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Is this even possible? Progression mod


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It's easy to see just how broken the progression is in this game. I got an idea from Madden Editor, the MVPedit of EA's Madden NFL.

In Madden editor, there's a couple of key things that it does involving progression.

In the Madden game, 3 times during the season players either progresses or regresses. What Madden Editor can determine what ratings should progress/regress and how much depending on how good the players stats are.

Another problem with the Madden game, is that there can be some bad AWR (stat in game) regression in the offseason if the team has a lot of team distration players. What Madden Editor can do is see if the player's AWR regresses from the previous season, and if it does it reverts the player's AWR back to what it was.

A third thing that Madden Editor can do, due to the games bad progression of the AWR stat, it boosts OL, HB, and QB's AWR depending on how often those three players do and how well they play.

So all that gave me an idea for a progression MVP mod, and here's what I'm picturing.

First, the dynasty is saved before going into the offseason and the mod is run. What it will do is store the players ratings and stats, saving it to a txt file or something.

Then, after the progression era ingame and the start of the next season, the dynasty is saved again and the mod is opened again. What the mod first does is revert all players ratings back to what they were previously.

Then what it does is look at the stats, and then using a formula (that will have to be worked on if it's actually possible) determines what how much a players ratings should improve. What it would take into account is what league the player is in (MLB/AAA/AA/A), how many at bats the players had (i.e. if you call up a AAA player to the MLB, he has one at bat and hits a homerun (1.000 BAA, 1.000 OBP, 4.000 SLG), he shouldn't get some mass rating improvement) or how many innings the player pitched in the case of pitchers, raises ratings against rhp/lhp seperately (dependant on how the player does against the type of pitcher), raise plate discpline depending on what league they were in, doesn't raise speed AT ALL and lowers speed depending on how old the player is, doesn't raise/lower pitch speed AT ALL unless 1) the player is very young and has a 5 star potentienal rating, and even then only very small 2) the player is old, in which case speed will drop off. Also only stats it raises for pitches is movement and control depending on .BAA, WHIP, ERA, ect. (again, formula to be determined later). And ofcoarse if the player is old, it instead reverts the players ratings depending on stats and age.

If the player has no previous stat (i.e. FA, Rookie), the player's ratings is reverted back to normal and is not increased at all (or in the case of an old free agent, decreased). It will also need to change certain rookie ratings, for instance no Rookie starts out with high speed because of how speed progresses in game.

It will also make players retire quicker depending on overall rating and age, because after a few years computer team's farm systems are almost completely filled with over-the-hill players rather than up-and-coming players. If a MLB star's overall rating drops to the point where he's no longer starting in the MLB, he should be retired.

So yeah, I think this would be a GREAT mod to make playing several year dynasties actually worthwhiled. But I'm not sure if it's even possible. Also considering the fact that it would be changing several of thousands of players ratings, it would take several minutes even on the best machines, and would take a very very very long time on the lower-class machines. Figured I'd still ask to those that actually make these amazing programs to know if the information could actually be extracted in order to do this though. I'd also take a lot of sweat and blood in not just making the program, but figuring out the right formula to use.

Considering just how long we're stuck with MVP 05 though, maybe something will get done eventually. :alright:

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Yeah, I have it, and it still suffers from the problems that the original game's progression suffers from. It does make the progression in game better, but doesn't fix it.

Have the game deterimine progression is going to be broken no matter what. It never progressions the player the right way. Infact, if you save your dynasty after all spring training games are over and it asks you if you want to go to the next season, go to the next season, then open back up the saved dynasty and go to the next season again, the progression of players is completely different.

To have proper progression, a mod would have to be made where we are able to deterimine how a player progresses.

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