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Help with a purchase


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So I got about 1,800 back on my taxes this year and I have wanted a home theater projector for a while now and have decided to go ahead and purchase one. Only problem being I know nothing about these things. What should I look for? What matters? I found one on newegg.com for 699 that's regularly 1,299.


Is this a good deal? I know that it's a 4:3 aspect ratio, that I don't care about b/c I'm not a fan of 16:9 widescreen. Plus this has a built in DVD player, and is a high definition projector. Is this a good buy? What's the verdict?

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do not buy anything that is 4:3, I do not care if you like 16:9 or not. sometime next year the FCC is making all broadcast stations support 16:9 and do away with 4:3. No more analog stations digital all the way all the time. It is to free up frequencies for other needs

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that's a very good point.

question though, if one only has a native 16:9 ratio would that make cureent 4:3 ratio stuff look all weird?

I just bought a new 52in HDTV (widescreen) recently and I think it's great. At first, the standard definition (4:3) looked a bit weird, and it still does at times, but you get used to it after awhile. Most HDTV's also can display it full-screen, though you'll lose several inches of your bigscreen with the sidebars not in use. You said projector, do you mean a rear projection (what I have) or front projection? Front is like a movie projector onto a screen, whereas the rear proj projects the image from behind the screen and is part of the screen itself. I don't really know much about the front.

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