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Stupid semi-injury


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I remember another one. In one of my all-star practices last year, we were taking BP on the field. Some of us were btting in cages, some were going to hit on the field, and some of us were fielding the balls hit. So I was in RF, and I have a ball hit over my left shoulder. While I was running I was thinking to myslef, "oh boy this is going to be one awesome catch" I'm almost right under the ball, and at perfect timing, I was about to catch it like a football pass. Also, one of the kids' on my teams dad was out there, and he was really built, a former body builder, and hes running at full speed, and right before i catch the ball, I get leveled. He wasn't even supposed to be out there. Two of his ribs broke, and I got the wind knocked out of me.

For those of you who cant picture this


Builder----------> -Boom- <--------------------------- Me

Not too fun.

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Well for whoever said not getting it properly treated is stupid...well I guess I am stupid then :( lol...I don't know I am just scared of learning the extents of my injuries so I don't go to the doctor and just hope it heals. I never went for my arm...but to me the stupidest thing I did was last season...I was put in right field (which I never play I am a first baseman and I am a little bigger) and anyway I was doing fine and then one ball was hit on a line to the gap so I run full speed for it and I am able to cut it off, I go to step down and throw (the field I was on had a HORRIBLE outfield...all bumpy and ****) and my foot hits a tiny divot and bends my knee sideways. I was in a world of pain and was limping considerably but didn't tell anyone til after the game. I was so worried because it swelled up a lot and in the morning I couldn't walk on it for at least half an hour after I woke up...it went like that for the first two weeks and then it started to feel better a little, my mom kept saying lets go to the doctor but I was too afraid of the truth to go so I said if it doesnt heal in a month we'll go...well a week after that I was back on the field, still with a limp but I was at least able to play. To this day I do not know exactly what happened to my knee but I am pretty sure I pulled/tore something for how much it hurt. What is even more stupider is umping the day after i got hurt...I could barely walk and my knee swelled up even more...w.e it is all healed now and no ill effects...thank god.

I guess guys hate to say that they are hurt.

that was me. but do what you feel. but just because it feels better doesn't mean it is better. just because it's healed, doesn't mean it's healed properly.

speaking of dodgeball, when i was in school, this guy in my class was throwing a ball at the exact same time someone else threw one at him. the balls collided and one of them nailed the teacher right in the face. quite hilarious at the time, but now i feel kinda bad for him.

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Speaking of gym class, a couple friends of mine were playing pickleball in 8th grade. They decided to hit it as hard as they could off the rafters to see where it would bounce. And where did it bounce? Right off the teacher's face, breaking her nose.

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but more awesomely (yes i'm using that as a word now), pickleball!!!

i didn't think many people knew about that game. i find myself getting the weird "WTF are you talking about?" look when i ask about it.

and one more...when i was running track. i was in the middle of a 4x100m relay, getting ready to run my anchor leg and just so happened to catch a glance at the high jump area. this guy ran up to it and then made his jump. well he went straight up in the air and then straight back down in the exact same spot he took off from. he landed right on his head. it was kinda funny at the time as it kinda distracted me and i almost missed the baton. luckily the guy was okay as it was nothing his chiropractor couldn't take care of. i gave him so much s*** for it at the state meet later that season.

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