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my sore thumb


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I wasn't sure where to put this so I put it in "Left Field".

I just recently started playing the game again after taking a year off. And my thumb is feeling it My right-hand thumb just kills because I've been mashing the swing button so hard. I'm using the Logitech Rumblepad 2. It feels like I'm getting a hairline fracture, mostly because it aches/hurts when I get to "into the moment" of the game and try to "swing" as hard as I can by pushing the button so hard.

I sort of remember doing that when I originally had the game installed. Anybody else have this problem? And would an XBOX USB controlled for my PC solve this "problem" at all? I feel dumb hurting my thumb this way playing video games as opposed to the ol' Nintendo thumb of playing Mario or whatever and getting blisters from sliding the thumb all over the controller.

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thanks for the serious answers.

All I asked was if anybody else has this happen to them and if a different controller could help.

This is why my signature says that I don't post here very often. I can never depend on a serious answer from people. Guess I need to keep to PMing people about things.

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That was a serious answer.

1. stop hitting the buttons so hard.

2. maybe go see a doc if it is serious, you may have injured it doing something else and you're only making it worse.

3. No reason anyone should be embarrassed for a low post count. If your post count is as high as mine, all it means it you need to find other websites to go to.

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