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A Convenient Truth

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i don't know if former vice president al gore is aware that the US soaks every bullet, bomb, and rocket in depleted uranium before using them - leaving radioactivity throughout iraq, killing civillians and OUR OWN TROOPS slowly. i would have to imagine that he is aware of that. just google depleted uranium and you will see that it is presently being used and has been throughout the war.

Last time I checked, these things are being done by a Republican president and his minions throughout the defense department. With that said, radioactive material is very very bad.

The only thing this other, completely questionable movie from people who have been known to distort the truth has done is say that Global Warming isn't just caused by just CO2. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of the things we pump into the atmosphere besides CO2.

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nobody is stopping the war whether democrat or republican. not a dime's worth of difference in my mind. almost all are millionaires with shared interests. they could care less. they are concerned with population control and they clearly feel that there are too many of us around dirtying things up. to think that the government cares about us is as funny as global warming itself.

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nobody is stopping the war whether democrat or republican. not a dime's worth of difference in my mind. almost all are millionaires with shared interests. they could care less. they are concerned with population control and they clearly feel that there are too many of us around dirtying things up. to think that the government cares about us is as funny as global warming itself.

It's too bad that our President (Who should be impeached for numerous offenses) lied to get us into the war, and now we're in a catch 22. You stop funding the war, you screw over the people over there. You stay, more people get killed. You leave, and Iran walks in and we have 2 Islamic extremist states. What do we do now?

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It's too bad that our President (Who should be impeached for numerous offenses) lied to get us into the war, and now we're in a catch 22. You stop funding the war, you screw over the people over there. You stay, more people get killed. You leave, and Iran walks in and we have 2 Islamic extremist states. What do we do now?

Amen brotha

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they are already screwed. i dont't think that they are thinking too much about global warming. no. more like grief and loss, and food and water - you know more basic things than how do i hook up the tv to the hdmi. the families of the soldiers too. i don't think they're thinking about global warming these days. nope. al gore is a very wealthy man. his dad was rich and powerful. nice of him to highlight global warming for us. lets just chat about it over afternoon tea.

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People forget a major factor of the Gobal Warming argument:

Humans are a natural part of Global Warming.

Global Warming as a phenomenon is false.

Global warming is a natural occurence that has happened for millions of years.

Humans do contribute to it, but we are naturally doing so. Our nature is to create industry to advance technology and with it our planet suffers.

Now people just need to make it natural to be cleaner, to be greener.

This is not a phenomenon and those that say it is are ignoring decades of recent pollution.

It's great that Al Gore has brought a lot of this to public light, but where was he in the 70's 80's 90's? That's rght he was polluting his own ranch, inventing the internet and riding Clinton's coat tails. Gore cares about cash, but if it is a money grubbing politician that makes people a more conscience species.

Whenever a climatologist or some scientist working in a university argues something that goes against Gore's believes, they will be forced to be silent for fear of being fired or have their grants taken away. Its basically a one sided debate.

Anyone who questions the popular rhetoric on global warming is immediately shot down and blacklisted. What ever happened to freedom of speech?

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Whenever a climatologist or some scientist working in a university argues something that goes against Gore's believes, they will be forced to be silent for fear of being fired or have their grants taken away. Its basically a one sided debate.

Anyone who questions the popular rhetoric on global warming is immediately shot down and blacklisted. What ever happened to freedom of speech?

What are you talking about? There's a reason it's seems to be mainly a one sided debate because nearly all of scientists agree that it is real - there's far more evidence backing it up than this so-called documentary. Really, I don't get what you think these scientists and Al Gore are trying to do? Do you think they're going to take over the world? Do you think they choose this rather than infomercials to make money? What's wrong with just saving the damn planet, forgetting about who's who?
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just watched the documentary

most of the facts presented were already known anyway. It's kinda strange to suggest that all scientists and Al Gore are anti-capitalist.

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i don't know if former vice president al gore is aware that the US soaks every bullet, bomb, and rocket in depleted uranium before using them - leaving radioactivity throughout iraq, killing civillians and OUR OWN TROOPS slowly. i would have to imagine that he is aware of that. just google depleted uranium and you will see that it is presently being used and has been throughout the war.

using radioactive materials in war does not correlate well with caring for our environment. we're concerned about cows breaking wind and its effects on the atmosphere, while DU is being spread throughout the middle east.

You're very uneducated on the subject of depleted uranium rounds. I was in the U.S. Army, and I specialized in mechanized infantry weaponry.

You are acting as if the use of depleted uranium is the equivalient of a "dirty bomb" weapon of mass destruction.

Your statement that the "US soaks every bullet, bomb, and rocket in depleted uranium" is completely rediculous and false.

Depleted uranium rounds and used for their armor-piercing capability. Uranium is extremely dense. It is close to 1.75 times denser than lead. Thus, you can make smaller rounds that generate more momentum than a round of equivalent size made of a different material.

