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A Convenient Truth

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global warming is a total farce cooked up to exert even more centralized government control over us than is already in place. it is a conjured up movement intended to cross national boundaries in order to establish a global government. its only aim is to enslave people. weather control and manipulation by governments is an entirely different issue. it has nothing to do with global warming.

it looks like somebody just read the book 1984

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Global Warming is false IMO. Where I live it didn't snow until February and all I hear is "Oh no, Global Warming all over the place!" even though it was snowing in California.
No offesnse to you personally, d unit, but that's the worse kind of way to judge if something is true or not, that just makes absoloutely no sense - "Oh, people say Converses are really popular, but in my school everyone's wearing Jordans, so those people who say Converses are popular must be liars!" Not necessarily the best example, but you can't say just that it's not true because it's snowing where you live.

so what caused it before us, the earths temp has always gone up and down.

Yeah, by maybe 10 degrees over a thousand year period, but not like now:


And that graph stopped at 1998, so there's still 9 more years of a steady climb.

Really, I don't see why someone would oppose this or would want to think it's not true - what do you think the people supporting it are trying to do? Seriously, do you really think they want to take over the world or something? Yeah, I really think Al Gore and 200 scientists marching behind him would be a dominant political force in the world. Just wake up, stop being ignorant, and stop being hesitant on things that are common sense - like saving the planet. Even if global warming isn't true (which it is), does that mean that you'll stop taking care of out planet? It really just doesn't make sense, how hard can the decision be?

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I love how the main selling point against global warming is always "It's a global conspiracy". These are probably the same people who thought Bill Clinton was crazy for saying there was a "vast right wing conspiracy"

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the planet can take care of itself. it has from a time way before we were born. who do with think we are. our lives are like a breath and we claim to have such authority over the earth. we don't even have control over ourselves. we are so egocentric as to think that somehow we can improve the earth. we are so fragile, we could be here today and gone tomorrow and the world will go on and on without us. we are so pitiful in ourselves. our only hope is in God - the maker of heaven and earth.

global warming = profit and power for the elite. as you are seeing in our world, the love of money is the root of all evil.

love should make the world go round, but i'm afraid that, for the moment, money has taken its place :(

what this has to do with baseball, i wish i knew. now, baseball is mostly very orderly and stays within the lines. what you see is what you get and, for the most part, rules are well followed. quite a difference from the lies, deceptions, and corruption of this world. nothing like a perfectly manicured baseball diamond. a little taste of heaven.

global warming my foot. whenever the media makes an issue of something, you know there's money and power behind it.

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the planet can take care of itself. it has from a time way before we were born. who do with think we are. our lives are like a breath and we claim to have such authority over the earth. we don't even have control over ourselves. we are so egocentric as to think that somehow we can improve the earth. we are so fragile, we could be here today and gone tomorrow and the world will go on and on without us. we are so pitiful in ourselves. our only hope is in God - the maker of heaven and earth.

global warming = profit and power for the elite. as you are seeing in our world, the love of money is the root of all evil.

love should make the world go round, but i'm afraid that, for the moment, money has taken its place :(

what this has to do with baseball, i wish i knew. now, baseball is mostly very orderly and stays within the lines. what you see is what you get and, for the most part, rules are well followed. quite a difference from the lies, deceptions, and corruption of this world. nothing like a perfectly manicured baseball diamond. a little taste of heaven.

global warming my foot. whenever the media makes an issue of something, you know there's money and power behind it.

This has to be one of the most ignorant posts I have come across in my time at MVPmods. How can you say we have no effect on the world. Species before us had an effect, hell, we wouldn't even be here if it weren't for the species we came from. Moreover, where do you think fossil fuels came from. We are currently using up more and more of the Earth's resources, don't you think that eventually we may run out. The Earth has lasted so long before us because there wasn't the technology we use now to ruin the planet, or at least not as much. A major problem is that the media isn't concerned with the climate issue, but rather how well Brittany Spears is doing in rehab. It has nothing to do with egosim that we think we can improve the Earth, or make it worse for that matter. Who do you think invented the CFC's that created the whole in the ozone layer? Then who do you think made the decision to ban Freon gas, which in turn solved the problem? So we can make a difference and its people like you who stand in the way. It has nothing to do with money, its an issue of principle.

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I honestly don't get the theory of global warming. Our ice caps have been melting since the ice age. I thought hurricanes were caused by El Nino. Plus, did Freons really solve the problem?

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Interesting that 30 years ago, all the scientists were worried about "Global Cooling".

Also, any knucklehead can figure out that the Sun is causing global warming. There are changes in the Sun such as solar flares and variations in magnetic field. Changes in the Earth's climate to "the journey of the sun and the Earth through the Milky Way Galaxy.

This is all clearly one big cycle that the Earth is going through.

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Although it is true that sunspot intensity are linked to increases of temperatures over time, we don't know exactly how much it affects us.

my suggestion: Wait until more reasearch is done, our current models are about as efficient as weather forecasting.

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Although it is true that sunspot intensity are linked to increases of temperatures over time, we don't know exactly how much it affects us.

my suggestion: Wait until more reasearch is done, our current models are about as efficient as weather forecasting.

Exactly. You CANNOT go on computer data because we don't have enough information.

