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The Great Global Warming Swindle


[video width=326 height=400]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9005566792811497638&q=%22global+warming+swindle%22&hl=en

This is an interesting new documentary on Climate Change that was just out in Britain last Thursday. It is already on google video, and whatever you think about global warming, this video will definitely help you learn!

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This documentary is just what the title explains it is: a convenient explanation to a problem we'd all rather not face. Simply ripping off Al Gore's title was probably not the best idea for a documentary.

Regardless of what these "scientists" say, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has concluded that it is 90% certain that recent climate change can be attributed to human intervention over the last 50 years. They upgraded this stat in February from "likely" to "very likely" in the time since they last met six years ago.

The argument that global warming doesn't exist is becoming more of an uphill battle by the day, and the recent testimony of one of the most impressive congregation of scientists in the world speaks volumes to this fact.

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Yeah, I wouldn't believe a word of it. It's like the fact that literally 99% of all scientific research papers on global warming say that it is true, while only about 55% of general public news (stuff in the newspaper, TV, etc.) say it is certain to be true. What's even more annoying is that it's almost like they're saying "Since we say that global warming doesn't exist, we can now chop down forests and spill oil into the ocean and build more power plants." I mean, what do they want to prove by making this, besides that Al Gore is wrong? (Which he clearly isn't - not only is he not wrong, the whole global warming "movement" if that's what you want to call it.) That it's all a government conspiracy for us to recycle more? Shame on us recycling! Even if it supposedly "wasn't our fault" that's no excuse for still not caring about the environment of something. These kinds of "documentaries" annoy me so much...

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Anyone who denies global warming isn't happening or it isn't the fault of chemical gases coming from factories or cars is a dumbass. This "movie" talks about the "lies" of all of those crazy left wing propagandists, but if you go by that reasoning, then how should we believe these people? Tell the people along the Gulf Coast who've had more and worse hurricanes than any point in history that global warming isn't happening.

As with documentaries like this, there are things they probably left out. I'm sure they found it very easy to leave things out, because global warming is just a gigantic conspiracy by 90% of the credible environmental scientists across the world.

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Global Warming is real. Its slightly caused by humans. It is a natural occurence of rise and fall in temperatures, it will even itself out.

27 hurricanes in 2005 0 in 2006....everything evens out. law of averages.

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Global Warming is real. Its slightly caused by humans. It is a natural occurence of rise and fall in temperatures, it will even itself out.

27 hurricanes in 2005 0 in 2006....everything evens out. law of averages.


The Atlantic hurricane season ended on Nov. 30, and wound up having near-normal activity with nine named storms, including five hurricanes, two of which became major hurricanes of Category 3 strength or higher. An average Atlantic season has 11 named storms, with six growing into hurricanes and two becoming major hurricanes. Unlike the past three years, in 2006, the stronger hurricanes stayed at sea.

27 named tropical storms in 2005. 9 named tropical storms in 2006 (5 were hurricanes).

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There were Hurricanes in 2006, none of them made landfall in the US because of El Nino.

Apparently Martin Durkin, the man who made this documentary, was forced to apologize after a previous documentary of his was filled with lies and was complete garbage. Another person in this documentary also has claimed that clouds are caused by solar rays.

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In europe there was a hurricane from England to Italy.

Its ok man,

Global Warming happens, whether its cause by us is debatable, but everything will even out. This is my opinion, Global Warming is slightly because of humans. Al Gore is trying to teach every kid that the biggest problem in the world is global warming.

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I can see this being the next 14 page thread.

Global Warming is real. People who say it's fake are no smarter than a 1st grader.

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I can see this being the next 14 page thread.

Global Warming is real. People who say it's fake are no smarter than a 1st grader.

Well it could quickly become a 14 page thread of all arguing, flaming B.S. if people are going to start tossing out generalized, inflammatory insults like you just did.

Totally unneccesary. You can state your opinion and/or point without saying anyone who disagrees with you is "no smarter than a 1st grader."


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Aside from global warming, whether or not it is caused by us, we need to keep our planet cleaner. We need to recycle in order to stop filling up our landfills. We need to cut down on emissions and use more public transportation; global warming or not, pollution isn't good for anybody. Just look at Los Angeles.

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Well it could quickly become a 14 page thread of all arguing, flaming B.S. if people are going to start tossing out generalized, inflammatory insults like you just did.

Totally unneccesary. You can state your opinion and/or point without saying anyone who disagrees with you is "no smarter than a 1st grader."


Very Moderator-esque post. Bravo, lol.

Global Warming is false IMO. Where I live it didn't snow until February and all I hear is "Oh no, Global Warming all over the place!" even though it was snowing in California.

Oh wait, what would I know, I'm just a first grader...

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Global Warming is false IMO. Where I live it didn't snow until February and all I hear is "Oh no, Global Warming all over the place!" even though it was snowing in California.

Oh wait, what would I know, I'm just a first grader...

Global Warming isn't necessarily just warmer temperatures. It's the cause of an imbalance of temperatures, in some places they have unusually high temperatures or unusually cold temperatures. The term "global warming" is deceiving in that sense, because it isn't necessarily just "warming". Let's say it snowed 2 feet in Mexico City, that would be global warming, for example.

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Very Moderator-esque post. Bravo, lol.

Global Warming is false IMO. Where I live it didn't snow until February and all I hear is "Oh no, Global Warming all over the place!" even though it was snowing in California.

Oh wait, what would I know, I'm just a first grader...

I actually thought I heard somewhere that global warming could actually cause colder temperatures in some places

EDIT: thanks el_jefe061 for explaining

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Aside from global warming, whether or not it is caused by us, we need to keep our planet cleaner. We need to recycle in order to stop filling up our landfills. We need to cut down on emissions and use more public transportation; global warming or not, pollution isn't good for anybody. Just look at Los Angeles.

Cars these days have very little emmisions, but the older generation cars do have lots of emissions so we need to limit the older gen cars.

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Cars these days have very little emmisions, but the older generation cars do have lots of emissions so we need to limit the older gen cars.

They are more efficient, but the problem is still driving too much. We need to take advantage of public transportation (or at least make it better, because it's a joke here). If any reason to make life easier and not be spending so much time stuck on the Ventura highway.

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global warming is a total farce cooked up to exert even more centralized government control over us than is already in place. it is a conjured up movement intended to cross national boundaries in order to establish a global government. its only aim is to enslave people. weather control and manipulation by governments is an entirely different issue. it has nothing to do with global warming.

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