Being dense, it is also used as armor plating in our Abrams main battle tanks (old and newer models - anything after the 1997 production runs).

The battle tanks use depleted uranium rounds for their armor-piercing, unguided munitions (sabot), and the Bradley (troop carrier) uses them in its cannon as well. The A-10 anti-tank aircraft can be fitted with depleted uranium rounds for its gatling gun (30mm), and the Marines' Harrier and Apache helicopter can use them as well.

"DU" has been used militarily since the 1970's when the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. were at the height of the Cold War. It is extremely efficient and not nearly as dangerous as people would be led to believe. There was an issue in the first gulf war, that when the Abrams battle tank fired a "DU" A.P. round, there was a fine cloud of depleted uranium dust released into the cabin of the tank. THIS could be hazardous if you are exposed to it again and again and again. Using specialized filters and a new refining process to create the DU slug, this hazard has been eliminated.

Please know what you're talking about before you haphazardly sling B.S. around as propoganda.

War is an unfortuante affair. However, the U.S. military is environmentally concious. However, war is also an unfortunate REALITY. We cannot shoot sunshine and flower petals at eachother. The use of DU is safe, as it is already depleted, meaning it's remaining radioactive life is measured in weeks not years. If you'd prefer, we could go back to using lead, which sinks and diffuses into the earth, contaminating water tables and causing far more frightening health problems than the extremely low levels of background radiation that comes from D.U., which is comparable to standing under high-tension power lines.

If you have a problem with that - you should probably contact your local school district, because land under power lines is extremely cheap, so that is where many high schools build their football fields. Then our children go play on those fields for hours every day wearing a metal helmet.

I am far more concerned about THAT than I am depleted uranium being used for military purposes.

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they are already screwed. i dont't think that they are thinking too much about global warming. no. more like grief and loss, and food and water - you know more basic things than how do i hook up the tv to the hdmi. the families of the soldiers too. i don't think they're thinking about global warming these days. nope. al gore is a very wealthy man. his dad was rich and powerful. nice of him to highlight global warming for us. lets just chat about it over afternoon tea.

You've made no point. How does Al Gore talking about global warming make us forget about Iraq? No one said THEY should be worrying about global warming. In no way is Al Gore related to the war in Iraq. You make it seem like it's his fault we're there and that he's trying to distract us with Global Warming.

You talk about how rich Al Gore's father was, just look at the Bush family. Two generations ago, George W. Bush's grandfather was rich enough to help fund the Nazi war machine. Just google Prescott Bush.

For once, please make a valid point, even if it's right wing extremist babble. Although, that might be an oxymoron...

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You're very uneducated on the subject of depleted uranium rounds. I was in the U.S. Army, and I specialized in mechanized infantry weaponry.

Your statement that the "US soaks every bullet, bomb, and rocket in depleted uranium" is completely rediculous and false.

Depleted uranium rounds and used for their armor-piercing capability. Uranium is extremely dense. It is close to 1.75 times denser than lead. Thus, you can make smaller rounds that generate more momentum than an round of equivalent size made of a different material.

Being dense, it is also used as armor plating in our Abrams main battle tanks (old and newer models - anything after the 1997 production runs).

The battle tanks use depleted uranium rounds for their armor-piercing, unguided munitions (sabot), and the Bradley (troop carrier) uses them in its cannon as well. The A-10 anti-tank aircraft can be fitted with depleted uranium rounds for its gatling gun (30mm), and the Marines' Harrier and Apache helicopter can use them as well.

"DU" has been used militarily since the 1970's when the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. were at the height of the Cold War. It is extremely efficient and not nearly as dangerous as people would be led to believe. There was an issue in the first gulf war, that when the Abrams battle tank fired a "DU" A.P. round, there was a fine cloud of depleted uranium dust released into the cabin of the tank. THIS could be hazardous if you are exposed to it again and again and again. Using specialized filters and a new refining process to create the DU slug, this hazard has been eliminated.

Please know what you're talking about before you haphazardly sling B.S. around as propoganda.

Very well said, i have a friend that just enlisted into the military, he wants to be a Field Artillery Automated Tactical Data System Specialist; and he says that a lot of people throw around bs like they know what their talking about but they dont.

ABC is you watched inconvient truth than you would have seen that what he doesnt tell you is that CO2 ISNT BIGGEST CONTRIBUTER TO GLOBAL WARMING, co2 accounts for 9% of the greenhouse gas.

One other thing,

if some of you watched the documentary, it talked about the little ice age and the midevil warm period, im pretty sure there were no cars, or industrial plants in the medival times, so where did the co2 come from?

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One other thing,

if some of you watched the documentary, it talked about the little ice age and the midevil warm period, im pretty sure there were no cars, or industrial plants in the medival times, so where did the co2 come from?

