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Super Bowl talk


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once he learns how to manage games and play well enough to be the cause of losses, the Bears will be just fine. They don't need a super star qb on the team. The Bears have never been about the qb. Tonights game wasn't all Rex's fault, just as the Colts win wasn't all Peyton's doing. The Bears didn't establish enough of a ground game, and the defense was too soft. They didn't play as aggressive as they have all season.

Also, the Colts defense deserves some credit in the game as well. They were good. Yeah, Rex threw the int, but it was the Colts DB that managed to return it a long ways for a TD. To that point, it was a 5 point game.

Next year, the Bears will hopefully be able to keep the defense in tact, with Mike Brown and Tommie Harris returning, and that should make quite a difference as it did in the season when they were around.

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Bears got outplayed by colts and the colts seemed like they wanted it more. If the bears were able to stop the run just a little bit, they would have had a very good chance to win it. They gave up 293 rushing yards and alot of them were 5 to 7 yards on the first carry. This just opened the game up for manning and he did not have to throw deep passes as the bears expected.

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I know. it was far too many yards all together. The defense hasn't been the same since Tommie Harris got hurt. And the Colts had an awesome gameplan. All the scrutiny and hype was on the QB's in this game. They came out and pounded the ball in a way I only hoped the Bears would do to them.

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I kinda knew that bears wouldn`t beat colts because if the colts were able to beat all those AFC teams (+Patriots) than why would they be able to beat the NFC team with a avarge QB and injured defense.

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Yeah, the way I see it. The Bears had to play larger than life to win the game tonight, and they failed to do so. The Colts rocked 'em. Hats off to them, they played well.

Though I'm not a Cubs fan, their is a common used saying in Chicago (for the Cubs), but now applies to the Bears.... "There's always next year"

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It`s a easy way out to say "There's always next year". I am just thinking how long are we going to wait for the next superbowl. By the way things are going with Rivera, T.Jones and L.Briggs and I am not sure that next year is next year.

by the way, are you sad that the bears lost so you can`t sleep? :thunder:

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by the way, are you sad that the bears lost so you can`t sleep? :thunder:

You're good. I am. You a shrink? I could use that about now. I never thought I would see the Bears get to the Super Bowl in my lifetime. (Im 23 yrs. old. Look at the Bears teams I grew up with. And look at the draft picks)... This was all so special and incredible... and even faster than it came, it left.

You're also right about the "next year" comments. I fear this offseason, but we'll see.

I should probably go to bed, it almost 3am here... and I've nothing to celebrate.

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I was listening to the Score, and I heard them compare Benson to Curtis Enis. I thought that was humorous and a completely awful comparison. I know everyone in CHicago is mad right now, but there's no need to bring up Enis again.

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Hahaha, I almost wrote out Enis' name to be specific in my last post about bad drafts. Haha. Geesh... and Rashan Salaam.

No Benson isn't Enis. He has a very good potential, i just wish he didn't cost so much money.

Did they say how badly he was hurt tonight?

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No, I am not shirk but I can sense that someone is upset/sad (even over the internet) . I think that cubs will never go to world series but there is always a hope.

I live in Chicago also so I know how you feel. Anyway, I did not even notice that it`s 3 o`clock.

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No, I am not shirk but I can sense that someone is upset/sad (even over the internet) . I think that cubs will never go to world series but there is always a hope.

I live in Chicago also so I know how you feel. Anyway, I did not even notice that it`s 3 o`clock.

Yeah, I just noticed before you wrote that, you were in Chicago also. I'm not a Cub fan, so I'm happy with there misery. I am a Sox fan who still basks in the glory of 2005. I'm using '05 to help cope with the Bears tonight. It doesn't help much.

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I didn't care who won as long as the Bears lost. ;)

Peyton is probably one of my least favorite NFL players, but I don't mind the Colts as a whole (Tony Dungy is awesome) so I like that the Colts won, I guess.

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I didn't care who won as long as the Bears lost. ;)

Peyton is probably one of my least favorite NFL players, but I don't mind the Colts as a whole (Tony Dungy is awesome) so I like that the Colts won, I guess.

Fair enough. I was interested because ESPN the magazine did a break down of fans across the country, and to my surprise (And theirs) Green Bay and Detroit had the most percentage of people pulling for the Bears (by a lot too). I was shocked.

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I watch Cub games too, because baseball is awesome.

It sure was a cool time to be living in Chicago (2005). As I imagine it would be if the Cubs ever won it. Just like with the excitement around the Bears the past month. I don't know where you live, but I'm in school downtown, and it was incredible seeing all the buzz and everyone come together over the Bears. Everywhere you went, people were decked in Bears gear, and with the buildings all lit up with Bears cheers, it was fun.

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Probably because people that have teams in the NFC North wanted the team from the NFC North to win. Also, a lot of people pull for the NFC for the same reason.

You might be right, though I was still surprised that the Packer fans were pulling for the Bears. Maybe love for Favre equals hate for Manning? I don't know.

I do know that the Bears/Packers rivalry is going to lose something special when Favre retires in 2020.

... last words all yours. Im going to bed after I read your next post(s).

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I watch Cub games too, because baseball is awesome.

It sure was a cool time to be living in Chicago (2005). As I imagine it would be if the Cubs ever won it. Just like with the excitement around the Bears the past month. I don't know where you live, but I'm in school downtown, and it was incredible seeing all the buzz and everyone come together over the Bears. Everywhere you went, people were decked in Bears gear, and with the buildings all lit up with Bears cheers, it was fun.

Beaseball is one thing that I can really enjoy and that I can say that I am real beseball fan. Anyway, I live very close to park ridge. Around here it`s mostly 95% cubs/bers fans.

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Well, I disliked how the DJs on the Score kept bashing the Packers because they ran out of bad things to say about the Bears tonight. The Packers are clearly on the rise after a strong finish last year, and next year they should be much more competitive with the Bears. We shall see. But who cares at this point. A couple weks until the first ST pitches are thrown.

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there's really no reason to bash the Packers. They will probably be the team to give the Bears the biggest challenge in the NFC North next year. They are probably bashing them because they are depressed about the Bears and don't know how else to deal with it.

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Even though I can't stand the Bears and think they are terribly overrated....

Grossman can be a QB to lead them to a championship. If they can get him to just manage the game and let the running game take over and have their defense be consistent, they will be fine with Grossman.

You don't have to have a good QB to win the Super Bowl. The Steelers proved that last year.

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