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List the most important mods I need to enjoy MVP 05


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Hi guys,

I just received mvp 05 and could you guys let me know which mods will make the games the most enjoyable and realistic and also can you play this game with xbox 360 wired cntroller. One more thing if i am doing a fresh install what order do i install these mods or patches in....thanks again

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  \ said:
just install the 07 mod


As far as installation order, here's what I did:

1) Installed the base MVP05 game

2) Downloaded and installed EA's official patch #5

3) Downloaded and installed the 07 Mod

The 07 mod has a built in installer that will do EVERYTHING for you.

Krawithan has posted a very good step by step instruction on how to get the 360 controller working on the PC. All links that I tried to follow here were broken but I ended up finding the aforementioned instructions over at EAMODS.COM

hope this helps and good luck

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  \ said:


As far as installation order, here's what I did:

1) Installed the base MVP05 game

2) Downloaded and installed EA's official patch #5

3) Downloaded and installed the 07 Mod

The 07 mod has a built in installer that will do EVERYTHING for you.

Krawithan has posted a very good step by step instruction on how to get the 360 controller working on the PC. All links that I tried to follow here were broken but I ended up finding the aforementioned instructions over at EAMODS.COM

hope this helps and good luck

only #3 needed, it reinstalls the game and installs patch #5, then installs the 07 mod

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  \ said:

only #3 needed, it reinstalls the game and installs patch #5, then installs the 07 mod

Just to clarify, Kraw was saying that step #3 in the aforementioned list was the only thing you REALLY have to do. You don't even have to install MVP05 ahead of time.

The installer that comes with the MVP07 mod will ask you for the original game CD's during install. It copies all the needed files from the disks itself, then updates them with the neccesary official patch, then installs all the MVP07 updates.

There are a couple little hiccups here and there - but Kraw and his fellow modders are working on a patch that will fix them. It should be out fairly soon. In the mean time - it is definately enjoyable. I play it every day with no problems.

The primary things being fixed by the upcoming patch are some cyberface issues (a handful of players in the game have the wrong faces on them), an issue involving the location of the pitch-meter if you're pitching using the behind-the-pitcher cam (camera #6, I think), and a couple other minor things.

The MVP07 mod really is the best way to go.

EDIT: The patch to update the MVP07 mod is in its final testing phase on the site where MVP07's primary development took place. What this means to you - is that it should be out pretty soon.

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  \ said:
will that give me the most up to date rosters and all the patches i need

After you download the 07 Mod, watch on the "New Downloads" section of the homepage for new roster updates, such as KG's, Ultimate, or Swingin' Soriano's rosters.

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  \ said:

Just to clarify, Kraw was saying that step #3 in the aforementioned list was the only thing you REALLY have to do. You don't even have to install MVP05 ahead of time.

The installer that comes with the MVP07 mod will ask you for the original game CD's during install. It copies all the needed files from the disks itself, then updates them with the neccesary official patch, then installs all the MVP07 updates.

There are a couple little hiccups here and there - but Kraw and his fellow modders are working on a patch that will fix them. It should be out fairly soon. In the mean time - it is definately enjoyable. I play it every day with no problems.

The primary things being fixed by the upcoming patch are some cyberface issues (a handful of players in the game have the wrong faces on them), an issue involving the location of the pitch-meter if you're pitching using the behind-the-pitcher cam (camera #6, I think), and a couple other minor things.

The MVP07 mod really is the best way to go.

EDIT: The patch to update the MVP07 mod is in its final testing phase on the site where MVP07's primary development took place. What this means to you - is that it should be out pretty soon.

Any Updated news on which stadiums are crashing to desktop?

Everyone seems to have different stadiums crashing..

I know of the ANA, but I have Texas and Seattle Night time crashing now on me..

Whats the latest?


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  \ said:
so once i download the 07 mod i can install any roster file

You can install ANY roster file ANY time you want. The 07 Mod already has the most up to date rosters, though.

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