I was defending him. Maybe you should stop being a ******* asshole before you post.

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Strong arm tactics?

All krawhitham is doing is conforming with the new guidlines.

afaik krawhitham has not uploaded his own mods to this website for almost a year. It is because the site owner's representatives have chosen to make this a big issue that it has become one.

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First: I meant in THIS case.

Second: I should've known it would've only been a matter of time since you've got your head so far up Hory's a$$ I can't tell where you end and he begins. Seriously. Are you two married or what? You defend his honor like your his white knight. I don't think he needs you and your obnoxious, Holier-Than-Thou attitude.

I wasn't even ripping on Hory. In fact, I was defending him. Maybe you should stop being a **** **** before you post.


yup your clueless. For the most part, hory doesnt even like me.

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afaik krawhitham has not uploaded his own mods to this website for almost a year. It is because the site owner's representatives have chosen to make this a big issue that it has become one.

I'm not arguing or being sarcastic here, I'm actually asking this:

Did you just say, basically "Kraw doesn't upload his mods here because the site owner doesn't like it that he doesn't upload his mods here." ???


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Strong arm tactics?

All krawhitham is doing is conforming with the new guidlines.

afaik krawhitham has not uploaded his own mods to this website for almost a year. It is because the site owner's representatives have chosen to make this a big issue that it has become one.

But Hory, look at it like this: Trues wouldn't care if Kraw linked his great mods to his site or to Baseball Sim Central or anywhere else, just have one linked here so he can be sure that his download link is not broke. That's all this is about.

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yup your clueless. For the most part, hory doesnt even like me.

If you're going to try to insult me, and call me clueless, at least have the decency to learn English first. You meant to use "you're."

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If you're going to try to insult me, and call me clueless, at least have the decency to learn English first. You meant to use "you're."

First: I meant in THIS case.

Second: I should've known it would've only been a matter of time since you've got your head so far up Hory's a$$ I can't tell where you end and he begins. Seriously. Are you two married or what? You defend his honor like your his white knight. I don't think he needs you and your obnoxious, Holier-Than-Thou attitude.

I wasn't even ripping on Hory. In fact, I was defending him. Maybe you should stop being a **** **** before you post.

wow. I can't even believe you. LOL! seriously. grow up.

II. Forum Etiquette

These items are not law, but rather suggestions. However, multiple violations of these items may force action to be taken by the staff.

- Pointing out Spelling/Grammar errors isn't necessary.

The best way to improve the overall presentation of the forums is not to post in every poorly written thread complaining about it. Instead, practice what you preach: try to write reasoned, well-thought out, well-written posts.

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Woo you got me good.

You spent THAT much time, and this is what you post?

Are you STILL on this? I figured this was over by now. Or at the very least cooling off. lol. And I'm the one that needs to grow up? Give me a break. You have just GOT to find something else to worry about, man.

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Christ Almighty....

This is pathetic. PATHETIC! This site has been around for three years, and every little while, this is what happens.

I have nothing against Kraw, and Hory, as they are a great asset to the modding community, but theere are other fine modders on this site, that do not act like this everytime something does not go their way.

I simply asked that my download to be pulled, you are blowing it way out of proportion. Trues had a good idea of what would happen when he made this change, I respect his choice. There are many reasons I do not want my files hosted on multiple sites.

I respect the work you both have done, and I have conversed with the two of you before in PM's, and you both seem like good guys, but this **** you are pulling now, has got to end.

No you don't or you would not be acting like a damn child right now with all your personal attacks, I didn't think having creative control over files I made was too much to ask. I guess I was wrong.

I have never met two guys with bigger egos then you two...you treat your mods like they are God's gifts to the human race, and we should all bow down and kiss your asses.

Have I ever said anything I've release was great or even good? You are confusing me with some others that go around boasting that their mods are the greatest on earth

Well you know what? Screw that. This site is bigger then two modders and your creations. This site has quite a few talented people, who have also made the game quite enjoyable for me over the years. I will miss your stuff here, if you pull it, but my life will not be incomplete.

Your are right, and guess what I do not care, I will get to while in a bit

I will miss seeing the MVP 07 mod here, but really, all I have to do is download the individual mods and install them myself. takes time, yes, but it is more then doable.

When is the last time I uploaded something here? I said about a year ago I would never upload here again because of MarkB's power trip and the fact he would not stop ******* with me. Guess what I meant it.

I did not upload the 06 final mod here, but I had no problem with it being here because it is mostly other people's mods. I have no say where or not the 07 mod is hosted here, I put a lot of time into it but for the most part it is not even close to my mod

If you guys must act like infants, then fine. EAMods is more then empty, go over there and have a blast...not like anyone will be reading. Jesus...I hate being pissed off like this, but I am sick of all the **** you two pull. You guys make this site unbearable sometimes...and that has got to change.

