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Surey: MVPmod Y! Fantasy Baseball (Roto vs. H2H)


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If you posted with interest in the other thread

post here with your name and teh style you perfer.. (Head to Head or Roto)

I'll start:

Guest - Roto

Roto 1 H2H 0 << (next users add to it)

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Sean O, I know we have a grand community but because I've seen mostly people perfer Roto and never enough for H2H. Now is there a point of having a 6 team H2H league?

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My guess is that we will have enough people for both, especially with the h2h leagues last year. I would assume that we would have no problem getting 24 people back for a league regardless of the format.

Side note, preferential treatment for people who were in leagues last year and didn't completely flake out? I know there were 2 or 3 people who had teams who never checked their teams after mid-april, and another who never even looked at his team once.

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I perfer roto, but don't mind h2h leagues. If a h2h league is created and only a few members join, I'd join to help create more teams. But I'd like to be in a roto league.

I also love the idea of making sure members will be active before allowing them to join. It's the main reason I want to join a MVPmods fantasy league, I'm so tired of joining public leads and 80% of the league being inactive.

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I'm obsessive about my fantasy teams. I was checking my rosters several times a day last year, and I was pissed because I joined 2 public leagues where over half of the people didn't pay attention to a damn thing, so when I tried to improve my team via trades and whatnot I wouldn't get any responses.

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I'd prefer roto. I'd like to join because this is the first year in the past 3 that I've been in a situation where I have enough free time to participate in fantasy baseball and be active. Other years I've been caught up between school, playing baseball, and theatre. Now that I'm available, I figured I might try it.

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I prefer Roto. As far as me joining, statistics and fantasy teams are always big with me. I won my league 2 years ago (8 teams), but didn't partake in any this past year because I didn't know enough people that wanted to join, and I don't like public leagues for the fact that people just don't care.

Score: Roto (?) H2H (?)

*I'd update the score but I lost track reading posts of people who didn't update the score.

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