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All-Star SLiders--Help


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Can someone post their all-star (or MVP) sliders. I really could use some help as I can not seem to get good results with mine even after a week or so of tweaking. I have posted this in another thread here and in a few threads at HH2K4 but nobody will reply. I know someone out there must have a good set.......

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these arent mine but here you go



Submitted by Pared FIA


*Pitching Aids - All pitching aides off, including vibration *

Pitch Speed: -7 (This actually has an effect on force of balls hit...

raise/lower at your own risk)

User Pitcher Fatigue: 4 (Better user fatigue)

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 9 (Remember to work the count! Still having a

problem getting the CPU to use it's bullpen earlier though...might

be a game specific thing this year)

User Batting Contact: 9

CPU Batting Contact: -25 (This is relative. Here, the Batters will take

strikes as they should. They also don't get as solid contact as

they should. If you find yourself pitching too well or overpowering

the CPU batters, bump this up towards -17. Be WARNED - You WILL

throw less pitches, meaning your pitchers will go longer if the hits

are quick outs.)

User Batting Power: 4 (Back down to here... you shouldn't be able to hit

bombs at will, at you were practically able to before....)

CPU Batting Power: 9 (just about right)

User Bunting Ability: 30 (Careful on bunting a high pitch... you WILL

pop it up!)

CPU Bunting Ability: 30

User Outfielder Speed: 16

CPU Outfielder Speed: 4

User Infielder Speed: -7

CPU Infielder Speed: -10 (Now you'll see some more "seeing eye


User Baserunning Speed: -2



User Throw Speed: -1

CPU Throw Speed: -7

User Throw Accuracy: 5

CPU Throw Accuracy: 0

User Runner Aggression: 0

CPU Runner Aggression: 10

Runner Injury Frequency: 18 (Just so we can get a few more injuries


Pitcher Injury Frequency: 18

Batter Injury Frequency: 18

Fielder Injury Frequency: 18

CPU Steal Rate: 50 (Still having a big problem with steals... Not

something we can really affect)

User Dive Difficulty: 18

User Catch Errors: 27 (C'mon, we needed more errors!)

CPU Catch Errors: 27 (The CPU will now drop diving attempts, so it

limits the amount of unrealistic catches...)

User Runner Steal Speed: -9

CPU Runner Steal Speed: -9

User Runner Steal Delay: -5

CPU Runner Steal Delay: -5

Bullpen Fatigue Rate: 6

Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 12

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hey thanks alot for these. I just played a game and I got the best results ive had yet. I won 2-1 but there was a total of 19 hits in the game and both pitchers had realistic stats and overall it played very well. I was down 1-0 going into the 7th when i hit a homer with Delgado and then in the 8th had a double followed by a single to take the lead, then Jason Frasor finished the job in the 9th (it was actually a close call as the Tigers had men on 1st and 2nd but i got the last man out)

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I was ready to give up! I was using cowboyope sliders and giving 4-5 HR by game! I was unable to hit a ball correctly, and once i got to the bullpen, got destroy by the opposite team!

When i found the sliders here, i give it a try! Man, those are some great sliders! I've not givin a HR in the game i try, the closest a batter came to hit one was a long double in the middle!

I won the game 3-1, not hitting very well, but at least, i was able to touch a changeup and not be far late on the mid-90's fastball...

Those sliders make my day...Thanks Denis :-)

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