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Hardway hates gay people


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Heterosexual men don't check out every woman they see. I am one I know... don't be so egotystical that you would think that gay men would check you out.

Guess what you ain't that good looking. I am sitting next to my gay friend and co-worker right now... he is laughing out loud at all of you homophobes.

He played sports and never once did it.

I am one - and I do. So who's right?

It's not about checking people out, or anyone thinking they're "hot." It's about making all parties feel their privacy isn't being violated and protecting against the small possibility of sexual contact. The same exact reason men and women don't change together - it just makes sense.

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Heterosexual men don't check out every woman they see. I am one I know... don't be so egotystical that you would think that gay men would check you out.

Guess what you ain't that good looking.

EXACTLY. That's what I was trying to say in my post but you worded it so much better.

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It's about making all parties feel their privacy isn't being violated and protecting against the small possibility of sexual contact. The same exact reason men and women don't change together - it just makes sense.

While I do somewhat see your point, I think the whole issue of segregating anybody when it comes to changing rooms is stupid. I'm very much pro-coed. I think the situation is only worsed by segregating the two. I really do not see the issue of changing infront of other people. And if you want privacy then, well, go change in one of the stalls. You aren't going to get privacy even in a segregated room.

And protecting against sexual contact...well, there still the chance of sexual contact with segregated rooms. If people are going to do something, they are going to do something regardless. And if you look at it as a whole, there's actually LESS of a chance of sexual contact in a coed room because there are more parties in the room, meaning that somebody wouldn't try something because there are so many people around.

And where would Bi-sexuals change? ;P

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So you are telling me that you check out 300 pound fat chicks with chicken fat rolling down their chin....

Or to a lesser extant that shy girl with bangs that cover her eybrows, that wers a sweatshirt to school everyday... you checking her out in a way that should make her violated...

So not only are you a homophobe, but a pig?

Everyone needs to see this play:


(This issue is close to my heart because my brother in law is a homosexual, my uncle, a homosexual, died from complications from AIDS in 1991, one of my best friends is gay and I have been surrounded by homosexuality, hetrosexuality, differeing religions and races and guess what... I am pretty damn educated on the subject. I have an open mind to these things because I know them and understand them)

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Ok, time to quote from my favorite movie, Barbershop.

"If you measure around that waist and you measure around that ***, you should get a ratio of 3-5. That means that a 20 inch waist should weild a 40 inch ***. Thats a Woman with a big ***.

Now, on the other side, you got Mother Love. BIG *** WOMAN!"

It's not an exact quote, but this should help you decide whats good and unhealthy to look at.

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So you are telling me that you check out 300 pound fat chicks with chicken fat rolling down their chin....

Or, sort of conversely but not really, are you offended when 300 pound fat chicks with chicken fat rolling down their chin check you out, because you have no sexual interest in them?

Can anyone else appreciate the irony of men being uncomfortable with the prospect of being reduced to sexual objects?


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So you are telling me that you check out 300 pound fat chicks with chicken fat rolling down their chin....

Or to a lesser extant that shy girl with bangs that cover her eybrows, that wers a sweatshirt to school everyday... you checking her out in a way that should make her violated...

So not only are you a homophobe, but a pig?

Everyone needs to see this play:


(This issue is close to my heart because my brother in law is a homosexual, my uncle, a homosexual, died from complications from AIDS in 1991, one of my best friends is gay and I have been surrounded by homosexuality, hetrosexuality, differeing religions and races and guess what... I am pretty damn educated on the subject. I have an open mind to these things because I know them and understand them)

Where the **** did I say anything about being against gay people...or anything that would label me a homophobe? Get your **** straight.

Like I said before - I have gay friends that I care a lot about. But, for me, there's no difference between having co-ed locker rooms...and sharing a locker room with gay men. It's not about me getting "checked out." It's just common sense to protect against things that shouldn't be happening that have the POSSIBILITY of occuring.

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Or, sort of conversely but not really, are you offended when 300 pound fat chicks with chicken fat rolling down their chin check you out, because you have no sexual interest in them?

Can anyone else appreciate the irony of men being uncomfortable with the prospect of being reduced to sexual objects?


