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Hardway hates gay people


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Dammit! Did you not read what I said? If I knew what race you were, I would've used that. If I knew what religion you believed in, I would have used that. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT YOU EXCEPT THAT YOU'RE A YANKEE FAN, SO I USED THAT IN MY EXAMPLE.

If you get this worked up when someone says something about your favorite baseball game, how do you think gay people feel?

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If you get this worked up when someone says something about your favorite baseball game, how do you think gay people feel?


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No, and no one million times over. What I don't like about this is when someone brings the Yankees into a subject where they have no reason to be.

"Damn, it's been cold lately", someone would say. "Well, it's the Yankees fault." Or "I didn't get any sleep last night". Of course, the Yankees had something to do with it.

I understand you don't agree with Hardway, I don't either. I just choose to ignore him. Who cares if Hardway wants to segregate gays?? Is it going to happen because he said so? NO. Don't worry about it. He was just shooting off his mouth and he got media attention. Simple as that.

I totally understand that Y4l. I see it all the time on this board. I just don't think that Eric was attacking you because of the Yankees. He was making a point, and since he doesn't know your religion, sexual orientation, race, etc...he used the Yankees to show you what he meant. He could have used your love of Smallville, Ice Cream ,etc....but because this is a baseball board, he used your love of the Yankees. It was not a personal attack....he was only trying to show you what bigotry people face.

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Everyone, I KNOW he was not personally attacking me with his analogy of this. I realize this. I just don't like having the Yanks brought in to threads like this because people in here (some of them anyway) will take this analogy and run with it and not let it go.

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Free speech is fine, in your own home. Hell, you can even write your own racist/bigoted newsletter. But the fscker is doing service for the NBA, has made quite a bit of money off of the general public. Is it not too much to ask that he keep his fricken ignorant @ss statements to himself? If he doesn't like those rules, get the fsck off the Dan Retard show.

The best part about this is, considering how much time in his career Tim spent in Miami, he probably interacted with more gay people than he even realizes. What a dumbass. Next thing you know he's going to be saying that lisping men should try speech therapy if they don't want to be harassed.

What needs to happen is some hard @ss NFL lineman to come out as gay.

It happened with a rugby league player here in Australia, while he was still playing and none of the other players uttered a word against him either publicly or privately as far as i know. He was one of the hardest MoFos ever to play in one of the worlds hardest sports (think NFL collisions without padding or helmets). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN9VUStB6zM

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I blame myself. This is why I don't like getting into the current events threads in here or the ones about politics and stuff like that. No matter what I say is going to be wrong.

So, you win AstroEric. You are right on everything.

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Free speech is fine, in your own home. Hell, you can even write your own racist/bigoted newsletter. But the fscker is doing service for the NBA, has made quite a bit of money off of the general public. Is it not too much to ask that he keep his fricken ignorant @ss statements to himself? If he doesn't like those rules, get the fsck off the Dan Retard show.

The best part about this is, considering how much time in his career Tim spent in Miami, he probably interacted with more gay people than he even realizes. What a dumbass. Next thing you know he's going to be saying that lisping men should try speech therapy if they don't want to be harassed.

What needs to happen is some hard @ss NFL lineman to come out as gay.

It happened with a rugby league player here in Australia, while he was still playing and none of the other players uttered a word against him either publicly or privately as far as i know. He was one of the hardest MoFos ever to play in one of the worlds hardest sports (think NFL collisions without padding or helmets). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN9VUStB6zM

Yes KC, you are right in everything you say. All I was trying to get at before everything got off track was who cares what this guy thinks? That's all I was getting at.

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Hardaway may not agree with homosexuality; that's fine...I do not agree with or support it either. But he should not have said, "I hate gay people." Those comments were immature and uncalled for. I do not agree with homosexuality--as a Bible-believing Christian, I believe that it is wrong because the Bible says so--but I will never go around saying that I hate any person for being gay. And I think Hardaway made the wrong decision to say what he said. He's only succeeded in opening a can of worms, making the whole thing bigger than it needs to be, and giving a bad name to anyone who does not support homosexuality.

