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The Shield


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The Shield is an amazing show, best on television IMO. This past season was outstanding, leaving a cliff-hanger that was the most shocking in recent memory. The second half of the season starts next month, and I cannot wait.

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Best show in the world.

Love 24 - but all it really does is hold me over between Shield episodes. Absolutely can't wait for the season to start - last season was entirely too short.


For the record, Vic Mackey could kick Jack Bauer's ace. Just sayin.

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I tried watching 24, but I dont like it that much. It seems like a mix between an action show and a soap.

I like a tv show on the CW called "Supernatural." Last season it was awesome, but its kinda slipping now.

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I saw Chiklis was also in The Commish. I remember the show vaguely, but I remember a movie, probably low distribution, of a similar name from decades ago. Any recollections.

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I saw Chiklis was also in The Commish. I remember the show vaguely, but I remember a movie, probably low distribution, of a similar name from decades ago. Any recollections.

remember the show - not the movie. don't remember many details about it though, so i don't know how much i liked or disliked it.

i can say with 100% certainity though that Chiklis wouldn't beat up Jack Bauer in his Commish days - only after he morphed into Vic Mackey did he gain his supreme ***-kicking powers.

all this talks makes me even more ready to get this season going.

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