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A little help with a graphical background


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Okay here's the low-down.

I am creating a powerpoint presentation that will detail some various features and info about our company. The purpose of this presentation is that it will play (from a DVD) on the TV located in our 2 waiting rooms.

Well I need help with a couple things.


I'm pretty well versed with Powerpoint, BUT - I do NOT know if there is a utility or some other method to put the presentation onto a DVD and have it play in a regular DVD player... any help on this would be appreciated.


Here's where I'm appealing to all the graphical designers who have shown off all their excellent work in here. I would like to have a semi fancy background that would be the template for all of the slides in the presentation... or maybe 2 or 3 backgrounds that I could alternate. I am decent with graphics, but some of the stuff I have seen done in here with sigs and wallpapers simply blows me away.

Basically I'd be wanting something that would be eye-catching and visually pleasing, BUT - it would have to be simple enough that text and other pictures placed on it thru powerpoint wouldn't be overshadowed BY the background. Also, it should really have the business logo in one of the corners somewhere - probably lower left or right.

I'd really appreciate anybody taking a crack at making something like this for me.

Thanks for anyone that is willing to help out.

LINK TO LOGO: http://www.autospaetc.com/grafx/autospa_logo3.jpg

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Try doing a google search for PowerPoint to AVI or PowerPoint to DVD. There are many applications out there for this purpose. Another option would be to use a program like Fraps to record your presentation. You could then burn the resulting .avi to a DVD.

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Thanks carter and thank you, jhath!

That's pretty helpful for question #1!

Now I just need to hope for some graphical wizard to wanna take a quick stab at #2. lol. The way I've seen some people crank out the sigs and wallpapers, I figure it isn't that much to ask. :)

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He is definately among the visual wizards around here. But I know he's busy with TotalMLB and his 3d model stuff... so I'll just wait around for a while to see if anybody volunteers to take a crack at it, before I go directly to people and start hounding them. :)

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Well, in school, I made alot of cash for doing peoples computer projects, and getting them passing grades until the teacher made me start grading them, then people just paid me to write 100's in her book. I'll take a whack at it, and if it looks good IMO, I'll e-mail it to you. OK?

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Sounds good! Thanks man! :)

I did similar stuff - but I kinda want it to look "fancier" than I am really capable of. I do the "professional" look pretty well, but have never really done the fancy stuff with the brushes and strokes etc that some of the Photoshop artists around here do. Hence, all my sigs that I make aren't really in the same class as some of these folks.

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Well, I have a god idea in mind, and so far, its working out for me. My tutor's going to be here soon, so I'll work on it after she leaves, which is after about 15 minuets, lol.

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PM'ed you!

And to anybody else (KC, 59fifty, anyone...) that might wanna take a stab at this - please don't hesitate to do so. I would love to have multiple backgrounds and/or choices.

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I never actually got anything from medric. Let me know if this was just in error, or if you lost interest, med.

Otherwise - anyone else who might want to help me out - I'd be very grateful.

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dude that is AWESOME.

Anything either 640x480 or 1024x768 would be best, but I can make do with anything, probably.

Any way you could do something that looks like raindrops or soap bubbles or something in the background too?

I don't wanna just ask you for a bunch of work tho - so just lemme know if you don't feel like messing with it anymore.

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