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Hardway hates gay people


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I DISLIKE your horrible outlook on other races and sexual orientation, and I HATE that you don't understand how pathetic, and mean-spirited you look.

I put it in bold and capitals, so you could see where I am coming from.l

There you go, now you see where I'm coming from too. Maybe we can go back to the topic of this damn thred now.

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Ok, I've been insulted so much lately I dont know if this is a compliment or another insult.

It isn't an insult. I think a lot of people, myself included, where taken back by your comments, but I also have had enough interaction with you in other threads to know that your not a bad guy.

Like I said, you are still young enough, that hopefully this isn't a "dislike" that you will carry with you forever.

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Odds are its not. My dad's a very racist guy, and this reflected on my in 5th grade when on the bus I told a black kid to go back to Africa. He replied by beating the tar out of me. That was the last day that I hated black people. In fact, I became good friends with that kid afterward.

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I said I didn't like them. Hate and not liking are totally different. Here's a mini example.

Ok, I dont like my mothers Meatloaf. But if its for dinner, do I eat it, yes.

I hate sqash. So if its being served do I eat it? No.

so let me get this, you dislike gays, but you would still do one?

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No, I never said anything close to that. I dont like or support homosexuality. I truely believe that this is not only wrong, but kinda gross as well. What I am saying though is that if I was paired up with a gay guy at school for a project, or if I had to play on the same sports/gym team, that I will participate, and not act like a total jackass about it.

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No, I never said anything close to that. I dont like or support homosexuality. I truely believe that this is not only wrong, but kinda gross as well. What I am saying though is that if I was paired up with a gay guy at school for a project, or if I had to play on the same sports/gym team, that I will participate, and not act like a total jackass about it.

This is actually the most honest post I've seen in this whole thread. Yet, sincewe've become a nation of wussies, we cannot admit that weare uncomfortable with certain behaviors or practices. Look, before the flaming starts, I am not hammering gays here. I'm just saying that as much as someoe who opposes what medric says here, medric has as much right to express his opinions in the matter as anyone else. And truth be told here, his points are no less valid than anyne elses. I've seen SCORES of threads heralding the "virtues" of being gay. That is their opinion, and it's valid. Medric does not think being gay is a virtue. That is another valid opinion. What makes his opinion any less valid than the opposite? Is it because somewhere down the line, we've decided through whatever pressure the media or special interest or lobbyist groups couldbring that gays are now to be equated with racism? Who knows? But it is UTTER hypocrisy to flame medric for disliking gays or their behavior and then say that you don't like the way medric thinks or you dislike medric's views on this. What is the difference? If one practices their beliefs and lives by them, then certain behaviors are not acceptable. In some religions, that belief system calls for that group's elimination. I can assure you that Christianity does NOT. I can discourse on other religions I've studied, but I will not do that here, because of fact that I believe this subject has become a politcal football, to be tossed for political gain and public acceptance, and many decent people have been forced to shut up about it for fear of being labled "intolerant" or "racist" or "hateful", which is really not the case. The saddest part of this, is the way we are herded into accepting something that we don't agree with based on our moral beliefs and teachings. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO COMPARE THIS TO NAZIS, MINORITIES, HUMAN RIGHTS, YADA YADA YADA. This line of argument is feeble at best and has no real comparative attributes. I salute you medric, for your honesty. I may or may not have different opinions about the subject, but it's OK to disagree with something that you see as immoral. Do not let intellectually arrogant bullies push you around on this issue. If you have strong moral beliefs about this, then follow your heart and follow what you know is right. But always remember, hate is DESTRUCTIVE. Love overcomes all, and love is the only real solution to all of this mess.

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This is actually the most honest post I've seen in this whole thread. Yet, sincewe've become a nation of wussies, we cannot admit that weare uncomfortable with certain behaviors or practices.

I'm uncomfortable imagining any of my friends or co-workers having sex. Hetero, homo, lesbian, bi...it doesn't matter.

But I interact with homosexual co-workers on a daily basis and I'm never like, "Oh, I'm interacting with a homosexual." It's more like, "I'm interacting with a colleague."

That's what I don't understand about this whole thing.

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The problem with public figures expressing their truth self is that it can affect the way other people think. Let's say there's a lot of fans supporting Tim Hardaway. As a model to young children, some might be put off by his views on gay, while other will adopt this type of thinking or strengthen their view that gay is "gross and disgusting" and should be hated and/or segregated in public places. I think those are the reason why public figure should keep all those hate thought to themselves.

On the personal level, you can think all you want and I have no problem with it, but it's best you don't express it as your thought can have an effect on the younger community.

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