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Inconviences for the Elderly...


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I've been thinking a lot lately. Trying to figure out problems that the elderly have, or people that are getting older in general. As my grandma gets older I've been trying to think of new ways to make her life easier. Perhaps by inventing something or simply innovating. Just curious on your thoughts.

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Yes yes and yes.

However, whatever you make money off of, just know that NOW is the time to get your butt moving since the elderly will increase dramatically with the baber boomer generation coming of age. Then if you are smart, sell your company off because that market will shrink up once they die off. The next generation has a smaller amount of people within their generation, thus leading to less of a market. Unless whatever you sell you are able to get a higher % of elderly to buy then nevermind.

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Keep in mind that I am in my late 20s so I do not have first hand knowledge of what I am about to comment on, however, here are my thoughts:

In some cases I believe that growing older is a lot easier today than say 50 years ago. Technological and medical advances have improved the quality of life for the elderly greatly.

On the other the world has changed a whole lot over the past 30 to 50 years. As a result, today's elderly do not necessarily receive the same respect that they would have decades ago. In years past, the elderly would be looked upon for knowledge and guidance. Today however, it seems like in some cases they struggle to keep up with their grandchildren. We live in a faster paced, money driven, technologicaly savy world. Some families may look at their elderly as burdens rather than contributors to the family unit.

It's a crazy world out there these days and at times I feel ashamed because my generation appears to be destroying all that today's elderly worked so hard to improve.

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