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Wrigley 's wall no longer free of ads


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who gives a crap wrigly feild is overrated ive been ther few times and its def nice but who really cares the cubs fans should worry about there team winning more games than they lose ofr a change not how many ads are hanging in that stadium

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I don't care if the put ads in the parks. I don't think ads have ANYTHING to do with gameplay. How about this: Pumping up HR's and runs scored with things like lowering the mound, not calling strikes according to the rule book, and letting batters trot up to the plate with armor on. How about 3 and 4 games, that just drag on, 'cuz we gotta give the fans 15-20 runs per game? How about the way the game has been changed,,,THE GAME, not the silly ads.

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HR sell seats and keep the game thriving the changes might not be fair to the oldtimers but htey keep the game healthy its a double edge sword kind off and the commisioners job is to keep the playing feild even which it is more now that it was a few years ago and to keep the money coming in which it is mroe than a few years ago so as far as im concerned the ame has not changed fpr the worse or the better its just differant

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The whole notion that "HR's sell seats" has not been proven, is highly subjective and has been pedaled by MLB officials for years. The game has experienced highs and lows, financially and popularly throughout the years. Currently, the state of MLB is on an upswing, witness the high revenues recently generated. Given that, it has never been proven that more runs result in more attendance. There have been some pretty thourough studies on this, and I've seen data on both sides of that fence.

The popularity of MLB has never been as high as it was in it's Golden Era, essentially 1925-1955. And the runs per game were not near as high as they are now. Much of the increased revenue is due to TV, different licensing,etc, that was not around in earlier periods. Thus, I don't believe, based on available data, that high runs per game is what sells seats. I think proper marketing and stars that one can relate to and respect is what will continue to sell the game. I would simply like to see the RULES of the original game, and the way it was meant to be played be how it was.

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last year had the highest attendance or any season te highest revenue of any season the highest payrol or any season and the highest profit things dont happen for no reason HRs ar exciting and draw media and draw money they are somewhat overrated and ill take a guy ho hit 340 with 15 home runs over some one who its 240 with 40 hrs any day but the media like HRs and the media has a large effect on people like it or not

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last year had the highest attendance or any season te highest revenue of any season the highest payrol or any season and the highest profit things dont happen for no reason HRs ar exciting and draw media and draw money they are somewhat overrated and ill take a guy ho hit 340 with 15 home runs over some one who its 240 with 40 hrs any day but the media like HRs and the media has a large effect on people like it or not

OK, I give up. I was going to try to respond, but this just doesn't make sense. I will debate this with you, but you are going to have to start using puncuation. It's just rude not to, sorry.

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last year had the highest attendance or any season te highest revenue of any season the highest payrol or any season and the highest profit things dont happen for no reason HRs ar exciting and draw media and draw money they are somewhat overrated and ill take a guy ho hit 340 with 15 home runs over some one who its 240 with 40 hrs any day but the media like HRs and the media has a large effect on people like it or not

The #1 drug that brings the fans to the ballpark is winning. That has definately been proven. If you consider "media" fans who pay for tickets, then I have to watch your kind of baseball.

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