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Official Stadium Request Thread

Sean O

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I did see this one yet but I remember Pirate talking about doing an updated Jacobs Field (I apoligize if it has already been done). Jacobs Field re-did their Center Field picnic plaza into a new gallery to honor their all time greats and hall of famers called Heretige Park. It would be sweet to have that incorporated.



There are some galleries and footage of what it looks like. You guys are amazing with these stadium mods.

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Hey Pirate/Sean O/others:

How hard is it to get into Stadium making? It seems very very very really hard.

It's about 90% experience. Just download Pirate's incredibly complete FAQ, and start futzing around. You'd be shocked at what you can do after a little while.

Patience is the #1 most important thing. The community is a great resource, but there's no greater stumbling block to learning modding than having to ask for every answer. Just Do It.

Hey Pirate/Sean O/others:

How hard is it to get into Stadium making? It seems very very very really hard.

It all depends on what you want to do really. If you just want to change ads here and there, it's not that bad. However if you want to change the structure at all or the OF dimensions with the correct collision data, then it may get a little trickier. A lot of people are scared off by it, but it isn't as hard as it looks. It's been a little easier for me because I've done some major changes already so now it's just tweaking what I have. But if you want to produce something from scratch - be prepared to be glued to your computer for quite some time. I've put in hundreds of hours in on my Fenway and Oriole Park mods over the past two years to get them where they are now. So I wouldn't call it hard, just time consuming.

Big O is absolutely correct. I, for one, am not into the ads-tweaking aspect, and so I live in oedit. I only do graphics to make it generally feel like the new park, and hope a Pirate or a paulw or someone excellent in graphics will come by to touch everything up.

Big O spending hundreds of hours on a single park is just incredible, and the reason why they both look so great.

Well, right now I'm bogged down with lots of school work and job applications so I'm happy if I get a chance to put some portraits for myself or classic players in MVPedit (which I'm just learning to do, BTW). I would love to lend a hand and help out with stuff, especially since some of my ideas are pretty out there. See my post on page 5 to see what I mean.

Big O is absolutely correct. I, for one, am not into the ads-tweaking aspect, and so I live in oedit. I only do graphics to make it generally feel like the new park, and hope a Pirate or a paulw or someone excellent in graphics will come by to touch everything up.

Big O spending hundreds of hours on a single park is just incredible, and the reason why they both look so great.

Yeah I just played Fenway and it's unbelievable how much detail is in it. All these new mods have really inspired me. You guys really took it to another level! I'm currently trying to update Dodger Stadium and put in the new foul territory and make it look real and less cartoony.

The removable.O find is quite helpful. I'm learning how to edit the wall.dat files. Quick noob question, what is the difference between the coll.dat and the wall.dat? I havn't really tried the coll.dat much all I notice is more numbers lol.


Hot damn, you're back.

Coll.dat isn't even worth dealing with. None of it makes any sense, and so modifying it won't make any appreciable difference. I attempted to make Duffy's Cliff for Fenway to no avail, and since then I've given up.

Coll.dat takes care of any collision objects that do not affect home runs, while wall.dat takes care of any HR data.

Wall.dat is tricky, but it's mostly an organizational issue. What I do is use notepad to write down every point the game recognizes currently, and plan out its eventual location. Then, I just use notepad's replace to take care of it.

If you can handle the foul territory thing at Dodger Stadium, you've clearly got it all figured out. Then we just need you to bring the foul territory back to the 1960's position...

Yeah I just played Fenway and it's unbelievable how much detail is in it. All these new mods have really inspired me. You guys really took it to another level! I'm currently trying to update Dodger Stadium and put in the new foul territory and make it look real and less cartoony.

The removable.O find is quite helpful. I'm learning how to edit the wall.dat files. Quick noob question, what is the difference between the coll.dat and the wall.dat? I havn't really tried the coll.dat much all I notice is more numbers lol.

The wall.dat file determines foul balls and HRs, basically the limit of the playing surface and surrounding walls. The coll.dat is for general collision data in and outside the stadium.

For example the batter's eye in CF in my Lauderdale mod. Balls hit above and beyond the 401 ft. mark in CF needed to be called HRs so I edited the wall.dat to make this change. However the balls would still pass through the CF batter's eye, so to make them bounce off it, I had to edit the coll.dat file. So now if a HR is hit above the 401 mark, it will bounce off the batter's eye yet still be called a HR.

Thanks for much needed info Sean O and Big O! I think I found an easier way to work with wall.dat files.

