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Ann Coulter . . .


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Here is a quote from Ann Coulter referring to John Edwards:

"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word "[enter homosexual reference here]," so I — so kind of an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards."

Man, Coulter always seems to give me a good laugh when I need it....


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Pffftt!! "Denounce" a columnist?? She's not a politician...she's a commentator!! Has anyone listed to IMUS in the morning and ever heard the inferences this liberal cadavor has made about conservatives? Please. Howard... Dean baby... where are you on this?

But I love what Rush has been saying all week that if J.E. becomes president, we'll have to crown him the first female president!! Sorry, Hillary.

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My hatred towards Ann Coulter (And Rush Limbaugh) aside, I have to say this: Where does she have the room to talk? She's a single, very masculine woman who has an Adam's apple? And she's accusing John Edwards of being a homosexual? Last time I checked, Edwards has multiple children.

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I don't know why anyone bothers listening to Ann Coulter. When someone dips into hate speak so often, he or she becomes no different from a grand dragon of the klan.

She's pathetic.

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^^^^^^^^The guy makes a very good point in that article, Im not taking anyones side. If your going to get outraged over that homosexual remark, then when a guy says that it would be better if someone was dead, you say nothing, act like everything is kosher. Thats just being hypocritical. Calling names is a whole out different than saying someone should die. Neither of these remarks offend me, and think the first one is funny. Though the second one is just sortv'e disturbing, and if I was to get upset over one and send death threats it would be over saying someone should die just because you dont agree with their view points. Look I might disagree with someone's view but that doesnt mean they should die. Though to you that think that "well if it was your canidate or the guy you liked that got called a childish name then you would be outraged too." I don't have a guy I like, they are all idiot's. I just believe fair is fair.

Is the term really that offensive that it warrants death threats? I mean school children call each other this all the time, they get over it. Our adult society is so screwed up, if you just watch it. I mean the homo's hate christians because christians hate their lifestyle. How does that make the homo's any better than the christians. The christians should say I was born this way too, so everyone feels sorry for them too. Oops I didnt mean to get on my soapbox about how our society is so screwed up. I am a happy person, really I am.

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If you are a homosexual good for you... :balloons: but do I have to hear about it constantly.....I would love to watch a Rosie vs Ann debate....it would show how stupid both sides are................ :protest:

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I mean the homo's hate christians because christians hate their lifestyle. How does that make the homo's any better than the christians. The christians should say I was born this way too, so everyone feels sorry for them too.


1). Christians aren't born Christian. There is no biological basis for being a particular religion, while there is for being gay. Religion is a purely sociological construct.

2). Log Cabin Republicans, look it up.

3). Gays have a completely logical reason for hating the homophobic regardless of their religion, for the same reason blacks have for hating racists. I'm not a big fan of coddling those who would seek to limit my civil rights, regardless of the situation.

You are just wrong on so, so many levels.

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Oops I didnt mean to get on my soapbox about how our society is so screwed up. I am a happy person, really I am.

This hateful crap is on both sides of the aisle, no side gets a pass and no side is better than the other. Unfortunately we have lost all civility and the press fuels this. Ideology over country.

America has met the enemy, and he is us. It's unfortunate.

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1). Christians aren't born Christian. There is no biological basis for being a particular religion, while there is for being gay. Religion is a purely sociological construct.

2). Log Cabin Republicans, look it up.

3). Gays have a completely logical reason for hating the homophobic regardless of their religion, for the same reason blacks have for hating racists. I'm not a big fan of coddling those who would seek to limit my civil rights, regardless of the situation.

You are just wrong on so, so many levels.

Point 1

I love the fact that anyone that disagrees with you, is wrong on so many levels. I have no problem with a person wanting to consider themselves homosexual, but when they say they was born that way, its just kind of retarded really. I mean look at all the gays that have turned from the lifestyle that SAID I WAS BORN THIS WAY. I mean you put any two same sex species together on nuetral turf they may try to mate with each other but its going to end in a standoff or lead to a fight if its two alpha males over the turf and the same goes for most female species as well. I know people that have bred various animals over the years, they havent reported one homosexual animal, and all of the animal documentaries have never reported a gay couple. The idea is ludacris that all the other species in the world have attraction to the same sex, but you put two same sex humans in the room together and you mind as well flip a coin. I don't think so. Yes, I have heard the testosterone theory. That some males get too little and females may recieve to much at a certain magical time in the womb that leads to homosexuality. It's amazing this never ever happens in the animal kingdom but make the jump to humans and its possible LoL. Now I believe depending on the levels of hormones that the creature receives will cause varying levels of dominance and submissive behavior, but changing the sexual preference is just a little out there in left field for me. Therefore I beleive that homosexuality is a sociological construct. I will believe this until you show me 2 same sex animals (other than humans) in a lovefest and not trying to kill the other one for trying to mate with it. Then we have the fact that homosexuality no matter what anyone says or believes goes against most dominant rule in nature. The urge to reproduce for the survival of the species. If youve got pass the 6th grade I think you understand the fact it takes one male and one female to reproduce. I dont think questions like this will be on are you smarter than a fifth grader. The idea is that as humans we are no more than any other creature. We are made up of the same basic dna as every other creature in the world, its just arranged a little bit different. We are 96% similar to a most primates in this world.

Point 2.

Log cabin republicans, what does this have to do with anything i said. WoW! theres a republican organization that supports gay and lesbians. Gee! There are christians that accept them too. www.faithinamerica.com

Point 3.

