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Israel Baseball League to form


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Actually, the first team has been named by the league: The Jerusalem Gefilte Fish.

I've actually heard about this a couple of times before. I know that Israel might have a WBC Team in '08, which means they could have players like Shawn Green or Brad Ausmus. However, here's one thing I noticed: If you look on the poll, it says "What do you think of the IBL's plan to end tie games with a Home Run Derby?" WHAT?! That's awful! Isn't there always that thing called extra innings? It seems they're just trying to get some people interested in this rather than having a legitimate league which I think is pretty annoying...

Still, this sounds pretty cool. I might even create their uniforms if I can get some good pics.

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Actually, the first team has been named by the league: The Jerusalem Gefilte Fish.

ROFL The first thing that came to mind was Rush Hour when Chris Tucker was on the plane arguing how to say that.

Gefilte Fish!

Interesting that they're starting a league, it's good to spread baseball more internationally, soon there could be talented players coming directly from these countries baseball is starting to grow in.

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Alright, let's hear it for Matzoh Ball!

Maybe some of the Arab countries can form teams too and they can take the fight to the ballfields and stop killing each other.

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I always thought wars would be better if they didn't exist at all...

anyway, unfortunately I doubt they'll have it on ESPN. It's probably much too small, and ESPN probably thinks there's not a big enough market. They also probably see it as the same as like the Australian Baseball League or the Mongolian Baseball League (Though I somehow doubt one exists...). Still, I hope it will be accessible somehow - probably on the radio in Israel.

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