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Hardway hates gay people


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Ok, I said that the Arab people I do know, I dont get along with. That dosn't mean I hate a whole race. And OMFG could mean "Oh my freaking goodness." I try to be a good Christian. To say I was a perfect Christian would be a lie. Nobody is. So before you jump all over me for not being the Perfect Christian, why dont you take a look at yourselfs, because you certainly aren't the perfect citizen either.

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Never once claimed to be perfect, or even a good citizen. I do know that I didn't come onto a message board with over 40,000 people and say "I hat Arabs", and "homosexuals make me uncomfortable".

That sir, is just not good etiquette. It shows a lack of maturity, and ignorance. If you cannot see that, then nothing that is said by myself, or anyone else will change your opinion.

Not that it makes a difference, but if I remember correctly, you are just young, in high school, so hopefully when you branch out into the world, your opinions of others will change.

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I don't see anything wrong with the homosexuals make me uncomfortable comment. He is in highschool, so girls probably make him uncomfortable as well. Anyone that can be sexually attracted to you can make you uncomfortable while you are in highschool.

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I know I tend to drone on and on in my sentences. I tend to think in long drawn out sentences, and I talk/type/write exactly how I think. Thanks for the professional help in the conjunction subject.

Oh, I wasn't saying you did that, I meant my students do!

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Never once claimed to be perfect, or even a good citizen. I do know that I didn't come onto a message board with over 40,000 people and say "I hat Arabs", and "homosexuals make me uncomfortable".

That sir, is just not good etiquette. It shows a lack of maturity, and ignorance. If you cannot see that, then nothing that is said by myself, or anyone else will change your opinion.

Not that it makes a difference, but if I remember correctly, you are just young, in high school, so hopefully when you branch out into the world, your opinions of others will change.

How bout that, neither did I, I said I didn't like them. Hate and not liking are totally different. Here's a mini example.

Ok, I dont like my mothers Meatloaf. But if its for dinner, do I eat it, yes.

I hate sqash. So if its being served do I eat it? No.

Just a simple explanation of how I distinguish not liking, and hating.

And is it wrong to say that thay, homosexuals, make me uncomfortable? I never said I hated them, but what I did say is that I just dont talk to them. Does that make me a hater? No, it dosn't.

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I don't see anything wrong with the homosexuals make me uncomfortable comment. He is in highschool, so girls probably make him uncomfortable as well. Anyone that can be sexually attracted to you can make you uncomfortable while you are in highschool.

Haha! Real funny! Hey moron, your bus just left.

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Ok, I said that the Arab people I do know, I dont get along with. That dosn't mean I hate a whole race. And OMFG could mean "Oh my freaking goodness." I try to be a good Christian. To say I was a perfect Christian would be a lie. Nobody is. So before you jump all over me for not being the Perfect Christian, why dont you take a look at yourselfs, because you certainly aren't the perfect citizen either.

There's a big difference between being a good citizen and being a good follower of one's belief. I may not be a good citizen because I don't believe in some of my government's policies, but that in now way makes me a bad Zoroastrian, that would in fact make me a better believer in that I am following the principle of free thought.

The problem with what you have just said though is that you believe it is acceptable to "sin" in the ways that you do but not "sin" in the ways that others do. I put sin in quotation marks because the word can only be used in a subjective context, and in my own opinion I don't believe in sins. And don't give me **** about OMFG, you know what it means and you knew how you were using it. It was also your choice to write "I hate people of Arab descent", whether you apologized for it after or not doesn't change that if their was not any truth to it, you would have written it differently. And the fact that later on you states that you said it because you don't like Arabs because of the Arabs around you just proves your ignorant personality.

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Hey, funny or not it is probably true. Are you telling me that you feel completely comfortable around members of the fairer sex? Lies, all lies. lol.

Ok, walk down the streets of your town, or even the halls of your school, and start asking guys if they would feel uncomfortable seeing gay guys helping eachother change in gym class. Odds are most people would be uncomfortable.

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How bout that, neither did I, I said I didn't like them. Hate and not liking are totally different. Here's a mini example.

Ok, I dont like my mothers Meatloaf. But if its for dinner, do I eat it, yes.

I hate sqash. So if its being served do I eat it? No.

Just a simple explanation of how I distinguish not liking, and hating.

And is it wrong to say that thay, homosexuals, make me uncomfortable? I never said I hated them, but what I did say is that I just dont talk to them. Does that make me a hater? No, it dosn't.

Big difference with disliking your mothers meatloaf, and a whole race of people. If your so matter of fact about it, then that makes it all that much scarier.

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Ok, walk down the streets of your town, or even the halls of your school, and start asking guys if they would feel uncomfortable seeing gay guys helping eachother change in gym class. Odds are most people would be uncomfortable.

I wasn't talking about homosexuals at the time. I was saying that you most likely feel very uncomfortable when you get around people you are sexually attracted to. One more thing, I don't go to school.

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Wouldn't he be called a "gayist?"

No, on a side note, whats the big deal. There's people i know that are gay, and I, well, I dont hate them, but I wont talk to them either. So he says he hates gay people. Big deal. I dont like people of arab dissent, does that mean that CNN should bang on my door asking for an interview?

Ok, see here, I have put in bold font the sentence that I want you to see, and the word that I want you and everyone else to see is bold and itialic. See here, it says like, not hate. Maybe you fools will get it right.

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I wasn't talking about homosexuals at the time. I was saying that you most likely feel very uncomfortable when you get around people you are sexually attracted to. One more thing, I don't go to school.

No, I dont get uncomfortable around girls.

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Ok, see here, I have put in bold font the sentence that I want you to see, and the word that I want you and everyone else to see is bold and itialic. See here, it says like, not hate. Maybe you fools will get it right.

One of the funniest bits of sophistry i've seen lately. Kudos, my good man.

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I said I didn't like them. Hate and not liking are totally different. Here's a mini example.

Ok, I dont like my mothers Meatloaf. But if its for dinner, do I eat it, yes.

I hate sqash. So if its being served do I eat it? No.

Just a simple explanation of how I distinguish not liking, and hating.

And is it wrong to say that thay, homosexuals, make me uncomfortable? I never said I hated them, but what I did say is that I just dont talk to them. Does that make me a hater? No, it dosn't.

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I DISLIKE your horrible outlook on other races and sexual orientation, and I HATE that you don't understand how pathetic, and mean-spirited you look.

I put it in bold and capitals, so you could see where I am coming from.l

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