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MVPMOD07 League - League Chat


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Hey guys, I was hinted to that the 14 team and CI and MI positions would cause great problems for the rosters. If enough people would kindly tell me their opinions of the league, I'll be more than happy to change it to a "general" preference. Thanks.

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Nothing to do with the league, but a little rant about fantasy baseball;)

I signed up for a Yahoo public league to practice drafting, see where players are, normal round they are taken in, and **** like that.

Except my power went out.

Now what I do for pre-ranking, is put people in the pre-rank position for late rounds and they're very low ranked, so it makes it easier to find them and I can remember them.

So I get to select with the third pick. And that person was...

Mike Sweeney.

Pujos and Reyes took first, leaving me so many options, and I got Sweeney.

Second and third round I atleast gor Mauer and Victor Martinez (I had gotten bored and pre-ranked my catchers, only position I did that for). Fourth round was Chris Duncan, who'll hopefully keep getting playing time even if he can't play defense. Greg Norton in the 5th, Helms in the 6th (Hopefully he can play fulltime like he did last year parttime...), and Craig Wilson in the 7th. Then I finally came back.

SO yeah, needless to say, my team sucks. ;P I'm not too worried though, last year I got David Lee in the first round and still got by wouthout him. Just have to watch the waivers like a hawk.

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