Irony is a *****, I'm not acting like an infant, I'm not throwing a fit you are.

I created EAmods to just host MY files, I paid 50 bucks a month to just host my files. The Madden mods crew came to me and asked if I would have a problem with them having a site called ea-mods. And to be honest I did, I thought it would confuse people, so I suggested we merge sites. Because all I really cared about was hosting my files, and they could do whatever they wanted with the rest of the site.

This is not about one site VS another for me, my main 2 issues are:

1) I refuse to upload to a site who's Admin treated me like a red headed step child (MarkB) But that seems to be the growing trend around here, What the **** did I do to you to warrant this response

2) I wanted creative control over files I created, I want to be able to change something without waiting for approval (most of the time it is just a spelling mistake, because well I blow at spelling). PLUS I need to be able to track who downloads what and when (how many people download the lastest update), I can not do that when files are downloaded from multiple sites. When someone clicks the download link that sends them to my site it counts as a download here. I have no way of tracking real downloads from links to my site.

I actually got a small programing gig because I could prove how many times something was downloaded they assumed downloads meant people using the program and maybe it does, but I download a lot of stuff I never use (and I mean small, $100 bucks plus free cable for a year, all I had to do was create a script that would auto programed VPN routers for TW business class instead of them having to spend 45 minutes typing in all the commands manually. And yes I mainly got the gig because I knew someone who worked there, but I had to prove to his boss I have made similar scripts in the past that many people had used before he would approve the work release)

anyway, your little blow up was fun to read. Thanks

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I simply asked that my download to be pulled, you are blowing it way out of proportion. Trues had a good idea of what would happen when he made this change, I respect his choice. There are many reasons I do not want my files hosted on multiple sites.

No you don't or you would not be acting like a damn child right now with all your personal attacks, I didn't think having creative control over files I made was too much to ask. I guess I was wrong.

Have I ever said anything I've release was great or even good? You are confusing me with some others that go around boasting that their mods are the greatest on earth

Your are right, and guess what I do not care, I will get to while in a bit

When is the last time I uploaded something here? I said about a year ago I would never upload here again because of MarkB's power trip and the fact he would not stop **** with me. Guess what I meant it.

I did not upload the 06 final mod here, but I had no problem with it being here because it is mostly other people's mods. I have no say where or not the 07 mod is hosted here, I put a lot of time into it but for the most part it is not even close to my mod

Irony is a ****, I'm not acting like an infant, I'm not throwing a fit you are.

I created EAmods to just host MY files, I paid 50 bucks a month to just host my files. The Madden mods crew came to me and asked if I would have a problem with them having a site called ea-mods. And to be honest I did, I thought it would confuse people, so I suggested we merge sites. Because all I really cared about was hosting my files, and they could do whatever they wanted with the rest of the site.

This is not about one site VS another for me, my main 2 issues are:

1) I refuse to upload to a site who's Admin treated me like a red headed step child (MarkB) But that seems to be the growing trend around here, What the **** did I do to you to warrant this response

2) I wanted creative control over files I created, I want to be able to change something without waiting for approval (most of the time it is just a spelling mistake, because well I blow at spelling). PLUS I need to be able to track who downloads what and when (how many people download the lastest update), I can not do that when files are downloaded from multiple sites. When someone clicks the download link that sends them to my site it counts as a download here. I have no way of tracking real downloads from links to my site.

I actually got a small programing gig because I could prove how many times something was downloaded they assumed downloads meant people using the program and maybe it does, but I download a lot of stuff I never use (and I mean small, $100 bucks plus free cable for a year, all I had to do was create a script that would auto programed VPN routers for TW business class instead of them having to spend 45 minutes typing in all the commands manually. And yes I mainly got the gig because I knew someone who worked there, but I had to prove to his boss I have made similar scripts in the past that many people had used before he would approve the work release)

anyway, your little blow up was fun to read. Thanks

I can understand, and respect everything you have just typed.

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OK, guys, can we resolve this peacefully? Lets all be mature adults. Are we ready to solve this peacefully? What's that? A petty insult? Nay!

Moving on, what is the problem at hand? People are angry at Kraw because he feels that he should pull his downloads, and they think this somehow means that he is trying to bully the site into submission. Where Hory comes in, I don't know, but somehow people started accusing him of the same. Nevertheless, Kraw should have the option of pulling his download either way. His downloads, while good, are in no way necessary to run the game, so thats not a problem. He has already agreed that the MVP 06 and MVP 07 mods will be going on this site as those are largely a compilation of the work of others.

Lets not blow this all out of proportion here. I agree, Kraw makes great mods, and I agree it is convenient to have them all in one place. But there is really no need to make a fuss about the fact that he wants his elsewhere. It SHOULD be his option. Trues wants the mods to be hosted here, Kraw wants them hosted on his site, and the downloads will have to be pulled. Thats life.

