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Mo Vaughn, where is he? Click To See.


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After Mo Vaugh refused to stop eating so much, he became horrible at basball. Full of chicken wings and pizza, he threw in the towel. Why? Where did he go? I wondered that too, as I became disenfranchised with the game of baseball, the same game that brought me a real life Mo in the big leagues for me to live through vicarously.

So where is the big guy?

He's been found lately, and boy wait until you see what's on his plate and what his new alias is in order to keep away from the media.





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I know that, but when I have to minimize a web browser to type anything I want it is whatever I type it is. Which is why I have tons of typing errors in everything I type on this entire website. I probably have more errros than anyone here because have to be extremely quick, post ,and close the browser.

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Funny enough my doorman was just telling me a story about how he saw Mo Vaughn at a Manhattan strip club about a month ago. He was sitting there with his posse and a bucket of chicken of all things, and my doorman came over with his pals, and started heckling him. He heckled him so much, along with everyone else getting on him, that Mo left the club.

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that's not cool. there's a man law against that kinda stuff. sounds like your doorman was in direct violation of such.

The man law commercials are done with, Miller has cut ties due to struggling beer sales...

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Mo Vaughn just turned 39. He should get into shape and maybe the Orioles or Cubs will throw $9 million his way to be a DH/benchplayer.

Perhaps the Rangers would sign him to DH, while Sammy Sosa is runnign about the outfield, looking like a poor substitute for his former self...

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