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I guess that's the mvpmods equivalent of "You're doing a heck of a job Brownie"

This coming from someone who sticks his nose in more shit around here than anyone. :)

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Yeah, I want to control the entire MVP universe, it's such a lucrative business after all. :roll:

for the sake of the greater MVP Baseball modding community all mods should be housed in one location. This makes finding new mods easier and it establishes a greater audience thereby creating more exposure for all mods. Currently, I believe that MVPmods.com is the best place to find the largest selection of MVP mods and therefore, it would be best to make this site the central site.

Trues blows it off, Carter confirms it?


DJ's posts in this thread are a perfect example. In his opinion, he made a mistake and he apologized for it.

he did? If so I missed it

the closest I saw was

I should not have gotten personal, I understand that.

That is not an apology, when I called him on his personally attacks this was his reply

Please Kraw, give me a break. What I wrote is no different then some of the stuff that you guys have written before about the Admins here.

Acting like a jilted lover, really does not become you.

and once again he gets a pat on the back




You (and the rest of the staff) are a great asset to this site regardless of what a few people might think. Hang in there.

So I have one admin slamming me and two backing him up, one of which is the owner


Absolutely. I'm always flexible. He's the one who wanted his files pulled immediately without even discussing it first.

I believe talks in a different forum stated they would be absolutely me no exemption for me or hory, but maybe I'm wrong


If Trues wants to take any action on any decision or action taken by any staff members, he will. That's his call, his choice. Only 1 person has ever been removed from the staff on this site.

Trues is very loyal and will never go against an admin, even if they are dead wrong. I learned that a long time ago (BTW that is a great quality to have)

and for Moose being dropped from the staff I just assume Trues was drunk when he made him a moderator. Moose was only a mod the amount of time it would take someone to wear off a giant stupor.

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I believe talks in a different forum stated they would be absolutely me no exemption for me or hory, but maybe I'm wrong


Trues is very loyal and will never go against an admin, even if they are dead wrong. I learned that a long time ago (BTW that is a great quality to have)

Thank You.

and for Moose being dropped from the staff I just assume Trues was drunk when he made him a moderator. Moose was only a mod the amount of time it would take someone to wear off a giant stupor.

This has nothing to do with any of this. And for the record, I don't drink. :)

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