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cyberface makers please help me out


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I'm trying to make a cyberface myself and I'm using Jogars tutorial. However, I cannot for the life of me get a face cut out that's as big as the .fsh face I use as a base. I've gone all the way to resizing the .fsh file to 256x256, using the polygonal lasso in photoshop to cut out the face from the headshot. Resize that to 256x256 as well, but the face is still too big when I paste it on the resized .fsh file.

I'm using the pressbox photo's. Cut out the player's head, so I have a headshot, use the lasso and then I resize it. This is driving me mad. I have the photoshop cs2 version.

Is anyone able to help me?

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Alright, I kindof did it differently, but those are some good tips. Now, I've made the o file, but when I try to open it in oedit it says it's an invalid o file. What did I do wrong?

EDIT: Okay, here's the full story. I'm using Rickie Weeks (Jogar's face) as a base for Elijah Dukes. I'm pretty satisfied with .fsh right now (I used a 512x512 size, resized it to 256x512). I extracted the .ord and .orl files of the Weeks face to the folder which contains the ord-to-o and the ord20 files. It does create an .o file (after I edited to correspond with the correct face number), but when I open it it says that it is not a valid .o file. I figured it might've been because the .ord and .orl files are still compressed, so I decompressed them, but when I try to open it with Oedit it says that the file contains unsupported sections. I'm using EAgraph to extract these .ord and .orl files.

If somebody could give me a step by step guide in which I see what i did wrong, I can mess around with Oedit and see how the cyberface turns out.

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  • 1 month later...

I was hoping to request a personal cyberface. I asked jogar last year but never got anything back. This would be greatly appreciated if someone could make one for me.

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not bad. Just my eyes look all goofy, like I just sniffed glue in the clubhouse. and the ears stick out too much. Other than that its pretty good.

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thanks guys.

yammer, what you do in the clubhouse is your business...what you don't like the ears? you could fly with those things. they'd never be able to hit a homerun with you in center :) but seriously, not a problem. that's a quick fix. what do you want me to adjust with the eyes? i'll get to it later tonight or tomorrow.

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I appreciate the effort. My beef with the eyes is that one is looking down and the other is crossed to the right like I have a lazy eye. The ears are just sticking out too far.

Also... is it possible to lighten the skin tone? Maybe its just the pic or lighting.

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the skin looks like that cuz you're standing in the shade in that shot. try it in game and see what it really looks like. otherwise, i can lighten too. the eyes do that in certain shots. i'll see what i can do with it. i'm gonna give you new hair too.

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by the look of the line down the middle of the face I am guessing its an 04 face. I wonder if this would still work.....


I just never could get good enough at editing ord/orl files.

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well you can't edit the ord and orl files for the 04 faces. that looks pretty good though, why didn't you use that?

anyhow, the line down the middle would usually indicate an 04 face, but really it's not in this case. it's just the shot you get with this one. play it in game and you'll see the line is gone. but keep trying the link, i suggest using firefox. megaupload is weird like that. it'll tell you the link doesn't work, but if you try it enough times it'll be fine.

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