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Which team would you like to see in a dynasty?


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Hey guys, I have been trying to do a Reds dynasty, but so far, not alot of participation. I was wondering if there is anything I could do better, or anything you would like me to add that would make it more enjoyable to follow??

I am getting the hang of doing a dynasty, but Im just not having as much fun as I would like, so I am asking for your opinions on......

1. What team would you like to see in a dynasty? (I dont want to do one where there are alot of the same teams) Since you guys are reading them, it would be more informing, from your opinions on which team I should be.

2. What extras would you like to see added? Is there a way that I should approach it a little more directly, more stats maybe? More in depth analysis? You give me the 411, kind of like the forums dynasty, so to speak :)

I will leave this run for a couple days, and check in on it briefly, to get your opinions. I want all of you that are doing one to give me a shout out on it. I think it will be fun to do it this way, because that will make it fun for me, to make it for you, knowing you will follow it.

Im gonna do a fantasy draft, so its gonna start from the first pick in the draft, and info on potential draft picks, and winter meetings, along with players union agreements and so on.....you get the idea. I want to make it as you would see it on espn or the local news, things of that sort.

Let me know, and I will go with the most suggested team, and that will be the final decision.


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What you have going (Reds dynasty) is good.

I personally don't really like fantasy draft, but that is just me. I tried it once or twice but I just like it that much. One thing I have noticed is that people tend to start liking dynasties that are very unique. My advice to you would be to probably grab ideas from different dynasties and incorporate your own twist and present that.

Also, small market teams seem to get a little more attention than say a Red Sox dynasty. Also, to me, I tend not to be too interested in dynasties in which there a lot of deals and half the team is traded by the first month or so.

Guess thats about enough of me typing. Looking forward to your dynasty. Take care.

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I was thinking that also, but I guess I just needed a second opinion. I was also thinking, since there was so many Reds dynastys, that not many people were following. I know what UncleMo was talking about, when he said people start them, and never finish them. My first one was exactly like the one I have going now, but that one got fouled up because I didnt use the patch, and the rosters didnt match up, with the ones I was using for mvpedit. This one is ok, but it just doesnt have the type of roster I want, to start. I guess I should have did a little more research before starting.

So small market teams huh?, sounds good, I know someone has a Royals Dynasty now, so thats out, but maybe a Minnesota Dynasty, and it wouldnt take much to get it off the ground either, because there is a lot to work with.

Thanks guys, I will give it thought, and see what I can come up with. I dont really want to trade anyone away, and keep everything as intact as possible, so we shall see.

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Listen to redsox, he made a good post there :wtg:

Well you say that because hes a red sox fan :p

jk, hes right. Make it original, and an interesting team. a youth based team like the marlins should work well, but the reds dynasty isnt bad at all.

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How about the Rangers, you never read dynasties with them

Mav3rick was doing Rangers I thought, its cool though. I know the Fish are really popular, Ive seen alot of dynastys on them. I havnt seen many White Sox, Indians, or Twins.

Why not do a minor league dynasty?

I was wondering too, but dont you think it might be a little boring to read a AAA dynasty? Im not saying it would be a bad thing, but it is AAA......lol

I def dont want to use the Red Sox, not because of who they are, dont get me wrong, but it would be to easy to win with them. That team could easily win the pennant this year, and Im not kidding.

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Hey guys, I have been trying to do a Reds dynasty, but so far, not alot of participation. I was wondering if there is anything I could do better, or anything you would like me to add that would make it more enjoyable to follow??

Here is the thing that I've noticed: People will follow and post very little. It is tough to get members to post in your dynasty "all the time." So, most of your posts are going to be your own and people just reading along.

I am getting the hang of doing a dynasty, but Im just not having as much fun as I would like, so I am asking for your opinions on......

I think it will be fun to do it this way, because that will make it fun for me, to make it for you, knowing you will follow it.

Well, this is the most important part. It has to be fun for you. But the question you must ask yourself is this: "If I'm not having fun with this team, am I going to have fun with a different team?"

Im gonna do a fantasy draft, so its gonna start from the first pick in the draft, and info on potential draft picks, and winter meetings, along with players union agreements and so on.....you get the idea. I want to make it as you would see it on espn or the local news, things of that sort.

This is something you have to think hard about. Sure it looks nice, but in the end, is it worth it? This seems to be how a lot of people get tired of posting their dynasties b/c of the time consuming effort. So, again, ask yourself this: "Am I going to burn myself out adding the "extras" before I even get to the game?"

Let me know, and I will go with the most suggested team, and that will be the final decision.

Since you will be doing a fantasy draft, does it matter what team you pick? Of course there is the payroll differences, but that can be adjusted and you can give any team any amount of payroll money (You can keep the Marlins payroll or give them the Yanks payroll).

Now, for my opinion for this dynasty. I don't personally follow fantasy drafts. For me, I like the real thing with little or no trading. Although you pulled off trades, I was enjoying your Reds dynasty b/c it was the Reds. The reading part can go either way for me. I enjoy reading sfgiantsflgators' dynasty b/c of his writing style, but I check in with redsox's dynasty and just follow the box score (he does have a good visual presentation too). I don't think you're going to get the posts and interaction that you are hoping for and it's not b/c of you or your abilities; it is b/c that seems to be the way it is.