I edited the wall.dat of Dodger Stadium and took out the duplicate instances I ended up with 133 uniques. I found a Sycode plugin for Autocad and it imported the text file and plotted these coordinates.

I can also export the the exact points back out. Unfortunately the plugins were only trial lol, dunno if it's worth 50 bucks yet. I think it does take out some of the legwork out.

Do you guys know an easier or cheaper way of work with xyz coordinates?


Not the oedit file lol I wish! The wall.dat file, which is essentially a text file. I could have just imported all the wall.dat=wall.txt into autocad but I would have had a lot of redundant points grouped up together.

1. wall.dat save as wall.txt

2. (optional) edit the wall.txt remove the multiple coordinates for clarity

3. Import the wall.txt into Autocad using plugins.

4. Edit away. The coordinates stay perfect. I was surprised how well autocad works with it.

Found a free xyz import plugin here:http://www.jefferypsanders.com/autolisp_IMPORTXYZ.html

I suppose I don't need to essentially export the coordinates since I'm not really going to change all the wall.data. You might find useful since you make parks from scratch.

Im going to see if this works with coll.dat files. The other Sycode plugin lets you export as txt but its $50 I think.

I also found an Oedit to Oif plugin that actually worked and could open the oif file in Zmodoler1>save as Zmodoler 2 file. Was useful for mapping out locations, but UV editing isn't possible like Oedit is. Unfortunately you can't import back into Oedit. Thanks to ChicagoCubs720!


If you're going to be fooling around with collision points, might I suggest using the Crawford Box of Minute Maid as your guinea pig?

I loaded up MVP for the first time in a long time tonight and lost a game when a ball got by a diving Carlos Lee and rolled into the wall, and then behind it. Where it stayed invisible as I ran Lee back and forth trying to make him pick it up. Damn you, Xavier Nady!

They removed very little of the motiff last year, so I never updated it. If they get around to it this year I am willing to make the changes. I just need photos. Heck that goes for all my stadiums. Get me photos from this year and I will try to update them.

I will not be making any new stadiums or major overhauls to my work though. Just cosmetic changes like new adds.

Pirate, First of all, thanks for all the hard work you've done... I've never actually posted here, but I frequent the site regularly and enjoy all of the mods, especially the stadiums.

Concerning Comerica Park, is it possible to physically move the bullpens over to left field? I think that is the biggest thing missing from Comerica Park right now, that and adding in new seating in Right Field where the bullpens used to be. They've made other various improvements, changing the RCF scoreboard from a manual one into a LED board (as in the picture below)






If I get High Resolution photos of The Roger Centre will someone be willing to do it? I'll be going to a lot of the games this year so I should be able to get some nice reference pictures....

I'm new here on the forums so I don't know how things work here. I do however visit a great hockey forum so I think I can get along...

Every year I take pictures of the changes at Dolphin Stadium when I go to our home opener. I've already notified hyman and gotten him the new ads and updates to Dolphin Stadium. He'll be working on them after his Yankee Stadium update.

Just keeping you guys posted.

Before anyone asks, and I know they will, I'm not planning on designing Minnesota's new abortion of a ballpark.

I'm seriously wondering if it would be better for me to simply create what their park should have been, instead of what they're getting. Truly another pathetic effort from your local neighborhood sadists at HoK.

View the mess here: http://wcco.com/slideshows/local_slideshow...55/view?slide=0

Before anyone asks, and I know they will, I'm not planning on designing Minnesota's new abortion of a ballpark.

I'm seriously wondering if it would be better for me to simply create what their park should have been, instead of what they're getting. Truly another pathetic effort from your local neighborhood sadists at HoK.

View the mess here: http://wcco.com/slideshows/local_slideshow...55/view?slide=0

I actually like it. I won't make it, but I like it.

I have a few questions:

1) I searched through this entire thread for any sign of U.S. Cellular Field (and also searched for it), and couldn't find it. Is there one out there?

2) I was wondering if Pirate or Sean or Big-O could add the milk jug into the Metrodome? I understand it's probably a difficult thing to add, but it's now become such a staple in the dome.


I don't know who these two people are, but they got a decent shot of the jug: http://www.mollyknight.com/MollyChrisMetrodome.jpg

3) There is a new add on the right field baggy as well. Sadly, I've exhausted my resources to find a picture of it so early in the season. Hopefully one will spring up so you guys could add that.

Thanks for your time and all the great stadiums you guys have shelled out.

rogers centre! ... it's far more blue then it used to be, alot of the cement has been painted, looks much better, and the ring of excellence is missing as well as the scoreboard ribbon they've had the passed 2 years, would be a nice upgrade!


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