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Irritating sound problem. Please help!


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I'm experiencing a problem whereby the in-game sound suddenly speeds up.

It appears to do it quite randomly but it's really irritating when it does. As far as I can tell it's affecting the broadcast and sound effects.

I installed the MVP 06 add-on btw.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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I know this may sound stupid to ask, but are you using the latest sound drivers for your sound card that is available? If you are & are still experiencing this problem, perhaps you can solve this by turning down your sound acceleration. If you are using windows XP, you can access this in the control panel whereby you click on "sounds & audio devices". Then navigate to the advanced button under the volume tab. (this should be the default tab opened when you go to "sounds & audio devices") Also note that there are 2 "advanced" buttons. Click on the bottom one under the section called "speaker settings". Then navigate to the tab called "performance". There you will find a slider called "hardware acceleration". Slide the tab one slot to the left & save your change. If it does not help solve your problem, go back in there & slide it another slot to the left. Keep checking & doing this if it does not work till you can't slide it any longer. If this still doesn't help, then go back & slide it all the way to the right & save your change. (you might as well have full acceleration if this doesn't solve your problem anyway) Anyway, I hope this helps, but I give no guarantees.

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