One final thing - Finish what you start. This has been stated numerous times. If you quit every other week, people will stop checking in on your dynasty. So, if you want my personal recommendation, continue with your Reds dynasty.

Hope this helps as it's just my two-cents. Take care.

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You know the Twins wouldn't be a bad idea. That team would be something that I would like to follow. These are some of my other suggestions:

(1) Braves

(2) Tigers

(3) Cubs (though not really a small market team, but I am yet come up on a dynasty done with them).

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I def dont want to use the Red Sox, not because of who they are, dont get me wrong, but it would be to easy to win with them. That team could easily win the pennant this year, and Im not kidding.

But doesn't this counter your idea of doing a fantasy draft? You won't be using the 2007 Red Sox, so it shouldn't be too easy to win with them. :chin:

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Hey Oxbay, you are totally right on bro and I repect your opinion, and I think I am gonna take redsox advice on the fantasy draft and scratch that idea. Yes it will be fun, but I rushed into it like a dumb@$$, because I came on and saw people doing these, and thought what the heck, Id give it a try. Although Im not doing bad, and I thank you for saying so. Its not so much the responses, I was thinking it might just be the same 4 or 5 people stopping by to read up.

I know I am new to the forums, and to the site, so people dont really know me either, and that doesnt help my case.....lol but I know some of you guys now, and hopefully I can work on that some more over the course of weeks and months to come. I promise, this Dynasty, will be the one. No cutting it off after 5 games, because it sucked to me, or it wasnt this or wasnt that. Give it a chance, follow it, and after about the 10th or 15th game, stop by and drop me a line if you want. Im not looking for comments, but those who do leave them, it is always appreciated, and im sure you guys know that. Hopefully it will keep you entertained...........ok guys :flux:

I hope to keep all of you on board

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But doesn't this counter your idea of doing a fantasy draft? You won't be using the 2007 Red Sox, so it shouldn't be too easy to win with them. :chin:

I know, i should have reworded it after redsox made his suggestion, just before.

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This is something you have to think hard about. Sure it looks nice, but in the end, is it worth it? This seems to be how a lot of people get tired of posting their dynasties b/c of the time consuming effort. So, again, ask yourself this: "Am I going to burn myself out adding the "extras" before I even get to the game?"

I see what you mean bro, but its not the extras, that burns me out, its the fact I settle on a roster, before I am done with it, because I try to do to much instead of just going with what I already have. I hate trading away, and try to not do it as often, but if I cant get a roster to be competitive enough on a certain level, than I defeat my purpose, and get aggrevated with my own idiocy, if you know what I mean. So in retrospect, I will get the team with the roster close to what I like, already intact. Make one trade to improve it, but it has to be of fair value to the other team, I dont care one way or the other about my own fairness....lol Players I like, make it easier to play more often, because I want to try harder to win with them.

although being a Reds fan, its tough when you are not sold on all of your own teams players, but thats normal for any team, I suppose.

I will start on it today, get the roster ready, and be ready for the first update later this afternoon. I wont let you guys down this time, following through with it, at least till I get emiminated from contention....lmao

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No, I decided after careful thought, the team that is my second fav.

Since I have been trading alot, with the Indians, I decided, why not just be them. I love the young players they have, and the pitching staff is solid, plus I love Sowers, hes gonna be fantastic. I want to rebuild the bullpen, and rid myself of Peralta. Im planning my attack as we speak, and have downloaded alot of new things for the opening ceremony....lol Oh, not to give anything away, but a surprise new manager, but one that is not a manager now, or was ever one, but his dad was.............shhhhhh

Someone has the fish working already, and there is a Rangers one also working. The Tigers would have been a nice choice, I do like their power and pitching.

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I for one was really enjoying reading your reds dynasty. You said in an earlier post that the reds had been done a lot, but I've only seen one or two reds dynasties that lasted very long. I hope you will reconsider the reds. I don't post much in forums but I would definitely follow along. Good luck with whichever team you choose, but I hope it's the reds.

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I for one was really enjoying reading your reds dynasty. You said in an earlier post that the reds had been done a lot, but I've only seen one or two reds dynasties that lasted very long. I hope you will reconsider the reds. I don't post much in forums but I would definitely follow along. Good luck with whichever team you choose, but I hope it's the reds.

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Besides mine, I saw Janitor and another one, but Im not sure if they gave up or not. Thats why I did it, I dont want to compete against another guy, if he has the same team as I do. Kind of like, not ruffling feathers, so to speak. So to avoid that, I think it would be safer to do one nobody is doing at this moment, even though Janitor hasnt been up to date since the 22nd of Feb, and chances are, he might not finish, but I didnt want to take that chance.

Let me get this together, and tonight when I have rested, and have too much time on my hands, I will start to peice it together, and hopefully, will be enjoyable to read as before, but be alot more fun for me to do. Hell, I already have a ton of crap ready to post up, but I need sleep, so i will catch up with you guys tonight, those of you that will be on later.

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