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Installing a new power supply


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I'm thinking of putting in a new power supply and I need to know do I need a certain power supply or anyone will do? Is there different motherboard hookups I have to look out for? Because my PC sounds like a '86 Nissan, old and noisy.


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Check your video card requirements for power and if you plan to upgrade your card. If you do not know the power requirements, you can find this at the cards website. New cards have 300W and up power requirements and you are best to go higher. If you go to Newegg and find your card, there are user reviews and they discuss their opinions on power in some responses. Also if your pc is pci express card capability, then make sure the power supply is suited for that. Also, if you did not know, Newegg has the best prices and quick delivery.

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just for a heads-up, there's some great deals on power supplies online as of late. granted, if you have a low-end system, 200-250 could work, but my rig is getting old (aside from the few upgrades i've tossed in over the years) and i'm working on a 350w PS and it just barely gets by...

AMD Sempron 2500+ | 512 DDR 2100 (told you it was old, lol) | ATI Radeon 9600 Pro (128mb) are the main components.

now, like i was saying about the deals on PS - you can buy a 500w, 550w PS for less than 50 dollars .. this is good if you buy a new PC / upgrade yours anytime in the future; i think recommended for dual-core, SLI systems is 400-450, but don't quote me.

good luck, and google around to find different brands / prices.

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just for a heads-up, there's some great deals on power supplies online as of late. granted, if you have a low-end system, 200-250 could work, but my rig is getting old (aside from the few upgrades i've tossed in over the years) and i'm working on a 350w PS and it just barely gets by...

AMD Sempron 2500+ | 512 DDR 2100 (told you it was old, lol) | ATI Radeon 9600 Pro (128mb) are the main components.

now, like i was saying about the deals on PS - you can buy a 500w, 550w PS for less than 50 dollars .. this is good if you buy a new PC / upgrade yours anytime in the future; i think recommended for dual-core, SLI systems is 400-450, but don't quote me.

good luck, and google around to find different brands / prices.

I knew the I.T. industry moved fast, but damn, that's old now? I'm running on a 1.3GHz Athlon with 512MB (just upgraded from 384MB a few days ago) of 133MHz SD-RAM and an ATI Radeon 9000 Pro. The base system is from 2001, when XP was RTM. Ahh...the good old days. :lol:

(And to stay somewhat on topic, IIRC, my PSU measures in at a massive 250W! ;) )

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Watts are useless if they supply it in the wrong rail. Better check some tech forum to make sure your system is safe (especially newer system) and which PSU is the best bang for the buck.. if you're not looking for future-proof PSU.

Edit: I recommend the corsair 620... it's future proof.. support for quad SLI and possibly with quad-core also.

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