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  • 10 months later...

yea classmates, or i found it helpful for kids i was friends with in middle school and such who moved away and i tracked them down and caught up

its a better, safer myspace i guess

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Before Facebook sold out, they made it College Only by making you register a college e-mail address. There first step to selling out was allowing High School Kids to use it. You had to have an email from a friend who had a Facebook to join. Now that anyone can use it, It is basically another myspace. With these applications now and the fact that anyone can join, Facebook has sold out.

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like classmates but for any kind of group?

How old is Kraw Jr.? You know he is more than likely going to get addicted to Facebook sooner or later.

I knew nothing about the site about 2 and a half, 3 years ago but its totally different now. Its such a great networking site that I actually spend some time on it. I have never touched myspace and probably never will as long as Facebook keeps on improving as it has up until now.

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just about all my friends (except for one) ask me to get off the computer... so i do... and the ONLY website they ever go on is facebook. so i always lmao at that... and they are always like... "eric, why do you always go to that gay mvpmods.com website?" i mean all you can really do on facebook is check to see if you have any friend requests/group invites, and see if anyone comments on you. i dont really see the big deal on face book but i do have one but w/e.

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