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2008 Stadium Mods


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I'll give it a looksie. Where is the problem at (RF/LF, etc.)? I haven't followed the modifications to Kauffman, so I don't know what's been changed since EA's version. I assume a wall was moved graphically and the wall.dat and coll.dat weren't modified?

Seems like the problem extends to all areas of the outfield wall, but most notably left center, center, and right center.

And I'm not sure, but I think Pirate should probably take a look at this, unless he's delegating things to you now. I don't know what stadium modders are up to these days...

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Eh, disregard this post. Somehow missed the two posts that already addressed the problem being cleared up in the 07 update.

There's a problem with the wall & wall collisions in Minute Made Park also. Most noticeably, the left field wall near the Crawford Boxes.

Looking in to the Minute Maid park wall data. When you say "near the Crawford Boxes", what do you mean? I remember when balls and players could get lost up to about a foot into the scoreboard there below the Crawford Boxes, but that has been fixed in Pirates 07 version.

The walls look perfect, but I guess there could be something there I'm missing. I don't play much so I probably haven't seen what you're talking about. The wall just to the right of the Crawford Boxes looks like it will play as a solid wall. Between wall.dat and coll.dat, there aren't any openings for the arches in the walls.

I assume you're using the most recent Minute Maid? Can you go into your datastadium folder, view details and get the date modified off of the minuday.big file?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

What about the Create Ballpark? Is there a new version for that too? There are inaccuracies about the bases. In the base running window the players don't actually go right to the bases or stand directly on them. Needs to be adjusted.

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  • 1 month later...

Pirate, I'm sorry if this has been asked before but with having sold the game, will you be updating any of your stadiums? I was at PNC last night and plan on going back again tonight and was wondering if you'd want me to update the ads, etc for you for 2008.

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Anyone can update my stadiums. Consider them templates at this point. Hardcore you are always welcome to edit my stadiums. I look forward to seeing your work. I miss PNC.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know you all wanted Citi Field in the background... there is some transparency work to be done still, but here is an early look.


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I know you all wanted Citi Field in the background... there is some transparency work to be done still, but here is an early look.


Looks great! Now was that done with just OEdit or did you dive into ZMod yet?

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Hey guys. This was done strictly in Oedit and it really didn't take me more than three minutes to add in Citi Field.

I did get the game again... after EA announced no more PC Madden or NBA Live I knew the only editable baseball game was MVP so I plopped down some cash and got me a copy.

I don't know how much modding I will do, but I will finish Shea. It'll take a while to release because I leave tomorrow morning for Indiana for a week.

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I know you all wanted Citi Field in the background... there is some transparency work to be done still, but here is an early look.


This is mind blowing :wtg:

The top of Citifield is probably the only thing you need to work on.

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Pirate's stadiums will lead us to the promised land

...let's all form a line after Pirate so that we can start the march :club:

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Thanks guys. If it wasn't for the continuous work that you all do and Trues's dedication to this site, there wouldn't be the attraction to this game that there is.

I am glad to share my little bit of work.

Earlier this morning I finished the top of the stadium and the transparency issue. I also began work on the light standards which I had taken off Citi Field in the screenshot posted above.

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Pirate thank you so much!

I just have one little problem that is not a big deal. The retired ads in LF are not stretched all the way over like they are in the night version. In the day version, the ads (which is on a black backround) only stretches out to the foul pole on the day version, but all the way to the end of the blue on the night section.

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