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Stupid semi-injury


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Yesterday at school during lunch, I just had a little laugh, it wasnt even that funny, just a little chuckle, and I guess something like the right angle, right movement, right time, and i strained a muscle in my neck. :wall:

Oh well, I'm feeling alot better today than yesterday, but I feel so stupid. And It's wierd when people ask me whats wrong with your neck? (My head is tilted a bit) And I have to go ummmmmmm I laughed, and I strained a muscle in my neck. Most people don't believe me though because its a stupid way to hurt yourself.

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Yesterday at school during lunch, I just had a little laugh, it wasnt even that funny, just a little chuckle, and I guess something like the right angle, right movement, right time, and i strained a muscle in my neck. :wall:

Oh well, I'm feeling alot better today than yesterday, but I feel so stupid. And It's wierd when people ask me whats wrong with your neck? (My head is tilted a bit) And I have to go ummmmmmm I laughed, and I strained a muscle in my neck. Most people don't believe me though because its a stupid way to hurt yourself.

Funny thing. I've done that once too. I felt really stupid, because my head was tilted for like at least three-four days.

Hope you get better!

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Man at least it was a neck muscle...2 summers ago I was just lifting myself up off my couch and i guess my hand didnt move while my arm did and I sprained my bicep muscle...It happened the day after my last game of the season so I figured that it doesn't matter because I can let it rest...then I remembered that in two weeks I was selected to play in the All-Star game, man I got so pissed and nervous because I didn't know if it would heal in time, I was applying Icy Hot like 3 times a day and on the day before the game my arm finally healed enough to play with, it was still a little sore but whatever I wasn't missing this game for the world.

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these are actually all pretty common occurences. you wanna hear stupid, at least you haven't burned your eyebrows off because you put too much lighter fluid in the bbq. or have you? :)

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these are actually all pretty common occurences. you wanna hear stupid, at least you haven't burned your eyebrows off because you put too much lighter fluid in the bbq. or have you? :)

A couple Summers ago on Canada Day (July 1st as opposed to 4th) I burned of half of my hair because I cut the wick on a fire cracker to short and it went off before I had time to get a way. Now that is stupid :)

P.S. Why are we bragging about being idiots? :lol:

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It makes me feel better about the time I tore up my ankle going up for a layup...in practice.

exactly. i wasn't bragging as i never did that. i was just trying to make you feel better about these things as they really aren't that stupid :) hell i broke my nose in three places when a ball took a bad hop on me...during warm ups. it was nice that i knew some good doctors.

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I brusied my foot becasue my idiot friends and I invented a game where you drop progressively heavier items from waist height on to your feet. Terrible idea but it is somehow fun. I guess it's hilarious to watch other people get hurt. :)

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It makes me feel better about the time I tore up my ankle going up for a layup...in practice.

It makes me feel better about the time that I tore the sole of my foot coming down from a rebound...and didn't realize it 'till the train ride home. It just started to hurt like a *****.

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I brusied my foot becasue my idiot friends and I invented a game where you drop progressively heavier items from waist height on to your feet. Terrible idea but it is somehow fun. I guess it's hilarious to watch other people get hurt. :)

O man, I've played that game, and feel a whole lot better that I'm not the only one who was dumb enough to participate in that game. :D Boys will be boys.

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I brusied my foot becasue my idiot friends and I invented a game where you drop progressively heavier items from waist height on to your feet. Terrible idea but it is somehow fun. I guess it's hilarious to watch other people get hurt. :)

ok, see now this is stupid :) good thing it's just a bruise.

the rest of you aren't quite to this level yet. i guess the closest you're gonna get to this is if you don't get it properly treated.

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I brusied my foot becasue my idiot friends and I invented a game where you drop progressively heavier items from waist height on to your feet. Terrible idea but it is somehow fun. I guess it's hilarious to watch other people get hurt. :)

So that's how Alaskans pass the time...

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I was breaking apart an old table once that had to be 50 years old, and my friend said, make sure you don't step on a nail. I moved over to him because I didn't hear what he said, and yes I stepped on the nail.

I was in the hospital two hours later getting my tet.

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Speaking of tetanus shots, I turned capture the flag into a nice dangerous game :D

We were playing capture the flag in 7th grade, and they had scaffolding up to do repairs on the school. It was the dividing line, because it dividied the recess area thingy into 2. So I ran and captured the flag from the other side, ran back and stopped myself on the scaffolding. Little did I know, there was a a rusty nail sticking out of it, and it went right through my hand. On top of that, I was stopped 3 times by teachers on my way to the nurses office, because I didn't have a hall pass (but all I had to do was show my hand) and when I got there with a bleeding hand, they offered me ice and told me to sit and wait. Eventually they wrapped it up for me, but I still have a nice scar to remember that day, though I don't actually remember how much pain I was in then.

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Well for whoever said not getting it properly treated is stupid...well I guess I am stupid then :( lol...I don't know I am just scared of learning the extents of my injuries so I don't go to the doctor and just hope it heals. I never went for my arm...but to me the stupidest thing I did was last season...I was put in right field (which I never play I am a first baseman and I am a little bigger) and anyway I was doing fine and then one ball was hit on a line to the gap so I run full speed for it and I am able to cut it off, I go to step down and throw (the field I was on had a HORRIBLE outfield...all bumpy and ****) and my foot hits a tiny divot and bends my knee sideways. I was in a world of pain and was limping considerably but didn't tell anyone til after the game. I was so worried because it swelled up a lot and in the morning I couldn't walk on it for at least half an hour after I woke up...it went like that for the first two weeks and then it started to feel better a little, my mom kept saying lets go to the doctor but I was too afraid of the truth to go so I said if it doesnt heal in a month we'll go...well a week after that I was back on the field, still with a limp but I was at least able to play. To this day I do not know exactly what happened to my knee but I am pretty sure I pulled/tore something for how much it hurt. What is even more stupider is umping the day after i got hurt...I could barely walk and my knee swelled up even more...w.e it is all healed now and no ill effects...thank god.

I guess guys hate to say that they are hurt.

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