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Best Graphics Card at Low Price?


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Im trying to ressurect (sp?) a Dell desktop I got from school from this program and im trying to get new parts to make it run it like new. I just need a quite few things to run it better than this HP laptop im using right now.

My question is this: What graphics card/video card is good to run MVP at top notch without any lagging that is at a low price?

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are we looking AGP,PCI, or PCI-Express?

heres some suggestions



from what i read, this one works pretty well with the game

PCI: note, this is the standard pci, usually only manufactured computers would only have pci slots




thats probably the safest for the cheapest

fyi, this one is mine http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16814130075

plays perfect, 1280*1024, all options on, 8xaf, 16AA

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this one for sure will run mvp with all settings maxed for an agp, a friend had this one, on a mid range athlon xp system. worked fine

Hey thanks for the head up, ill be sure too get this one!

Do you think this has PCI slots? Does that graphics card need a PCI slot?


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that one has a pci-express slot, which is the best for upgrading.

pci-express is currently the best interface you can get.

agp is slightly older and being phased out, but is still pretty good

pci is the slowest, and should be a last option.

check out the x700 i linked too.

heres another that would do well also


get either the x700 or the x1600

if you like nvidia get this

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16814125156, or if your willing to spend about 10 bucks more, check out the card i have above.

choose one of those, then maybe add another 512mb of ram to get to a gig, and your computer will be a very low priced, perfect sports gaming computer.

word of advice, do not get a card with turbocache, this uses your system ram as video card memory. its much the same like integrated graphics, but with a stand alone gpu.

my choice of the cards is the x1600 pro, very nice card and will handle most games easily

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