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Question on my dynasty


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  \ said:
I presume you mean these three files?




If so, then all three are compressed.

Are these the right files KG?

  \ said:

So many programs so many options. I'll try that tomorrow. Right now, I'm gonna get some Z's.

Is there any way I can play without giving him a generic face? If not, how do I use MVPEditor to give him one?

PS - Sorry for bumping, its just that I have a weekend that isn't busy for once in my life and I was craving my MVP dynasty.

Thanks guys.

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Yep, those were the right files.

Try downloading my cyberface download that has Toby in it, and try reinstalling the face and see if it works. If it doesn't you can give him a generic face easily. Just load a roster into MVPEdit (Open->.mbe, or Import->.DAT files). Look up Toby on the White Sox, go to Appearance, and change his face from 733 to 904 or 901, whichever you think fits him better. Export the roster into the /database folder, and it'll show up in the game.

OR, if you already have a dynasty going, use tywiggins' MVP Editor. Start up your dynasty, Alt+Tab out, search for Toby Hall in the Editor, go to Appearance, and change it to 901 or 904, save, and it'll show up in the dynasty.

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  \ said:
Yep, those were the right files.

Try downloading my cyberface download that has Toby in it, and try reinstalling the face and see if it works. If it doesn't you can give him a generic face easily. Just load a roster into MVPEdit (Open->.mbe, or Import->.DAT files). Look up Toby on the White Sox, go to Appearance, and change his face from 733 to 904 or 901, whichever you think fits him better. Export the roster into the /database folder, and it'll show up in the game.

OR, if you already have a dynasty going, use tywiggins' MVP Editor. Start up your dynasty, Alt+Tab out, search for Toby Hall in the Editor, go to Appearance, and change it to 901 or 904, save, and it'll show up in the dynasty.

Thanks KG - I'll give that a shot and post my results.
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KG - I installed your Toby Hall Cyface files by using kraw's installer and it still crashed. I set the 3 733 files in the models folder popped up by the installer. Did I do this right? If so, do I now have to give him a generic face in order for the game not to crash?


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