Finally, I quote the original post:

All downloads submitted for addition to the MVPMods.com download database must contain an active mirror on MVPMods.com. Other mirrors are accepted in addition to the mirror on MVPMods.com, but a third-party website may not be the only mirror available for a download unless

approved by a member of staff.

Theoretically, Kraws downloads could even be hosted on this site while still conforming to the rules.

Lets move on, shall we? Thanks, I appreciate it. It takes away from all our time.

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I don't like the fact that Mark is blamed for this. Not one bit. Especially when he is not here to defend himself.
I told you at the time (via PM) I would not be uploading due to MarkB, it should not come as a shock at all to you. You were the one I was in contact which during his power trip.

don't act all shocked and shaking now

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I don't like the fact that Mark is blamed for this. Not one bit. Especially when he is not here to defend himself.

I thought he was just saying he didn't upload his stuff here b/c of a disagreement he had with MarkB about a year ago. I don't think he was saying anything was anyone's "fault" as far as THIS situation is concerned.

A new rule was made. Kraw doesn't want to have his D/Ls be "out of his control." That's his right. So, in order to stay compliant with the rule, he wants his d/l's pulled from this site.

It makes sense.

I may not like it. Others may not like it. Who knows? Maybe nobody likes it. Maybe Kraw doesn't even like it. It doesn't matter. If in order to comply with the new rule he's gotta yank his stuff, then that's the "right" thing to do, I suppose.

It sucks not to be able to access his stuff from here, but that's just life. It is the creator's decision.

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I don't like the fact that Mark is blamed for this. Not one bit. Especially when he is not here to defend himself.

Not that I need to explain myself but him and his banning of me is the principal reason I have some of my downloads hosted elsewhere.

Notice a pattern here?

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I told you at the time (via PM) I would not be uploading due to MarkB, it should not come as a shock at all to you. You were the one I was in contact which during his power trip.

don't act all shocked and shaking now

Kraw, (and Hory too here) Mark is not a bad person that you make him out to be. If you meet this guy half way and try to understand where he is coming from, it would be better for you and everyone. Mark is all about what is good for the site and he puts the site first at all times. That's what I want you to know.

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Christ Almighty....

This is pathetic. PATHETIC! This site has been around for three years, and every little while, this is what happens.

I have nothing against Kraw, and Hory, as they are a great asset to the modding community, but theere are other fine modders on this site, that do not act like this everytime something does not go their way.

I respect the work you both have done, and I have conversed with the two of you before in PM's, and you both seem like good guys, but this **** you are pulling now, has got to end.

I have never met two guys with bigger egos then you two...you treat your mods like they are God's gifts to the human race, and we should all bow down and kiss your asses.

Well you know what? Screw that. This site is bigger then two modders and your creations. This site has quite a few talented people, who have also made the game quite enjoyable for me over the years. I will miss your stuff here, if you pull it, but my life will not be incomplete.

I will miss seeing the MVP 07 mod here, but really, all I have to do is download the individual mods and install them myself. takes time, yes, but it is more then doable.

If you guys must act like infants, then fine. EAMods is more then empty, go over there and have a blast...not like anyone will be reading. Jesus...I hate being pissed off like this, but I am sick of all the **** you two pull. You guys make this site unbearable sometimes...and that has got to change.

Personal attacks, slander, and falsehoods. What did I do to you, what gives you the right to try and make me look a fool?

Do you feel that since you can hide behind a forum where you are an admin that gives you a special right.

The more I read your little rant the more pissed off I get

You publicly blast me and my site and you get a pat on the back for it, it really makes a person ask "why bother"

I just wanted control of what I make, apparently this site wants control over everything MVP related and if they can not get it they will humiliate those who disagree with them

This is a site that tried to be a "pay only site" because bandwidth was too high now they are demanding all files be hosted here, where is the logic in that

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apparently this site wants control over everything MVP related and if they can not get it they will humiliate those who disagree with them

Yeah, I want to control the entire MVP universe, it's such a lucrative business after all. :roll:

This is a site that tried to be a "pay only site" because bandwidth was too high now they are demanding all files be hosted here, where is the logic in that

Give me a break, I'm not demanding anything, just wanting to give users a choice, there's your logic. Try again.

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What's the big deal that these guys do not want their Mods here because of new guidelines? If they do not like the guidelines they should go some where else to post them. I do not think the guidelines are outrageous but it's their right to go somewhere else.

If this is such a big deal them leaving then stop all the name calling and work with these guys. :twocents:

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I'm not demanding anything, just wanting to give users a choice

Either the file is on one of your servers or it is not listed, correct?

This is a change in policy, correct?

Please explain again how that is not demanding files be hosted here?

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