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Hardaway don't like the gay? Hardaway don't get to play!

LINK: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/bask...ex.html?cnn=yes

The NBA banished Tim Hardaway from All-Star weekend in Las Vegas because of his anti-gay remarks.

Hardaway, who played in five All-Star games during the 1990s, was already in Las Vegas and scheduled to make a series of public appearances this week on behalf of the league. But after saying, "I hate gay people" during a radio interview, commissioner David Stern stepped in.

"It is inappropriate for him to be representing us given the disparity between his views and ours," Stern said in a statement Thursday.


Now I suppose we'll get into all the "He's being PUNISHED? What happened to freedom of speech????" crap.

Well, sorry, he's a public figure, he's supposed to be a positive example - so instead he condoned hatred on the radio.

Notice, I didn't say homophobia - I just said hatred. He made it seem like hatred was A-OK.

What a big bag of twice used d0uche.

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They banned him for not having the same views as the NBA has. Thusly they don't want him to be a representative of the NBA. It's fine from a legal standpoint, cause they didn't ban him for his remarks per se.

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Get on with your lives people, why do you even care if someone is gay or not. So what that penny said that he hates gay people. Would it make better if he said that he likes gays or maybe he should not have said anything, who knows? He just answerd the question and what difference does it make to any of us or gay people.

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LOL straight off jay leno about 30 seconds ago

"i think gay players in the nba are a good thing... we need more of them... for each one, that reduces the number of illegitimate children in the world by 5"

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LOL straight off jay leno about 30 seconds ago

"i think gay players in the nba are a good thing... we need more of them... for each one, that reduces the number of illegitimate children in the world by 5"

AaAAAAaaaAA HAAAAAA hahahaha :lmao:

That, sir, is f'ing hilarious!

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I'll tell you what I hate. I hate people's bad behaviors. For example, alcoholism,,,I hate it. I hate drug dependency. I hate it when people treat their children badly. I hate behaviors like drunken driving. I hate behaviors that are destructive to a particular human or to others around them, such as smoking. I hate rude and bad driving. I hate it when a homosexual contracts aids or HIV then passes it along, and it just continues to perpetuate. NOTICE I never said I hate the individual. I hate behaviors that are destructive. And I'll be honest, I've one some of the very things I just mentioned. We are not perfect. But hating a fellow human just because they are white,or gay or arab, or a Freemason, or a Christian, or a muslem or a jew is flat out wrong. It's the behaviors, not the person.

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I'll tell you what I hate. I hate people's bad behaviors. For example, alcoholism,,,I hate it. I hate drug dependency. I hate it when people treat their children badly. I hate behaviors like drunken driving. I hate behaviors that are destructive to a particular human or to others around them, such as smoking. I hate rude and bad driving. I hate it when a homosexual contracts aids or HIV then passes it along, and it just continues to perpetuate. NOTICE I never said I hate the individual. I hate behaviors that are destructive. And I'll be honest, I've one some of the very things I just mentioned. We are not perfect. But hating a fellow human just because they are white,or gay or arab, or a Freemason, or a Christian, or a muslem or a jew is flat out wrong. It's the behaviors, not the person.

Perhaps you should have put "Human Being", not "Homosexual".

I hate when people assume Aids is a Homosexual Disease.

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Perhaps you should have put "Human Being", not "Homosexual".

I hate when people assume Aids is a Homosexual Disease.

If I would have been talking about ALL humans in this discourse, then that's what I would have put. In this particular instance, I was referring to homosexuals. I hate it when they pass HIV along. I don't hate the homosexual. Now, of course, it isn't just a gay disease. But it certainly is more prevalent per capita in their population than in heterosexuals. The point is not to label HIV/aids as a homosexual disease. Look, I'm not trying to start any crap with you, buy perhaps you are just a little sensitive about that particulaur subject. No offense intended. Hey, I hate it when heterosexual people pass along herpes....

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