I really could care less when people check me out, regardless of what they look like or their sexual orientation. Libido is part of human nature. Deal with it.

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Ok, here's my two cents on this subject, you can agree or not or tell me if I am right or wrong.

What Tim Hardway said was his opinion. He wasn't speaking for anyone else nor was he trying to do that. If this is what he believes he shouldn't have to apologize for it. If his comments bother you then you are the one that is letting it bother you. Since when does anything Tim Hardway say have any bearing on any of us? Two days ago Tim Hardway was just some athlete, nothing he said was remotely important. Now, because he said what he felt it is being dissected by every phase of the media. I guess what I am trying to say is that this guy got too much attention because of this.

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Whoa, sensitive subject here. I agree Y4L, if he feels that way, don't apologize. I also think they should have to change in a different locker room. It just isn't right, it is like having coed locker rooms.

Also answer me this you homophobes, racists and religous bigots...

How does a homosexual, a person of a differening race, or someone of an opposite religous belief affect you?

*BEGIN USELESS RANT* I noticed this post, and had to reply to this (Sorry this next part of my post isn't going to be on subject). Religious beliefs not affecting people? What about when some crazy, radical Islam following person straps a bomb to his chest and blows men, women, and children up in the middle of a street? That is based on his religious beliefs, so it does affect people. *END USELESS RANT*

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Ok, here's my two cents on this subject, you can agree or not or tell me if I am right or wrong.

Okay. Will do.

What Tim Hardway said was his opinion. He wasn't speaking for anyone else nor was he trying to do that. If this is what he believes he shouldn't have to apologize for it. If his comments bother you then you are the one that is letting it bother you.

Say that I am a visible higher-up in a company that you work for. Not only that, it's your dream job...a job that you'd never be able to get anywhere else. One day, I write an article in the company newsletter that says "We should fire all Yankees fans." Now I'm only a visible higher-up, not the boss. But the message is clear: Fire these ******* Yankee fans. Get them out. If you like the Yankees, you are not wanted here.

How do you feel?

I always did like Tim Hardaway...

And therein lies the problem. Hate speech creates hate comeraderie, which creates hate movements.


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Ok, here's my two cents on this subject, you can agree or not or tell me if I am right or wrong.

What Tim Hardway said was his opinion. He wasn't speaking for anyone else nor was he trying to do that. If this is what he believes he shouldn't have to apologize for it. If his comments bother you then you are the one that is letting it bother you. Since when does anything Tim Hardway say have any bearing on any of us? Two days ago Tim Hardway was just some athlete, nothing he said was remotely important. Now, because he said what he felt it is being dissected by every phase of the media. I guess what I am trying to say is that this guy got too much attention because of this.

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Reread my comment. I said it is no better then being a racist. Making hateful comments towards someone based on their race, sexual orientation, handicap, etc...None of it is good. It's disgusting.

Technically it is being racist.

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Okay. Will do.

Say that I am a visible higher-up in a company that you work for. Not only that, it's your dream job...a job that you'd never be able to get anywhere else. One day, I write an article in the company newsletter that says "We should fire all Yankees fans." Now I'm only a visible higher-up, not the boss. But the message is clear: Fire these **** Yankee fans. Get them out. If you like the Yankees, you are not wanted here.

How do you feel?

And therein lies the problem. Hate speech creates hate comeraderie, which creates hate movements.


Co-signed. Nice post.

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Okay. Will do.

Say that I am a visible higher-up in a company that you work for. Not only that, it's your dream job...a job that you'd never be able to get anywhere else. One day, I write an article in the company newsletter that says "We should fire all Yankees fans." Now I'm only a visible higher-up, not the boss. But the message is clear: Fire these **** Yankee fans. Get them out. If you like the Yankees, you are not wanted here.

How do you feel?

