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One scary MoFo!


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It's too bad they didn't know back then what we know now (how awful McDonalds food is for you). And what's with the cup over his nose?

However bad the food is,,,,and it certainly is,,,,,I bet old Ronald wished he would have invested about 5 large in Mickey D's stock back then. Imagine it's worth...

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That clown is Willard Scott,,,,the former weatherman from the Today show. He's lucky he wasn't arrested for dressing up like that.

I had totally forgotten about that. Heard it on the Today show once.

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Hmm It remembers me a rare and scary case in a city in my country, Here it goes:

2 guys @ midnight were near a Mc'Donalds and bought hamburgers, they sat on a bench that has a plastic Ronald Mc'Donald in the middle, then one of they said: "I feel strange", suddenly the clown answered "Me too...", a guy ran but sadly the other one died on a heart atack on the bench, was found minutes later by a McDonalds employee. And there was the clown, the employee touched it and it was of plastic!. Scary huh? Its a real history.

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