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ksm datafile


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ksm does a great job with his datafile and alot of us use his cams in our own datafiles, the latest is great but I did some of my own tweaks and now its perfect. he sliders are all set at 0 but I was getting pounded by all the homeruns and doubles by the cpu and even set the power and contact to -50 and still got slaughtered. Went into the datafile and adjusted the batterai and toned down the power and played what I think was the most balanced game yet. ksm thanks again.

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you must be one hell of a pitcher than, because i had pinpoint control and still got bombed. I changed the batterai and got better results. before the change, i was getting shelled with homers, doubles and down 12-0 before the 5th. what were your sliders?

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I'm using Hoop27's all-star sliders with a few small tweaks.

With no datafile I noticed that the green area on the pitching meter is extremely small. With this datafile its about 3 times as big and pitching is a lot easier. I've also noticed that the hitters are taking more strikes with this datafile too.

I'll play a few more games to try and see what you're talking about but in two games, I've given up a total of 3 runs with middle of the road pitchers.

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I like the variety of hits. The doubles that bounce up against the wall, the homers that barely make it over the fence. It's a nice refreshment from some of the others. But, I too am noticing alot of hits... on both my end and the cpu's. I think a few slider tweaks might be able to make this a pretty damn awesome datafile. Although, I think pitching speed seems very very slow.

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i edited batter ai values 30 and 31 down to 800 and 1.100 respectively and have seen a difference in the amount of hits and also moved the ss and 2b back a bit on standard position, thought they were a little to close especially with no runners on. but the hit variety is awesome.

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well I toned down some other variables in the datafile and had some unreal games. 1st game I trailed 5-3 in the 9th and tied it on a konerko 2 run shot which led to joe crede blasting a game winning solo shot in the 12th. game two santana vs burhle was a classic. i gave off a 3 run homer in the first and shot them down all the way. joe crede started the comeback in the 4th with a solo shot to make it 3-1. remain the same til the 9th with pitchers out of the game and with 8 ks each. dye leads off with a double, crede doubles home dye and crede scores on an rbi single by uribe. tied in the 11th joe crede cranks one to deep left seemingly sure to win with another walkoff, but gets robbed with a over the wall catch keeping the game tied til the 12 where i score on a stolen base and rbi single by iguchi. overall games are much more balanced with the edits. only thing i changed with my sliders were to make contact at -25 and power at 0.

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I wish there was a perfect datafile. I'm trying to get a mix of Fookes and squegeedeadly's to no avail.

I tried KSM's last night and won 2-0, so I did find that pitching was better. If I remember correctly, KSM is the one with the horrible loud crowd during the post season, so I'll be uninstalling this datafile once I get to the end of the season. Maybe it is just his datafile + my crowd mods = A NO NO.

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A quick fielding view tutorial:


Is there a certain fielding view that you like from another datafile or do you want to customize your own fielding view. If you just want to use fielding cams from someone else's datafile it's easy to change. Just use the "Compare It" software program. I've mixed and matched certain things I like in different datafiles before and that tool comes in handy.

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I liked it a lot. I had a lot of fun with it.

My only problem is that I found pitching way, way too easy. I didn't throw any walks. I like struggling when I'm pitching. I currently have the Pitch Meter Difficulty at -25 (which is harder, remember), and pitch control at -25. I'm playing on MVP.

It is still too easy, though. I'm probably going to make it even harder.

But I think it's an awesome datafile so far.

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if anyone wants to try my edited version of ksm datafile let me know, it has the default fielding cams, edited ball physics, harder pitch meter, and adjusted the ss and 2b a little more back on standard. edited contact

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Kumala, I really like your edit. The pitching was way too easy, I thought.

But I liked his fielding view... can you tell me what line of the datafile you edited to take the default fielding view? I'll just copy the old line from KSM's and paste it into your new one.

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