Go back to the graph i posted on I think page 2. Can you spot the medieval warm period? The little ice age? Now spot global warming. Starting around 1900 or so, there's a steady climb up, and it's not going down at all. It's a lot more apparent than any other climate change, because it's not just a bump in the road. Still, I don't understand why this should matter - wouldn't you still take care of the earth just as much if global warming supposedly didn't exist?
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Go back to the graph i posted on I think page 2. Can you spot the medieval warm period? The little ice age? Now spot global warming. Starting around 1900 or so, there's a steady climb up, and it's not going down at all. It's a lot more apparent than any other climate change, because it's not just a bump in the road. Still, I don't understand why this should matter - wouldn't you still take care of the earth just as much if global warming supposedly didn't exist?

I agree 100% on the taking care of the earth, i just dont think that its co2 from humans that is causing it; which could lead to a bigger problem if we dont know what it is.

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evian water is naive spelled backwards.

Evian is bottled at a spring in the French Alps in a town called Evian-les-Bains. Its been around since 1826 so I doubt its a capitalist conspiracy.

Check your facts first.

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One other thing,

if some of you watched the documentary, it talked about the little ice age and the midevil warm period, im pretty sure there were no cars, or industrial plants in the medival times, so where did the co2 come from?

from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Ice_Age

Here's some info on the little ice age:


Scientists have identified two causes of the Little Ice Age from outside the ocean/atmosphere/land systems: decreased solar activity and increased volcanic activity. Research is ongoing on more ambiguous influences such as internal variability of the climate system, and anthropogenic influence (Ruddiman). Ruddiman has speculated that depopulation of Europe during the Black Death, with the resulting decrease in agricultural output and reforestation taking up more carbon from the atmosphere, may have prolonged the Little Ice Age [20].

One of the difficulties in identifying the causes of the Little Ice Age is the lack of consensus on what constitutes "normal" climate. While some scholars regard the LIA as an unusual period caused by a combination of global and regional changes, other scientists see glaciation as the norm for the Earth and the Medieval Warm Period (as well as the Holocene interglacial period) as the anomalies requiring explanation (Fagan).

Solar activity

During the period 1645–1715, right in the middle of the Little Ice Age, solar activity as seen in sunspots was extremely low, with some years having no sunspots at all. This period of low sunspot activity is known as the Maunder Minimum. The precise link between low sunspot activity and cooling temperatures has not been established, but the coincidence of the Maunder Minimum with the deepest trough of the Little Ice Age is suggestive of such a connection [21]. The Spörer Minimum has also been identified with a significant cooling period during the Little Ice Age. Other indicators of low solar activity during this period are levels of carbon-14 and beryllium-10 [22]. The low solar activity is also well documented in astronomical records. Astronomers in both Europe and Asia documented a decrease in the number of visible solar spots during this time period.

Volcanic activity

Throughout the Little Ice Age, the world also experienced heightened volcanic activity. When a volcano erupts, its ash reaches high into the atmosphere and can spread to cover the whole earth. This ash cloud blocks out some of the incoming solar radiation, leading to worldwide cooling that can last up to two years after an eruption. Also emitted by eruptions is sulfur in the form of SO2 gas. When this gas reaches the stratosphere, it turns into sulfuric acid particles, which reflect the sun's rays, further reducing the amount of radiation reaching the earth's surface. The 1815 eruption of Tambora in Indonesia blanketed the atmosphere with ash; the following year, 1816, came to be known as the Year Without A Summer, when frost and snow were reported in June and July in both New England and Northern Europe.

End of Little Ice Age

Beginning around 1850, the world's climate began warming again and the Little Ice Age may be said to have come to an end at that time. Some global warming critics believe that the Earth's climate is still recovering from the Little Ice Age and that human activity is not the decisive factor in present temperature trends. The scientific consensus is that warming over the last 50 years is caused primarily by the increased proportion of CO2 in the atmosphere caused by human activity. There is less agreement over the warming from 1850 to 1950.

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i think we should all be worried about were the WORLD is headed

Tell me about it... But thats not the point of this thread its whether global warming is caused purely by humans

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"Documentaries" like this have about as much credibility as 9/11 conspiracy films.

Alas my dearest Hory, they never found plane wreckage at the pentagon ;)

Green house gases, and the over deforestation of our trees, is the main culprit. Look at the Amazon rain forest, its 1/3 gone, and they still keep cutting it down.

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Alas my dearest Hory, they never found plane wreckage at the pentagon ;)

You have no idea what your talkin about; You can see videos of planes going into the buildings, and try telling that those planes didnt crash to the people who died on 9/11 and their families.

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As much as I'd like to go after anybody foolish enough to post about "no wreckage being found at the pentagon"... Let's not get off track and start talking about 9/11 or any conspiracy theories about that. Let's keep it about global warming, etc.

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You have no idea what your talkin about; You can see videos of planes going into the buildings, and try telling that those planes didnt crash to the people who died on 9/11 and their families.

I think you missed his point. He's not saying something didn't hit the Pentagon, he's talking about the theories that it was a missile or something else that hit it.

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