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I'm Back!!!


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Well, I'm back all. And thankes for all your thoughts and prayers. They all ment much to me, and I missed you all greatly.


The day of my surgery. I was there for 6AM, didn't get in until 8AM. Those jerks, they tricked me. They gave me anestesia in the pre-op room, so I didn't get a chance to cound down from 100 :( .

After my surgery, which took 8 hours and was only planned for 4, I was in alot of pain. My Mom and Dad were theye, my G-parents on my mom's side, my sister and her husband and son, and my brother and his daughter. All the people I loved cloely were there. But I didn't get to see them all unfortunately.

Yeah, the worst thing about my stay, was the nurses. They downright SUCKED! At one point, I rang the buzzer, and asked them to refil my water because I had ran out. They kept on saying that Morning shift would be there and they would take care of it. I was dehydrated for two hours. That was the ultimate worst story. Well, these vikes are starting in, so I gotta sit down now, ok, later all, and I love ya! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

PS, I'm now 5'11, insted of 5'9. And it feels weird!

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To the best of my knowledge, he was having some severe upper-back problems. To the point that he was, in essence, developing a "hump" of sorts.

The surgery was to correct it. Hence, the lucky S.O.B. picks up an extra 2 inches. Man - if I'd known you weren't using them, I would've taken them on loan. I could've been happy being 5'8" for a while until you needed those 2 inches back! :)

Welcome back, Medric. It's darn good to know you've made it through alright.

EDIT: There's more info on what he's been going thru leading up to this big day in the following thread:

LINK: http://www.mvpmods.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=23236/

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To the best of my knowledge, he was having some severe upper-back problems. To the point that he was, in essence, developing a "hump" of sorts. Obviously, all that REALLY is, is curvature of the spine to an unfortunately high degree.

that wouldn't necessarily be true, as an adverse curvature of the spine can be caused by lots of things. i've had patients with it due to injury, scheuermann's disease, poor posture, scoliosis and even a case of neurofribromatosis. but i'm sure he's not looking to reveal his whole medical history to everyone here anyhow, so...

just good to hear you got through it okay. i hope that they will be prescribing you the proper rehabilitation after this. good luck!

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I just saw something similar about this today. If you have a herniated disk to help heal it they expand the disc and you grow at least half an inch

I wish I could grow another 4 inches. Then I could touch the rim on a basketball hoop.

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I just saw something similar about this today. If you have a herniated disk to help heal it they expand the disc and you grow at least half an inch

i would read more into that if i were you.

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It lives. Not so bad, was it? Which hospital btw? I did my surgery at Presbyterian and they did a good job. Ugly nurses though.

I hate that. That's one of the more important things you're looking for in healthcare these days. Hot nurses really takes your rehab one step further :)

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welcome back man!

I hate that. That's one of the more important things you're looking for in healthcare these days. Hot nurses really takes your rehab one step further :)

come to salina, hot nurses everywhere.

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