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Hardway hates gay people


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I'm sorry, where did I say I was an expert of the Bible? And the only thing that I can say that I truely hate is you Sean O and people like yourself who bash not just one religion, but all of them. ApparlentlyI have some knoledge of the Bible, since I am the only one here who has stood up for it.

Actually Sean O has said good and bad things both about several religions. Just because one chooses not to believe everything he/she reads doesn't mean he is bashing the religion. After all, its ignorant people like yourself who create the cause for pointing out faults in such texts.

Did I really just read that?

That's was my first though too.

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I'm sorry, where did I say I was an expert of the Bible? And the only thing that I can say that I truely hate is you Sean O and people like yourself who bash not just one religion, but all of them. ApparlentlyI have some knoledge of the Bible, since I am the only one here who has stood up for it.

So are you saying he should stick to bashing just Christianity? I'm not sure what your argument is here.

Some people need religion in their lives. Some don't. Why do some feel the need to make sure others live according to a religion they don't believe in? Isn't that part of the freedom that we sought in this country, when our DEIST, NOT-SPECIFICALLY-CHRISTIAN forefathers laid down the laws? I respect the teachings of Jesus, but not the letters from Paul. I rule out the supernatural stuff entirely. Why must I live by things I don't believe in?

So homosexuality is wrong according to a book whose content you believe in. It's not even mentioned in my copy of Common Sense or Two Treatises of Government or A Year in Provence (the three books that happen to be sitting in front of me right now).


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He said the Bible was full of garbage, hows that not bashing someone religion since it is the Holy Book of their faith.

He also said it is full of good advice too but it is overlooked because you want to focus on said garbage.

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He said the Bible was full of garbage, hows that not bashing someone religion since it is the Holy Book of their faith.

And you said that you truly hate people who "bash not just one religion, but all of them." I thought the implication was that bashing one religion was okay, but bashing religion in general was not. Which seems the opposite of what it should be to me. What's good for the goose is good for the gander as they say.

But I don't know if that's exactly what you meant by it.

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Well, if you're going to use the bible to justify your bigotry, at least be consistent, the bible also states quite clearly that those who work on a Sunday should be stoned to death.

Yet here you are on a website devoted to a sport, that every summer flagrantly disregards the bible and works on the sabbath?

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I'm not trying to say every American as a nonbeliever is ideal, but whatever happened to one having their own personal outlook on faith and god, and how it all fits into the world and their lives?

My vision of American society isn't one that's a nation of UNGODLINESS OMG. I don't mind religion if it doesn't constantly interfere with politics, and isn't all cult-like. I don't mind what a persons religious beliefs are. Its when people treat a person poorly simply because they don't share the same beliefs that irritates me.

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I didn't mean I was sexually confused by his reply, KC. Just kidding. (Dammit...KC edited his post, rendering my joke un.funny.)

But I think this is part of progress. It took us awhile as a civilization to get to the point where we don't discriminate based on race, color, or religion (I, and I figure SeanO is probably this way too, only push back when I'm feeling oppressed by beliefs that aren't necessarily mine). It will take even longer to accept different sexual orientations as well.

Here's a quote for you, KC....

I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My mind is my own church.
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What if I said I hate terrorists. Oh yeah, now everyone's gonna rally behind me and make me look like a king. I did use the word hate, right?

Well, Terrorist were assumed to be the ones that crashed the planes into the Twin Towers so how can you compare that to "homosexuals" who have done noting to you or America? You cannot compare apples and oranges.

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yeah that was printed a while back in an SI article or some other rag - it was story about how freaked out the NBA got when Magic was diagnosed and extreme fear that carpeted the league.

NBA has spent a tremendous amount of money on education in a attempt to quell the players fears.

Sorry for the shock.

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Look, I take a Dostoevsky stand in regards to religion. If you're going to be religious, knock yourself out, but don't be a hate monger about it. I am nearly certain that if Jesus ends up somehow being the son of god, that he won't hate black people, arabs, gays, women, jews, or whatever. He would preach tolerance and acceptance. Using a book written by mankind that has been perverted by every major historical movement over 2000 years to justify personal predilections is not something I see any sense in.

I have a funny feeling people are homophobic or racist because of their upbringing, and justify it using an ancient text. The bible (at least the new testament) could be a beautiful example of man's positive qualities, however it is used for bloodshed and hatred. The same goes for virtually every other religious text.

Me, I like the Tao Te Ching. 81 short chapters that all boil down to "don't hate one another."

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Ok, here's the deal.

I believe in the Bible, and have been a Christian for 7 or 8 years now. That being said, I believe that homosexuality is wrong. I don't believe you should hate someone for any reason what-so-ever, but you can believe that they way they live their life is wrong. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs. But the thing most people are taking way too literally is all of the stories in the Bible.

The Bible is the story of God, and of Jesus. It is basically a history of the world and life and times of people who lived "back in the day" Everything in the Bible is not meant to be taken literally. The Bible is simply a guide for the way a Christian should lead his/her life. If you want a blueprint as to how a Christian is to lead their life, look no further than the 10 commandments. These, and these alone, are the top to bottom guidelines for the way a Christian should live. There are many many many stories, and parables in the Bible. Heck, the Bible even says that women should not speak in church (or something to that extent), but just becuase you read a story in the Bible, does NOT mean that it is supposed to be a "way of life" Obviously the world has changed a lot since the time in which the Bible was written, stonings don't happen in everyday life anymore. Just because there is a story about someone being stoned, it does not mean that Christians should start stoning people for doing wrong.

The 10 Commandments are the blueprint for all Christians to live their life. They say to remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy. This does not mean that if you work on a Sunday you are going to burn in Hell. It simply says to keep the Sabbath day Holy.

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So what stories should we not take literaly? Jesus dieing to save us from hell? Noah's Arc? The story of the ten commandments? Possibly the story of David and Goliath.

Also fred13, Sean O didn't say how anything in the Bible would be good advice. But that people use the story of the New Testiment for bad.

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Jesus' parables, for one. Old Testament morality tales like Job for another.

I believe SeanO said that Jesus preaches brotherhood and acceptance of all people, and that the Bible should be a book of beautiful advice. Or something along those lines.

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Where the hell did he post that, certainly not in this thred [sic].

When? Since you can't seem to go back and read for yourself... he said it HERE:

At best, the bible should be taken as a general guide for action. The point of the new testament is that Jesus wanted the best for all of humanity, not to randomly exclude people on sociological bases.

The bible has much that is good, and much that is horrific. Take from it the good, without hating anyone. Make sense?

...and here...

I have a funny feeling people are homophobic or racist because of their upbringing, and justify it using an ancient text. The bible (at least the new testament) could be a beautiful example of man's positive qualities, however it is used for bloodshed and hatred. The same goes for virtually every other religious text.

There ya go. You are completely focusing on Sean O's assertion that he feels that at least SOME of the bible is "garbage." You are ignoring that he said that it is a text meant to guide Christians' lives, and it could be a wonderful and positive thing - except that man has continuously perverted its meaning and intention to use it to justify their own pre-existing hatreds and vendettas.

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Maybe Tim Hardaway needs to just shut the hell up! He is no better then a racist. Pathetic comments, from a pathetic human being.

Absolutely right!! The man is pathetic and ignorant. How does a homosexual teammate affect your game or make you uncomfortable in the locker room. And it does make him no better than a racist, since they have the same ridiculous agenda! I hope he will never be hired by any network, and the NBA was right to disassociate themselves with this dimwit...

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