Personally, I'd be thrilled. Given the amount of frivolous lawsuits that are readily available in today's society, I'd just laugh at you, then sue you for [insert stupidly high number here, then multiply by 10 and re-insert] on the grounds of workplace harassment. :D

(Everybody needs a little light-hearted humour in their lives, right? ;) )

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Say that I am a visible higher-up in a company that you work for. Not only that, it's your dream job...a job that you'd never be able to get anywhere else. One day, I write an article in the company newsletter that says "We should fire all Yankees fans." Now I'm only a visible higher-up, not the boss. But the message is clear: Fire these **** Yankee fans. Get them out. If you like the Yankees, you are not wanted here.

How do you feel?

How do I feel? I don't think you know how to make a fu***** point. Why the hell do you have to bring the Yankees into this? A retired NBA player makes a statement, a statement that was obviously very non politically correct in this day and age, and people are getting worked up over it. All I was trying to get across to people was who gives a damn what this guy thinks or what he believes in? I don't and I am not giving this guy's opinion a second thought. So how about coming up with a better example then the Yankees to make a point with me? Even you can do it. Then again I could care less.

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Um...basically I said here that I thought Y4L was doing a poor job as moderator by starting fights instead of stopping them and that I didn't think he understood the point of my allegory.

Except I said it a lot angrier with many more starred-out words than are in this post.

I'm editing it now because I regret getting so worked up over things.

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And some in society are getting their undies in a knot over this guy's comments why?

So he doesn't like gay people and dislikes them. So what? He's not saying anything about killing or harming them or segregating them. Racism/hatred is when it is stirring up people to harm, harrass, infringe on other peoples' rights to however they choose to live their lives.

Personally, I don't care much for gay people. I work with a few people that are gay but I won't treat them any less at work or ridicule for their choice to be gay. But outside of work, would I hang out with them? No. It's personal preference.

So to some, that would label me as a "homophobe." So, I don't care because the word is used in the wrong context. Homophobe is just a buzzword that if one actually studied psychology and learned what a phobia is, how it affects people. Hardaway said he'd never play with a gay man on the same team and would want him off the team or what not. So yes, homophobe would be the right label. Now if Hardaway said he dislikes (a softer meaning of hate) gay people but would still play on the same team, then he wouldn't be a homophobe.

One of my friends is bisexual. I asked her one day does she believe she was born bisexual or did she choose? She said she chose and she said anyone that claims they're born gay or lesbian or bi is a **** faced liar.

As for hatred in the world, face it, it's going on in every corner of the world on all kinds of levels blatantly or in a subtle way no matter one's religion, ethnic, country of origin, sexual preference, gender, social class and so forth and so forth and so forth. Deal with it.

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How do I feel? I don't think you know how to make a fu***** point. Why the hell do you have to bring the Yankees into this? A retired NBA player makes a statement, a statement that was obviously very non politically correct in this day and age, and people are getting worked up over it. All I was trying to get across to people was who gives a damn what this guy thinks or what he believes in? I don't and I am not giving this guy's opinion a second thought. So how about coming up with a better example then the Yankees to make a point with me? Even you can do it. Then again I could care less.

Eric was only trying to make a point. He used the Yankees because you love them. It wasn't a personal attack. I think he made his point, because you were upset as a Yankees fan, and felt personally attacked.

Now try being gay and listening or reading Hardaway's comments.

I think Eric made his point.

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And some in society are getting their undies in a knot over this guy's comments why?

So he doesn't like gay people and dislikes them. So what? He's not saying anything about killing or harming them or segregating them.

Ah, but he IS talking about segregating them. That's the problem I have with what he said.

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Eric was only trying to make a point. He used the Yankees because you love them. It wasn't a personal attack. I think he made his point, because you were upset as a Yankees fan, and felt personally attacked.

Now try being gay and listening or reading Hardaway's comments.

I think Eric made his point.

No, and no one million times over. What I don't like about this is when someone brings the Yankees into a subject where they have no reason to be.

"Damn, it's been cold lately", someone would say. "Well, it's the Yankees fault." Or "I didn't get any sleep last night". Of course, the Yankees had something to do with it.

I understand you don't agree with Hardway, I don't either. I just choose to ignore him. Who cares if Hardway wants to segregate gays?? Is it going to happen because he said so? NO. Don't worry about it. He was just shooting off his mouth and he got media attention. Simple as that.

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