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welcome back man!

come to salina, hot nurses everywhere.

What would say if I walked into your room. I am a soon to be nurse and I am male. Would then ask for a sponge bath? :)

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What would say if I walked into your room. I am a soon to be nurse and I am male. Would then ask for a sponge bath? :)

Haha :lmao:

Probably not dude! :contract:

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Pirate is currently listed at 6' 7"... so i'd be looking to post up on the block as a big small forward.

Move to Sweden, you could easily play center here :D

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Haha :lmao:

Probably not dude! :contract:

Dude, all embarrassment aside, a guy had to give me a sponge bath. I was in too much pain to move, since it was only two days after my surgery. And although I'm home, I still cant wipe or clean myself. So my Dad has to help out. He had a similar surgry to correct 2-3 disc in his lower back.

To answer Grasshopper, I realy shouldn't say witch one, but it was one that claimed thet 93% of patients were satisfied. I wasn't one of them.

Also, the nurse who took care of me directly after surgery was hot looking. I'd say about 25-28. A real looker. Then the more I got talking to her within the 4 hours in recovery, I noticed that she became older. Older til the point that she said she had a 28 yr old son. I still thought she was a very nice lady, the best looking nurse ever, I wasn't sure about anymore. But She was a very nice person though.

I'll be out for a while, about a year until I'm near 100% Maybe I'll never reach 100%. I have to wear this brace for 5 months. I was hoping to do the scorecard for the basaeball team in the upcoming season, but IDK if they'll let me.

Oh, Grasshopper, feel free to re-establish the "Reggie Bar" avatar. I'll look for The Godfather avatar.

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It's only 5 months. It seems like a long time now, but I can guarantee that after its over, you won't even look back. As for playing bball, you will be back. I had elbow surgery freshman year in college with a 1 year wait. I came back and still sucked. I pitched better after the surgery too. Remember, you are young, not dead. Like they say, if you cant make it baseball, study law.

And I will bring back the Reggie Bar supreme!

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I went for a stomach test (I had some odd stomach pain when I got hungry and food was the only way to get rid of it and I'm talking serious pains) and after the procedure I was a little tired from the ansththrtjhrcisia and I was taken out in a wheelchair. As I was leaving, some f***ing clown (literally) came over and wanted me to take a picture. I said hell no but my parents wouldn't leave until I did it. Then maybe three seconds before the picture, the clown was like "Say Red Sox rule!"

That was the first time my parents ever took a picture of me giving someone the middle finger. :D

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And it's good to hear that you're okay Medric, good luck with the recovery. I myself just broke my ankle playing basketball this past weekend, I guess we're both in the recovery stage...

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I couldn't imagine being down for a year or five months...

This is a good time to catch up on some reading (I suggest Next by Michael Crichton), some video games (I have a Wii but probably not a godd idea for someone just recovering from back surgery), or try a new hobby (I suggest customizing mcfarlane figures www.customsbyjomo.com)

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It's nice to have you back medric, have patience recovering I know that you want to play baseball but hang up ;)

As I was leaving, some f***ing clown (literally) came over and wanted me to take a picture. I said hell no but my parents wouldn't leave until I did it. Then maybe three seconds before the picture, the clown was like "Say Red Sox rule!"

That was the first time my parents ever took a picture of me giving someone the middle finger. :D

hahaha made my day :toothless:

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  • 1 month later...


Medric - are you saying you're not projected to make a 100% recovery?

Because, the Navy is among the most lenient when it comes to pre-existing medical conditions (as long as they are not a communicable condition, and do not pose extra health risks during strenuous exercise). The Air Force and Marines are actually more strict, while the Army bases its fitness requirements (after basic) more on your speciality.

Well, while I was in the hospital, all the nurses were telling me that I wouldn't have to worry about the military anymore, and I didn't know what they were talking about. So I had my mom check it out, and I was nearly heartbroken to learn that my surgery made me ineligable for the service, which was what I was leaning towards going into because I didn't want to go to college.

And when it came to baseball, I was a true wizard with the glove. I could make good plays, read the ball with ease in the OF, I'll admit, I didn't have the strongest arm, but all my throws were on target. And at first, I could scoop and pick the ball just like the pros. I was good at just about every position I played at (Third causing the most trouble). But with this rod in my back, I wont be able to bend or throw like I use to. So third base is pritty much out of the question. And as long as there is a lefty on the team, first base is out too. And with my weak arm now limited in throwing distance, the OF realy isn't an option now either. I can still "swing" a bat, meaning that I can still go througn the motions in slow motion, but who knows if the rod wont mess with my swing. Not to mention the risk of being hit by a potch in the back. I dont want to have to go througn the pain and BS of having them cut me back open to fix what may become screwed up, which unfortunately, some people who have this surgery have to have it again because something went wrong, thus taking essentialy two years of their life, insted of one.

If your asking me, do I think that my back is as much an issue for me not to join the NAVY, no, its not like I'll be jumping out of an airplane and parashooting if I'm assigned to a ship.

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I am truly sorry for your luck, and I am not trying to be unsympathetic to your plight, but you need to realize that the people on this board are not your enemies, and we do not deserve or have asked for, the crap that you have given some of the members here lately.

I can handle taking pot shots from you, so you have nothing to apologize to me for. A few people have questioned why we haven't given you a suspension, and most of the time the answer was because of your surgery. It comes to a point though, where as Admins, we cannot justify that as an excuse anymore.

What I am saying is, please be MUCH MORE respectful of your fellow members. Unjustified ranting or attacking of a member sucks, and I am sure you have received your fair also, so you are not the only one to blame.

I would expect you will probably straighten out your act here, as I am sure you probably do not want a suspension, and believe it or not, I do not want to give you one. It would have been done by now, if I had. I don't dislike you Medric, I just don't like what this surgery has done to you. You used to be very upbeat, and a pleasure to have discussions with...not so much right now, but I guess that is understandable under the circumstances.

Please, we are your "friends" here, and I am also here, if you need to vent via PM. Fill my inbox if you have too, just don't take it out on anyone in the forums.

Thanks for hopefully understanding, and realizing it is nothing personal.

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Med, I think maybe the only reason DJ said all that "publicly" was to help show any members that might've been worried about your recent actions that the staff is aware of it, and its been brought to your attention.

But I don't want you to get the impression that this is a major life-altering issue either. It's just that this is a community for all us baseball (and MVP05+) fans - and if anything goes on that unncessesarily causes any problems or issues, the staff's job here is to help resolve them. So, instead of letting anything spiral out of control until someone gets really upset, it was probably best to let you know that your frustrations are showing through more often than ever before here on MVPmods.com.

It's important to remember that, while this is just an on-line community, a lot of people here have "known" you through this site for a while, and they support you and care about you. It may not mean as much as your "real life" friends, but we are all here to support you too, until you're back on your feet (both literally and figuratively).

Extra understanding has been shown to you, because people ARE sensitive to your situation. However, I think DJ just wanted to remind you that this is a community, and there are other people's feelings to think of too.

I hope you're doing well.

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