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controllers question


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I originally wanted to use a ps2 controller, but the usb converter I have for the ps2 controller lags the living **** out of the game. Like when the game loads it says EA Sports and then 20 seconds later the logo will start to try (and pretty much fail) to do it's spinning deal.

Anyways, my question is this, I was looking at controllers and the best combination of price and utility seemed to be the Nyko 80610 AirFlo Pc game controller and was wondering if anybody knows whether this is compatible or not? I only want the controller for this game since I use a ps2 for other ones, and I obviously don't want to order an incompatible product.

Also, if by some miracle there is some way to get the ps2 controller to work with the current converter I have, let me know.


edit: I should also mention that the game runs perfectly fine when the converter is not plugged in and my system exceeds requirements

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