But let me just say that Al Gore's documentary is filled with misinformation.

He keeps saying the melting of the snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro is caused by global warming, when the real reason is deforestation. (according to the International Journal of Climatology and the Journal of Geophysical Research)

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Deforestation might contribute to global warming however cause that's less trees to get rid of carbon dioxide but we don't know exactly if it affects our temperature significantly.

Speaking of trees and carbon dioxide, shouldn't more carbon dioxide be beneficial to our agriculture, since this way the plants would be able to use photosynthesis more than photorespiration which is less effective.

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Well it could quickly become a 14 page thread of all arguing, flaming B.S. if people are going to start tossing out generalized, inflammatory insults like you just did.

Totally unneccesary. You can state your opinion and/or point without saying anyone who disagrees with you is "no smarter than a 1st grader."


Yeah, but he is right

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They are more efficient, but the problem is still driving too much. We need to take advantage of public transportation (or at least make it better, because it's a joke here). If any reason to make life easier and not be spending so much time stuck on the Ventura highway.

Actually the emissions are not that different than the past unless you live in cali. Car technology is one of the slowest developing technologies because the car and oil companys want it that way.

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No offesnse to you personally, d unit, but that's the worse kind of way to judge if something is true or not, that just makes absoloutely no sense - "Oh, people say Converses are really popular, but in my school everyone's wearing Jordans, so those people who say Converses are popular must be liars!" Not necessarily the best example, but you can't say just that it's not true because it's snowing where you live.

I wasn't referring to a few people in my town or anything I was hearing this on the local news and some other stations.

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the planet can take care of itself. it has from a time way before we were born. who do with think we are. our lives are like a breath and we claim to have such authority over the earth. we don't even have control over ourselves. we are so egocentric as to think that somehow we can improve the earth. we are so fragile, we could be here today and gone tomorrow and the world will go on and on without us. we are so pitiful in ourselves. our only hope is in God - the maker of heaven and earth.

global warming = profit and power for the elite. as you are seeing in our world, the love of money is the root of all evil.

love should make the world go round, but i'm afraid that, for the moment, money has taken its place :(

what this has to do with baseball, i wish i knew. now, baseball is mostly very orderly and stays within the lines. what you see is what you get and, for the most part, rules are well followed. quite a difference from the lies, deceptions, and corruption of this world. nothing like a perfectly manicured baseball diamond. a little taste of heaven.

global warming my foot. whenever the media makes an issue of something, you know there's money and power behind it.

This is precisely why I am scared of the Religious Right!

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global warming = profit and power for the elite. as you are seeing in our world, the love of money is the root of all evil.

I'm pretty sure Global Warming is the least profitable cause out there. People who are are telling us to conserve energy, etc, would not be out for profit because the less oil, etc, we consume, the more those energies companies would make. Oil is the most profitable and influential industry in the world, so I doubt they would be saying that we should consume less. If anyone were trying to "profit" from global warming, it would be anyone who is involved with public transportation, which is not profitable at all.

If anyone wanted to make money, they'd say drive more and buy more gas.

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i don't know if former vice president al gore is aware that the US soaks every bullet, bomb, and rocket in depleted uranium before using them - leaving radioactivity throughout iraq, killing civillians and OUR OWN TROOPS slowly. i would have to imagine that he is aware of that. just google depleted uranium and you will see that it is presently being used and has been throughout the war.

using radioactive materials in war does not correlate well with caring for our environment. we're concerned about cows breaking wind and its effects on the atmosphere, while DU is being spread throughout the middle east.

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All these films are to make you scared, when your scared you will believe anything, but you cant say that its only co2, co2 is only 4% gases in the upper atmosphere and 2% is humans so... yeah, I think some of the global warming has to do with solar winds.

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Im not worried about the earth, the earth will be here for a while. Earth will be fine with or with out the human race. Everyone thinks that everyone is making a big deal over us taking care of the earth, what we are really doing is taking care of the human race. Now none of us knows exactly when as in the date the human race will no longer be able to live on this planet due to our bad habits and pollution. Though if temps keep rising, it will suck to live here in about 20-30 years. The earth could care less if it has polar caps, we as humans better...

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People forget a major factor of the Gobal Warming argument:

Humans are a natural part of Global Warming.

Global Warming as a phenomenon is false.

Global warming is a natural occurence that has happened for millions of years.

Humans do contribute to it, but we are naturally doing so. Our nature is to create industry to advance technology and with it our planet suffers.

Now people just need to make it natural to be cleaner, to be greener.

This is not a phenomenon and those that say it is are ignoring decades of recent pollution.

It's great that Al Gore has brought a lot of this to public light, but where was he in the 70's 80's 90's? That's rght he was polluting his own ranch, inventing the internet and riding Clinton's coat tails. Gore cares about cash, but if it is a money grubbing politician that makes people a more conscience species.

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It's great that Al Gore has brought a lot of this to public light, but where was he in the 70's 80's 90's?
Actually, if you watched the movie, he had been active in saving environment for about 30 years, starting in the mid 70's.

That's rght he was polluting his own ranch, inventing the internet and riding Clinton's coat tails. Gore cares about cash, but if it is a money grubbing politician that makes people a more conscience species.
I'm not even going to start about how just plain stupid and untrue that is.
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