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Need some help


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i need some help with a project i got for my english class in high school. i have to read M*A*S*H: A Novel About Three Army Doctors for a report and i did. now though i have to pick a painting to represent themes or characters from the book.

the question i have is can anyone find a cliffsnotes, sparknotes, or any summary/theme explanation thingie for that book, ive taken some time to look for it but cant find one anywhere

any help is appreciated

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its about an ARMY hospital during the Korean War. There's also a movie about it.

Want to advice? If you go to the public library, you can ask them to order some cliffnotes for you. They will, usually. They did for me at least, but then again, I'm in a program there that helps pay for college.

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actually the tv show spun off of the movie which spun of the book.

M*A*S*H* was one of the greatest films made during the 70's, which IMO were the glory days of film making. Its infinitely better than the TV Show.

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actually the tv show spun off of the movie which spun of the book.

M*A*S*H* was one of the greatest films made during the 70's, which IMO were the glory days of film making. Its infinitely better than the TV Show.

Thats usually how it works.

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