Logical has never made blasted thing in this world right. If logical make things right than you have the mentality of 5 yr old. The point was that hate doesnt make hate right. I find homosexuals very hypocritical people. "People shouldn't hate people. Then they say I hate people that dont accept me." That is total BS. Martin Luther King, Jr. (you know the major guy in blacks civil rights movement) he promoted that everyone should get along and be equals. Speaking of civil rights, If you dont believe me on the fact that people feel sorry for gays and are against christians on this battle. Then google Christian Hate Crime Bill. First off everyone has a freedom to religion. Second of all if a christian is following the bible as it says to the T, than they do not hate homosexuals. The bible specifically tells the CHRISTIANS TO LOVE THE SINNER, and HATE THE SIN. This means that they can live peacefully with sinners, does not mean they have to approve the sin. Anyways how did anyone coddling your civil rights get brought into this.

Sean 2 rules that will help in the future

1. Theory isn't proof, just something that a guy in a lab coat came up with.

2. Logic does not make something right.

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I love how the previous user posted a 500 word rant, that was completely nullified by one post from ty.

There is proof that homosexuality, at least in humans, is biological. Since you are saying something contrary to this, you are wrong. Simple as that.

The bible says a lot of garbage, and the parts on homosexuality are no different. There is no such thing as hating the sin and not the sinner, since they go together hand and hand.

Learn how to spell and use proper grammar before attempting to act like you know of what you speak. You just come off looking worse than you would otherwise; an impressive feat given your statements.

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"There is no such thing as hating the sin and not the sinner, since they go together hand and hand."

Under the belief that homesexuality is something you are born with, then this statement looks right.

Under the belief that it is not something you are born with, then yes, indeed you can dislike what someone does and not hate that person.

itmike, if you use demeaning language, that just tailspins everything into one angry hateful thread.

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Well that site proves nothing.... Its just a bunch of pictures with pointless captions. Here try this... http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20..._gayanimal.html I knew that pack animals engaged in homosexual activities for pleasure. That makes them bisexual. Bisexuals just want to have fun. Though there is a huge difference between homosexual and bisexual. They just get each other off for fun its not like they are geared just to only one sex. This in my opinion is no different than self pleasure its just for fun. Does it really matter what stimulates you, your still going to enjoy it. They still have the desire to reproduce for the survival of the species and seek a strong healthy opposite sex mate. I know a person that chooses to live this way because they dont trust men, but she says she was born that way. I just laugh at them. When she was younger her bestfriends boyfriend put her friend in a wheelchair. Six months later she was born that way amazingly.

There is a difference between hating a person and hating what they do. They are not one in the same. Does the man that have a drug addict as a son hate his son? No, he may hate the fact that his son is a drug addict but he doesn't hate his son.

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Bisexuals just want to have fun.

I gotta admit it, itmike, that did give me a good laugh and I really have no idea why (lack of sleep, perhaps?). :lol:

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I gotta admit it, itmike, that did give me a good laugh and I really have no idea why (lack of sleep, perhaps?). :lol:

I'm sorry but I also did laugh. I blame this on my :yernuts:
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Well that site proves nothing.... Its just a bunch of pictures with pointless captions. Here try this... http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20..._gayanimal.html I knew that pack animals engaged in homosexual activities for pleasure. That makes them bisexual. Bisexuals just want to have fun. Though there is a huge difference between homosexual and bisexual. They just get each other off for fun its not like they are geared just to only one sex. This in my opinion is no different than self pleasure its just for fun. Does it really matter what stimulates you, your still going to enjoy it. They still have the desire to reproduce for the survival of the species and seek a strong healthy opposite sex mate. I know a person that chooses to live this way because they dont trust men, but she says she was born that way. I just laugh at them. When she was younger her bestfriends boyfriend put her friend in a wheelchair. Six months later she was born that way amazingly.

There is a difference between hating a person and hating what they do. They are not one in the same. Does the man that have a drug addict as a son hate his son? No, he may hate the fact that his son is a drug addict but he doesn't hate his son.

Actually, by definition, a bisexual person/animal is homosexual and heterosexual.

Also, just because you believe you know the reason why the woman you know is gay, doesn't make it the correct reason. But, even if you are right, that doesn't prove that all other people that claim to be born that way are lying or wrong.

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Im not against any sexuality be it bi, homo, or hetero. I just simply believe that sexual preferences is not something that you are born with. It is a preference you develop through life experiences.

Edit: The idea is that as humans we do things that please us and repeat them. If sexual preferences was biological it would be determined by genetics and you would truly have been geared to one sex. Though in the beginning you would truly get a mix of specimens that due to complexity of genetics that would go hetero, bi, and homo. In that matter of speaking the homo's would cease to exist very early in the history human life due to inability to reproduce. Even though you did provide some evidence of gay animals you showed no proof that this was not determined by life experiences, and not determined by biological matters. The animals were most likely just repeating pleasurable life experiences. If you experience a pleasurable life experience you are likely to desire it. I smoke cigarettes. I wasn't born this way. Though if I dont have one I will strongly physically desire one due to the previous release of endorphins from smoking in previous life experiences. These endorphins are released during alot of a activities such as sexual behavior, drug use, and even eating. Addiction and repeated behaviors are strongly linked to the release of endorphins.

I am very open to educating myself. So if you offer solid proof that people are born this way, I will gladly change my POV. Solid proof being equal to the law of gravity, humans have to have oxygen to continue living. I do not except theory has proof. Test it make it law and repeatable I will happily believe.

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