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Hardway hates gay people


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Reread my comment. I said it is no better then being a racist. Making hateful comments towards someone based on their race, sexual orientation, handicap, etc...None of it is good. It's disgusting.

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Atleast he admitted it was hate.

Now he knows what to work on.

Please don't bring up Pete Rose. He signed a document saying he was guilty, and that he gave up the right to go to the Hall. Right?

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how is calling someone gay a racist

Wouldn't he be called a "gayist?"

No, on a side note, whats the big deal. There's people i know that are gay, and I, well, I dont hate them, but I wont talk to them either. So he says he hates gay people. Big deal. I dont like people of arab dissent, does that mean that CNN should bang on my door asking for an interview?

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Wouldn't he be called a "gayist?"

No, on a side note, whats the big deal. There's people i know that are gay, and I, well, I dont hate them, but I wont talk to them either. So he says he hates gay people. Big deal. I dont like people of arab dissent, does that mean that CNN should bang on my door asking for an interview?

we're you on a goodwill tour for the NBA?

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Wouldn't he be called a "gayist?"

No, on a side note, whats the big deal. There's people i know that are gay, and I, well, I dont hate them, but I wont talk to them either. So he says he hates gay people. Big deal. I dont like people of arab dissent, does that mean that CNN should bang on my door asking for an interview?

I hate black people.

I hate gay people.

I hate muslims.

There are several things wrong with all of these comments. They all contain the word hate and they all attack a person because of social issue. Hatered in today's society is wrong. We preach tolerance, but we refuse to live it. There will always be people that have hatered and there will always be social issues, but you cannot single out one of the above comments and say one is worse than the other.

What does it matter to you or I that a person is of a different ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation?

It means nothing to you or I.

How is it that people still discriminate? How and why? It will never be answered, but everyone needs to ask why it should matter if someone socially difers from themselves.

To further my rant, any of you that discriminate on basis of sexual orientation, religion or race are ******* weak *** cowards. You obviously have a flaw inside your own personality that will not allow to accept someone on their personality without throwing up a redflag. Medric what if I said I hated you because you are now currently disabled? Don't like it do you. Couldn't help the degeneration could you? Why should I not like you because you are a cripple?

Think about it. You are a racist and you proved it right there with your comment on Arab people.

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Also answer me this you homophobes, racists and religous bigots...

How does a homosexual, a person of a differening race, or someone of an opposite religous belief affect you?

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Also answer me this you homophobes, racists and religous bigots...

How does a homosexual, a person of a differening race, or someone of an opposite religous belief affect you?

honestly, i dont have a problem with gay people being gay, i get a bit uncomfortable when they are holding hands or kissing or something like that in public. i dont have a problem with different races or religious beleifs.

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I work with gay people, black people, and people from the Middle East. I can talk with all of them, and have no problems.

The only prejudice I have is a prejudice for a-holes who hate for no other reason than appearence.

EDIT: Spelling sucks

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My biggest problem is people's ignorance when it comes to hatred.

He wants to hate gays? Fine, that's his problem. As long as he doesn't provoke harm upon gays, it's just hatred within himself.

But what he said here:

"If you have 12 other ballplayers in your locker room that are upset and can't concentrate and always worried about him in the locker room or on the court it's going to be hard for your teammates to win and accept him as a teammate"

They think being around a gay man means that the gay guy is going to try and put a move on them. Sorry, you're not the top catch.

He has no problem getting slapped on the butt by a strait man. He has no problem showering and changing in the locker room with strait men.

Why? Because they have no affection for him.

But if it's a gay guy, and now he's scared that the gay man will have affection for him. For what, is he worried he'll get raped or something? Does he think the gay guy will try and make a move on him?

It's that igornant sterotyping that I hate. Homophobes hate gays because they are scared a gay man will make a move on them. And almost every guy who talks about that, well guess what, they wouldn't make a move on you guys anyway.

I remember another NBA player, I think it was on the 76ers but I don't remember his name, said something like "I don't care if I have a gay teammate as long as he doesn't try to infect me with his gayness." God. It's ignorant statements like that that **** me off.

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I remember another NBA player, I think it was on the 76ers but I don't remember his name, said something like "I don't care if I have a gay teammate as long as he doesn't try to infect me with his gayness." God. It's ignorant statements like that that **** me off.

Shavlik Randolph... and he should be more concerned about finding anyone that thinks he's attractive.


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I have gay friends and they are some of the nicest, funniest people I know.

That being said, I wouldn't change or shower in front of them. I'd have nothing against them being on my team...but they would need their own locker room. That, in my mind, is the issue.

Using the word "hate" to describe a group of people is flat out wrong and ignorant. But if there are separate locker rooms for men and women, isn't is logical that gay men and straight men should be separated as well?

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I have gay friends and they are some of the nicest, funniest people I know.

That being said, I wouldn't change or shower in front of them. I'd have nothing against them being on my team...but they would need their own locker room. That, in my mind, is the issue.

Using the word "hate" to describe a group of people is flat out wrong and ignorant. But if there are separate locker rooms for men and women, isn't is logical that gay men and straight men should be separated as well?

I feel the same way. I don't want anyone checking me out when I'm trying to change out. I don't give out free shows, (neither do I do it for money) and I feel that locker rooms need to be seperated because if they are not, then it is like allowing straight males to change in the women's dressing rooms.

Problem is, in today's society, you can't be having seperate locker rooms unless there are undercover cops to stop psychos from causing physical harm. Think about that for a moment.

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Heterosexual men don't check out every woman they see. I am one I know... don't be so egotystical that you would think that gay men would check you out.

Guess what you ain't that good looking. I am sitting next to my gay friend and co-worker right now... he is laughing out loud at all of you homophobes.

He played sports and never once did it.

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honestly, i dont have a problem with gay people being gay...

I truely have a problem with gay people being straight though ;) (Playing with the words)

Ok, time to amend my comments. First off, Uncle Mo, I'm sorry. About my comment that is. You are the person that I hold the most respect for on this site. You are one of few people I hold high on a pedistal. And I hope you can forgive me for my comment.

What I was trying to say but didn't-

It seems that every person of Arab dissent that I personaly know, has a problem with me. I dont say racist remarks to them, I dont make fun of them, its just that I dont get along well with the few people of Arab dissent that I know.

Hopefully that removed the foot from me mouth, because I must now brush my teeth.

I'm truely not a racist person, or a sexist, or an animal rights activist. So hopefully the MVPMods members would forgive me.

Back to that basketball player, I believe that this story is only getting this much publicity for two reasons.

1) Because a former Basketball player opened his mouth over the radio.

2) Because it was about a very sensitive subject in America today, homosexuality.

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